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SMB.CONF(5) File Formats and Conventions SMB.CONF(5)


[править] NAME

      smb.conf - The configuration file for the Samba suite

[править] SYNOPSIS

      The smb.conf file is a configuration file for the Samba suite.
      smb.conf contains runtime configuration information for the Samba
      programs. The smb.conf file is designed to be configured and
      administered by the swat(8) program. The complete description of the
      file format and possible parameters held within are here for reference

[править] FILE FORMAT

      The file consists of sections and parameters. A section begins with the
      name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next
      section begins. Sections contain parameters of the form:
          name = value
      The file is line-based - that is, each newline-terminated line
      represents either a comment, a section name or a parameter.
      Section and parameter names are not case sensitive.
      Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant. Whitespace
      before or after the first equals sign is discarded. Leading, trailing
      and internal whitespace in section and parameter names is irrelevant.
      Leading and trailing whitespace in a parameter value is discarded.
      Internal whitespace within a parameter value is retained verbatim.
      Any line beginning with a semicolon (";") or a hash ("#") character is
      ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace.
      Any line ending in a "\" is continued on the next line in the customary
      UNIX fashion.
      The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either a
      string (no quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given as yes/no,
      1/0 or true/false. Case is not significant in boolean values, but is
      preserved in string values. Some items such as create masks are


      Each section in the configuration file (except for the [global]
      section) describes a shared resource (known as a "share"). The section
      name is the name of the shared resource and the parameters within the
      section define the shares attributes.
      There are three special sections, [global], [homes] and [printers],
      which are described under special sections. The following notes apply
      to ordinary section descriptions.
      A share consists of a directory to which access is being given plus a
      description of the access rights which are granted to the user of the
      service. Some housekeeping options are also specifiable.
      Sections are either file share services (used by the client as an
      extension of their native file systems) or printable services (used by
      the client to access print services on the host running the server).
      Sections may be designated guest services, in which case no password is
      required to access them. A specified UNIX guest account is used to
      define access privileges in this case.
      Sections other than guest services will require a password to access
      them. The client provides the username. As older clients only provide
      passwords and not usernames, you may specify a list of usernames to
      check against the password using the user = option in the share
      definition. For modern clients such as Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, this
      should not be necessary.
      The access rights granted by the server are masked by the access rights
      granted to the specified or guest UNIX user by the host system. The
      server does not grant more access than the host system grants.
      The following sample section defines a file space share. The user has
      write access to the path /home/bar. The share is accessed via the share
      name foo:
               path = /home/bar
               read only = no
      The following sample section defines a printable share. The share is
      read-only, but printable. That is, the only write access permitted is
      via calls to open, write to and close a spool file. The guest ok
      parameter means access will be permitted as the default guest user
      (specified elsewhere):
               path = /usr/spool/public
               read only = yes
               printable = yes
               guest ok = yes


  The [global] section
      Parameters in this section apply to the server as a whole, or are
      defaults for sections that do not specifically define certain items.
      See the notes under PARAMETERS for more information.
  The [homes] section
      If a section called [homes] is included in the configuration file,
      services connecting clients to their home directories can be created on
      the fly by the server.
      When the connection request is made, the existing sections are scanned.
      If a match is found, it is used. If no match is found, the requested
      section name is treated as a username and looked up in the local
      password file. If the name exists and the correct password has been
      given, a share is created by cloning the [homes] section.
      Some modifications are then made to the newly created share:
      o   The share name is changed from homes to the located username.
      o   If no path was given, the path is set to the user's home directory.

