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FETCH(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual FETCH(1)


[править] NAME

    fetch — retrieve a file by Uniform Resource Locator

[править] SYNOPSIS

    fetch [-146AadFlMmnPpqRrsUv] [-B bytes] [-i file] [-N file] [-o file]
          [-S bytes] [-T seconds] [-w seconds] URL ...
    fetch [-146AadFlMmnPpqRrsUv] [-B bytes] [-i file] [-N file] [-o file]
          [-S bytes] [-T seconds] [-w seconds] -h host -f file [-c dir]


    The fetch utility provides a command-line interface to the fetch(3)
    library.  Its purpose is to retrieve the file(s) pointed to by the URL(s)
    on the command line.
    The following options are available:
    -1          Stop and return exit code 0 at the first successfully
                retrieved file.
    -4          Forces fetch to use IPv4 addresses only.
    -6          Forces fetch to use IPv6 addresses only.
    -A          Do not automatically follow ``temporary (302) redirects.
                Some broken Web sites will return a redirect instead of a
                not-found error when the requested object does not exist.
    -a          Automatically retry the transfer upon soft failures.
    -B bytes    Specify the read buffer size in bytes.  The default is 4096
                bytes.  Attempts to set a buffer size lower than this will be
                silently ignored.  The number of reads actually performed is
                reported at verbosity level two or higher (see the -v flag).
    -c dir      The file to retrieve is in directory dir on the remote host.
                This option is deprecated and is provided for backward com‐
                patibility only.
    -d          Use a direct connection even if a proxy is configured.
    -F          In combination with the -r flag, forces a restart even if the
                local and remote files have different modification times.
                Implies -R.
    -f file     The file to retrieve is named file on the remote host.  This
                option is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibil‐
                ity only.
    -h host     The file to retrieve is located on the host host.  This
                option is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibil‐
                ity only.
    -i file     If-Modified-Since mode: the remote file will only be
                retrieved if it is newer than file on the local host.  (HTTP
    -l          If the target is a file-scheme URL, make a symbolic link to
                the target rather than trying to copy it.
    -m          Mirror mode: if the file already exists locally and has the
                same size and modification time as the remote file, it will
                not be fetched.  Note that the -m and -r flags are mutually
    -N file     Use file instead of ~/.netrc to look up login names and pass‐
                words for FTP sites.  See ftp(1) for a description of the
                file format.  This feature is experimental.
    -n          Do not preserve the modification time of the transferred
    -o file     Set the output file name to file.  By default, a ``pathname
                is extracted from the specified URI, and its basename is used
                as the name of the output file.  A file argument of ‘-’ indi‐
                cates that results are to be directed to the standard output.
                If the file argument is a directory, fetched file(s) will be
                placed within the directory, with name(s) selected as in the
                default behaviour.
    -p          Use passive FTP.  These flags have no effect, since passive
                FTP is the default, but are provided for compatibility with
                earlier versions where active FTP was the default.  To force
                active mode, set the FTP_PASSIVE_MODE environment variable to
    -q          Quiet mode.
    -R          The output files are precious, and should not be deleted
                under any circumstances, even if the transfer failed or was
    -r          Restart a previously interrupted transfer.  Note that the -m
                and -r flags are mutually exclusive.
    -S bytes    Require the file size reported by the server to match the
                specified value.  If it does not, a message is printed and
                the file is not fetched.  If the server does not support
                reporting file sizes, this option is ignored and the file is
                fetched unconditionally.
    -s          Print the size in bytes of each requested file, without
                fetching it.
    -T seconds  Set timeout value to seconds.  Overrides the environment
                variables FTP_TIMEOUT for FTP transfers or HTTP_TIMEOUT for
                HTTP transfers if set.
    -U          When using passive FTP, allocate the port for the data con‐
                nection from the low (default) port range.  See ip(4) for
                details on how to specify which port range this corresponds
    -v          Increase verbosity level.
    -w seconds  When the -a flag is specified, wait this many seconds between
                successive retries.
    If fetch receives a SIGINFO signal (see the status argument for stty(1)),
    the current transfer rate statistics will be written to the standard
    error output, in the same format as the standard completion message.


    FTP_TIMEOUT   Maximum time, in seconds, to wait before aborting an FTP
    HTTP_TIMEOUT  Maximum time, in seconds, to wait before aborting an HTTP
    See fetch(3) for a description of additional environment variables,
    FTP_PROXY, ftp_proxy, HTTP_AUTH, HTTP_PROXY, http_proxy, HTTP_PROXY_AUTH,

[править] EXIT STATUS

    The fetch command returns zero on success, or one on failure.  If multi‐
    ple URLs are listed on the command line, fetch will attempt to retrieve
    each one of them in turn, and will return zero only if they were all suc‐
    cessfully retrieved.
    If the -i argument is used and the remote file is not newer than the
    specified file then the command will still return success, although no
    file is transferred.

[править] SEE ALSO


[править] HISTORY

    The fetch command appeared in FreeBSD 2.1.5.  This implementation first
    appeared in FreeBSD 4.1.

[править] AUTHORS

    The original implementation of fetch was done by Jean-Marc Zucconi
    <>.  It was extensively re-worked for FreeBSD 2.2 by
    Garrett Wollman <>, and later completely rewritten to
    use the fetch(3) library by Dag-Erling Smørgrav <>.

[править] NOTES

    The -b and -t options are no longer supported and will generate warnings.
    They were workarounds for bugs in other OSes which this implementation
    does not trigger.
    One cannot both use the -h, -c and -f options and specify URLs on the
    command line.

FreeBSD 9.0 September 27, 2011 FreeBSD 9.0

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