      If you decide to use a path = line in your [homes] section, it may be
      useful to use the %S macro. For example:
          path = /data/pchome/%S
      is useful if you have different home directories for your PCs than for
      UNIX access.
      This is a fast and simple way to give a large number of clients access
      to their home directories with a minimum of fuss.
      A similar process occurs if the requested section name is "homes",
      except that the share name is not changed to that of the requesting
      user. This method of using the [homes] section works well if different
      users share a client PC.
      The [homes] section can specify all the parameters a normal service
      section can specify, though some make more sense than others. The
      following is a typical and suitable [homes] section:
          read only = no
      An important point is that if guest access is specified in the [homes]
      section, all home directories will be visible to all clients without a
      password. In the very unlikely event that this is actually desirable,
      it is wise to also specify read only access.
      The browseable flag for auto home directories will be inherited from
      the global browseable flag, not the [homes] browseable flag. This is
      useful as it means setting browseable = no in the [homes] section will
      hide the [homes] share but make any auto home directories visible.
  The [printers] section
      This section works like [homes], but for printers.
      If a [printers] section occurs in the configuration file, users are
      able to connect to any printer specified in the local host's printcap
      When a connection request is made, the existing sections are scanned.
      If a match is found, it is used. If no match is found, but a [homes]
      section exists, it is used as described above. Otherwise, the requested
      section name is treated as a printer name and the appropriate printcap
      file is scanned to see if the requested section name is a valid printer
      share name. If a match is found, a new printer share is created by
      cloning the [printers] section.
      A few modifications are then made to the newly created share:
      o   The share name is set to the located printer name
      o   If no printer name was given, the printer name is set to the
          located printer name
      o   If the share does not permit guest access and no username was
          given, the username is set to the located printer name.

      The [printers] service MUST be printable - if you specify otherwise,
      the server will refuse to load the configuration file.
      Typically the path specified is that of a world-writeable spool
      directory with the sticky bit set on it. A typical [printers] entry
      looks like this:
          path = /usr/spool/public
          guest ok = yes
          printable = yes
      All aliases given for a printer in the printcap file are legitimate
      printer names as far as the server is concerned. If your printing
      subsystem doesn't work like that, you will have to set up a
      pseudo-printcap. This is a file consisting of one or more lines like
      Each alias should be an acceptable printer name for your printing
      subsystem. In the [global] section, specify the new file as your
      printcap. The server will only recognize names found in your
      pseudo-printcap, which of course can contain whatever aliases you like.
      The same technique could be used simply to limit access to a subset of
      your local printers.
      An alias, by the way, is defined as any component of the first entry of
      a printcap record. Records are separated by newlines, components (if
      there are more than one) are separated by vertical bar symbols (|).
          On SYSV systems which use lpstat to determine what printers are
          defined on the system you may be able to use printcap name = lpstat
          to automatically obtain a list of printers. See the printcap name
          option for more details.

[править] USERSHARES

      Starting with Samba version 3.0.23 the capability for non-root users to
      add, modify, and delete their own share definitions has been added.
      This capability is called usershares and is controlled by a set of
      parameters in the [global] section of the smb.conf. The relevant
      parameters are :
      usershare allow guests
          Controls if usershares can permit guest access.
      usershare max shares
          Maximum number of user defined shares allowed.
      usershare owner only
          If set only directories owned by the sharing user can be shared.
      usershare path
          Points to the directory containing the user defined share
          definitions. The filesystem permissions on this directory control
          who can create user defined shares.
      usershare prefix allow list
          Comma-separated list of absolute pathnames restricting what
          directories can be shared. Only directories below the pathnames in
          this list are permitted.
      usershare prefix deny list
          Comma-separated list of absolute pathnames restricting what
          directories can be shared. Directories below the pathnames in this
          list are prohibited.
      usershare template share
          Names a pre-existing share used as a template for creating new
          usershares. All other share parameters not specified in the user
          defined share definition are copied from this named share.
      To allow members of the UNIX group foo to create user defined shares,
      create the directory to contain the share definitions as follows:
      Become root:
          mkdir /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares
          chgrp foo /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares
          chmod 1770 /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares
      Then add the parameters
               usershare path = /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares
               usershare max shares = 10 # (or the desired number of shares)
      to the global section of your smb.conf. Members of the group foo may
      then manipulate the user defined shares using the following commands.
      net usershare add sharename path [comment] [acl] [guest_ok=[y|n]]
          To create or modify (overwrite) a user defined share.
      net usershare delete sharename
          To delete a user defined share.
      net usershare list wildcard-sharename
          To list user defined shares.
      net usershare info wildcard-sharename
          To print information about user defined shares.

[править] PARAMETERS

      Parameters define the specific attributes of sections.
      Some parameters are specific to the [global] section (e.g., security).
      Some parameters are usable in all sections (e.g., create mask). All
      others are permissible only in normal sections. For the purposes of the
      following descriptions the [homes] and [printers] sections will be
      considered normal. The letter G in parentheses indicates that a
      parameter is specific to the [global] section. The letter S indicates
      that a parameter can be specified in a service specific section. All S
      parameters can also be specified in the [global] section - in which
      case they will define the default behavior for all services.
      Parameters are arranged here in alphabetical order - this may not
      create best bedfellows, but at least you can find them! Where there are
      synonyms, the preferred synonym is described, others refer to the
      preferred synonym.


      Many of the strings that are settable in the config file can take
      substitutions. For example the option "path = /tmp/%u" is interpreted
      as "path = /tmp/john" if the user connected with the username john.
      These substitutions are mostly noted in the descriptions below, but
      there are some general substitutions which apply whenever they might be
      relevant. These are:
          session username (the username that the client wanted, not
          necessarily the same as the one they got).
          primary group name of %U.
          the Internet hostname that Samba is running on.
          the NetBIOS name of the client machine (very useful).
          This parameter is not available when Samba listens on port 445, as
          clients no longer send this information. If you use this macro in
          an include statement on a domain that has a Samba domain controller
          be sure to set in the [global] section smb ports = 139. This will
          cause Samba to not listen on port 445 and will permit include
          functionality to function as it did with Samba 2.x.
          the NetBIOS name of the server. This allows you to change your
          config based on what the client calls you. Your server can have a
          "dual personality".
          the Internet name of the client machine.
          the selected protocol level after protocol negotiation. It can be
          one of CORE, COREPLUS, LANMAN1, LANMAN2 or NT1.
          the process id of the current server process.
          The architecture of the remote machine. It currently recognizes
          Samba (Samba), the Linux CIFS file system (CIFSFS), OS/2, (OS2),
          Mac OS X (OSX), Windows for Workgroups (WfWg), Windows 9x/ME
          (Win95), Windows NT (WinNT), Windows 2000 (Win2K), Windows XP
          (WinXP), Windows XP 64-bit(WinXP64), Windows 2003 including 2003R2
          (Win2K3), and Windows Vista (Vista). Anything else will be known as
          the IP address of the client machine.
          Before 3.6.0 it could contain IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses, now it
          only contains IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
          the local IP address to which a client connected.
          Before 3.6.0 it could contain IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses, now it
          only contains IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
          the current date and time.
          name of the domain or workgroup of the current user.
          the winbind separator.
          the value of the environment variable envar.
      The following substitutes apply only to some configuration options
      (only those that are used when a connection has been established):
          the name of the current service, if any.
          the root directory of the current service, if any.
          username of the current service, if any.
          primary group name of %u.
          the home directory of the user given by %u.
          the name of your NIS home directory server. This is obtained from
          your NIS entry. If you have not compiled Samba with the
          --with-automount option, this value will be the same as %L.
          the path of the service's home directory, obtained from your NIS
 entry. The NIS entry is split up as %N:%p.
      There are some quite creative things that can be done with these
      substitutions and other smb.conf options.


      Samba supports name mangling so that DOS and Windows clients can use
      files that don't conform to the 8.3 format. It can also be set to
      adjust the case of 8.3 format filenames.
      There are several options that control the way mangling is performed,
      and they are grouped here rather than listed separately. For the
      defaults look at the output of the testparm program.
      These options can be set separately for each service.
      The options are:
      case sensitive = yes/no/auto
          controls whether filenames are case sensitive. If they aren't,
          Samba must do a filename search and match on passed names. The
          default setting of auto allows clients that support case sensitive
          filenames (Linux CIFSVFS and smbclient 3.0.5 and above currently)
          to tell the Samba server on a per-packet basis that they wish to
          access the file system in a case-sensitive manner (to support UNIX
          case sensitive semantics). No Windows or DOS system supports
          case-sensitive filename so setting this option to auto is that same
          as setting it to no for them. Default auto.
      default case = upper/lower
          controls what the default case is for new filenames (ie. files that
          don't currently exist in the filesystem). Default lower. IMPORTANT
          NOTE: As part of the optimizations for directories containing large
          numbers of files, the following special case applies. If the
          options case sensitive = yes, preserve case = No, and short
          preserve case = No are set, then the case of all incoming client
          filenames, not just new filenames, will be modified. See additional
          notes below.
      preserve case = yes/no
          controls whether new files (ie. files that don't currently exist in
          the filesystem) are created with the case that the client passes,
          or if they are forced to be the default case. Default yes.
      short preserve case = yes/no
          controls if new files (ie. files that don't currently exist in the
          filesystem) which conform to 8.3 syntax, that is all in upper case
          and of suitable length, are created upper case, or if they are
          forced to be the default case. This option can be used with
          preserve case = yes to permit long filenames to retain their case,
          while short names are lowercased. Default yes.
      By default, Samba 3.0 has the same semantics as a Windows NT server, in
      that it is case insensitive but case preserving. As a special case for
      directories with large numbers of files, if the case options are set as
      follows, "case sensitive = yes", "case preserve = no", "short preserve
      case = no" then the "default case" option will be applied and will
      modify all filenames sent from the client when accessing this share.


      There are a number of ways in which a user can connect to a service.
      The server uses the following steps in determining if it will allow a
      connection to a specified service. If all the steps fail, the
      connection request is rejected. However, if one of the steps succeeds,
      the following steps are not checked.
      If the service is marked "guest only = yes" and the server is running
      with share-level security ("security = share", steps 1 to 5 are
       1. If the client has passed a username/password pair and that
          username/password pair is validated by the UNIX system's password
          programs, the connection is made as that username. This includes
          the \\server\service%username method of passing a username.
       2. If the client has previously registered a username with the system
          and now supplies a correct password for that username, the
          connection is allowed.
       3. The client's NetBIOS name and any previously used usernames are
          checked against the supplied password. If they match, the
          connection is allowed as the corresponding user.
       4. If the client has previously validated a username/password pair
          with the server and the client has passed the validation token,
          that username is used.
       5. If a user = field is given in the smb.conf file for the service and
          the client has supplied a password, and that password matches
          (according to the UNIX system's password checking) with one of the
          usernames from the user = field, the connection is made as the
          username in the user = line. If one of the usernames in the user =
          list begins with a @, that name expands to a list of names in the
          group of the same name.
       6. If the service is a guest service, a connection is made as the
          username given in the guest account = for the service, irrespective
          of the supplied password.


      Starting with Samba version 3.2.0, the capability to store Samba
      configuration in the registry is available. The configuration is stored
      in the registry key HKLM\Software\Samba\smbconf. There are two levels
      of registry configuration:
       1. Share definitions stored in registry are used. This is triggered by
          setting the global parameter registry shares to "yes" in smb.conf.
          The registry shares are loaded not at startup but on demand at
          runtime by smbd. Shares defined in smb.conf take priority over
          shares of the same name defined in registry.
       2. Global smb.conf options stored in registry are used. This can be
          activated in two different ways:
          Firstly, a registry only configuration is triggered by setting
          config backend = registry in the [global] section of smb.conf. This
          resets everything that has been read from config files to this
          point and reads the content of the global configuration section
          from the registry. This is the recommended method of using registry
          based configuration.
          Secondly, a mixed configuration can be activated by a special new
          meaning of the parameter include = registry in the [global] section
          of smb.conf. This reads the global options from registry with the
          same priorities as for an include of a text file. This may be
          especially useful in cases where an initial configuration is needed
          to access the registry.
          Activation of global registry options automatically activates
          registry shares. So in the registry only case, shares are loaded on
          demand only.

      Note: To make registry-based configurations foolproof at least to a
      certain extent, the use of lock directory and config backend inside the
      registry configuration has been disabled: Especially by changing the
      lock directory inside the registry configuration, one would create a
      broken setup where the daemons do not see the configuration they loaded
      once it is active.
      The registry configuration can be accessed with tools like regedit or
      net (rpc) registry in the key HKLM\Software\Samba\smbconf. More
      conveniently, the conf subcommand of the net(8) utility offers a
      dedicated interface to read and write the registry based configuration
      locally, i.e. directly accessing the database file, circumventing the


      abort shutdown script (G)
          This a full path name to a script called by smbd(8) that should
          stop a shutdown procedure issued by the shutdown script.
          If the connected user posseses the SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege,
          right, this command will be run as root.
          Default: abort shutdown script = ""
          Example: abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
      access based share enum (S)
          If this parameter is yes for a service, then the share hosted by
          the service will only be visible to users who have read or write
          access to the share during share enumeration (for example net view
          \\sambaserver). This has parallels to access based enumeration, the
          main difference being that only share permissions are evaluated,
          and security descriptors on files contained on the share are not
          used in computing enumeration access rights.
          Default: access based share enum = no
      acl check permissions (S)
          This boolean parameter controls what smbd(8)does on receiving a
          protocol request of "open for delete" from a Windows client. If a
          Windows client doesn't have permissions to delete a file then they
          expect this to be denied at open time. POSIX systems normally only
          detect restrictions on delete by actually attempting to delete the
          file or directory. As Windows clients can (and do) "back out" a
          delete request by unsetting the "delete on close" bit Samba cannot
          delete the file immediately on "open for delete" request as we
          cannot restore such a deleted file. With this parameter set to true
          (the default) then smbd checks the file system permissions directly
          on "open for delete" and denies the request without actually
          deleting the file if the file system permissions would seem to deny
          it. This is not perfect, as it's possible a user could have deleted
          a file without Samba being able to check the permissions correctly,
          but it is close enough to Windows semantics for mostly correct
          behaviour. Samba will correctly check POSIX ACL semantics in this
          If this parameter is set to "false" Samba doesn't check permissions
          on "open for delete" and allows the open. If the user doesn't have
          permission to delete the file this will only be discovered at close
          time, which is too late for the Windows user tools to display an
          error message to the user. The symptom of this is files that appear
          to have been deleted "magically" re-appearing on a Windows explorer
          refresh. This is an extremely advanced protocol option which should
          not need to be changed. This parameter was introduced in its final
          form in 3.0.21, an earlier version with slightly different
          semantics was introduced in 3.0.20. That older version is not
          documented here.
          Default: acl check permissions = True
      acl compatibility (G)
          This parameter specifies what OS ACL semantics should be compatible
          with. Possible values are winnt for Windows NT 4, win2k for Windows
          2000 and above and auto. If you specify auto, the value for this
          parameter will be based upon the version of the client. There
          should be no reason to change this parameter from the default.
          Default: acl compatibility = Auto
          Example: acl compatibility = win2k
      acl group control (S)
          In a POSIX filesystem, only the owner of a file or directory and
          the superuser can modify the permissions and ACLs on a file. If
          this parameter is set, then Samba overrides this restriction, and
          also allows the primary group owner of a file or directory to
          modify the permissions and ACLs on that file.
          On a Windows server, groups may be the owner of a file or directory
          - thus allowing anyone in that group to modify the permissions on
          it. This allows the delegation of security controls on a point in
          the filesystem to the group owner of a directory and anything below
          it also owned by that group. This means there are multiple people
          with permissions to modify ACLs on a file or directory, easing
          This parameter allows Samba to also permit delegation of the
          control over a point in the exported directory hierarchy in much
          the same way as Windows. This allows all members of a UNIX group to
          control the permissions on a file or directory they have group
          ownership on.
          This parameter is best used with the inherit owner option and also
          on on a share containing directories with the UNIX setgid bit set
          on them, which causes new files and directories created within it
          to inherit the group ownership from the containing directory.
          This is parameter has been was deprecated in Samba 3.0.23, but
          re-activated in Samba 3.0.31 and above, as it now only controls
          permission changes if the user is in the owning primary group. It
          is now no longer equivalent to the dos filemode option.
          Default: acl group control = no
      acl map full control (S)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) maps a POSIX ACE
          entry of "rwx" (read/write/execute), the maximum allowed POSIX
          permission set, into a Windows ACL of "FULL CONTROL". If this
          parameter is set to true any POSIX ACE entry of "rwx" will be
          returned in a Windows ACL as "FULL CONTROL", is this parameter is
          set to false any POSIX ACE entry of "rwx" will be returned as the
          specific Windows ACL bits representing read, write and execute.
          Default: acl map full control = True
      add group script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT by
          smbd(8) when a new group is requested. It will expand any %g to the
          group name passed. This script is only useful for installations
          using the Windows NT domain administration tools. The script is
          free to create a group with an arbitrary name to circumvent unix
          group name restrictions. In that case the script must print the
          numeric gid of the created group on stdout.
          Default: add group script =
          Example: add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
      add machine script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run by smbd(8)
          when a machine is added to Samba's domain and a Unix account
          matching the machine's name appended with a "$" does not already
          This option is very similar to the add user script, and likewise
          uses the %u substitution for the account name. Do not use the %m
          Default: add machine script =
          Example: add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c
          Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %u
      add port command (G)
          Samba 3.0.23 introduced support for adding printer ports remotely
          using the Windows "Add Standard TCP/IP Port Wizard". This option
          defines an external program to be executed when smbd receives a
          request to add a new Port to the system. The script is passed two
          o   port name
          o   device URI
      The deviceURI is in the format of socket://<hostname>[:<portnumber>] or
      Default: add port command =
      Example: add port command = /etc/samba/scripts/
      addprinter command (G)
          With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing support for Windows
          NT/2000 clients in Samba 2.2, The MS Add Printer Wizard (APW) icon
          is now also available in the "Printers..." folder displayed a share
          listing. The APW allows for printers to be add remotely to a Samba
          or Windows NT/2000 print server.
          For a Samba host this means that the printer must be physically
          added to the underlying printing system. The addprinter command
          defines a script to be run which will perform the necessary
          operations for adding the printer to the print system and to add
          the appropriate service definition to the smb.conf file in order
          that it can be shared by smbd(8).
          The addprinter command is automatically invoked with the following
          parameter (in order):
          o   printer name
          o   share name
          o   port name
          o   driver name
          o   location
          o   Windows 9x driver location
      All parameters are filled in from the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure sent by
      the Windows NT/2000 client with one exception. The "Windows 9x driver
      location" parameter is included for backwards compatibility only. The
      remaining fields in the structure are generated from answers to the APW
      Once the addprinter command has been executed, smbd will reparse the
      smb.conf to determine if the share defined by the APW exists. If the
      sharename is still invalid, then smbd will return an ACCESS_DENIED
      error to the client.
      The addprinter command program can output a single line of text, which
      Samba will set as the port the new printer is connected to. If this
      line isn't output, Samba won't reload its printer shares.
      Default: addprinter command =
      Example: addprinter command = /usr/bin/addprinter
      add share command (G)
          Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete
          shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The add share command
          is used to define an external program or script which will add a
          new service definition to smb.conf.
          In order to successfully execute the add share command, smbd
          requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e.
          uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in
          the add share command parameter are executed as root.
          When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the add share command
          with five parameters.
          o   configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
          o   shareName - the name of the new share.
          o   pathName - path to an **existing** directory on disk.
          o   comment - comment string to associate with the new share.
          o   max connections Number of maximum simultaneous connections to
              this share.
      This parameter is only used to add file shares. To add printer shares,
      see the addprinter command.
      Default: add share command =
      Example: add share command = /usr/local/bin/addshare
      add user script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT by
          smbd(8) under special circumstances described below.
          Normally, a Samba server requires that UNIX users are created for
          all users accessing files on this server. For sites that use
          Windows NT account databases as their primary user database
          creating these users and keeping the user list in sync with the
          Windows NT PDC is an onerous task. This option allows smbd to
          create the required UNIX users ON DEMAND when a user accesses the
          Samba server.
          In order to use this option, smbd(8) must NOT be set to security =
          share and add user script must be set to a full pathname for a
          script that will create a UNIX user given one argument of %u, which
          expands into the UNIX user name to create.
          When the Windows user attempts to access the Samba server, at login
          (session setup in the SMB protocol) time, smbd(8) contacts the
          password server and attempts to authenticate the given user with
          the given password. If the authentication succeeds then smbd
          attempts to find a UNIX user in the UNIX password database to map
          the Windows user into. If this lookup fails, and add user script is
          set then smbd will call the specified script AS ROOT, expanding any
          %u argument to be the user name to create.
          If this script successfully creates the user then smbd will
          continue on as though the UNIX user already existed. In this way,
          UNIX users are dynamically created to match existing Windows NT
          See also security, password server, delete user script.
          Default: add user script =
          Example: add user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/add_user %u
      add user to group script (G)
          Full path to the script that will be called when a user is added to
          a group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It will
          be run by smbd(8) AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the group
          name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.
          Note that the adduser command used in the example below does not
          support the used syntax on all systems.
          Default: add user to group script =
          Example: add user to group script = /usr/sbin/adduser %u %g
      administrative share (S)
          If this parameter is set to yes for a share, then the share will be
          an administrative share. The Administrative Shares are the default
          network shares created by all Windows NT-based operating systems.
          These are shares like C$, D$ or ADMIN$. The type of these shares is
          See the section below on security for more information about this
          Default: administrative share = no
      admin users (S)
          This is a list of users who will be granted administrative
          privileges on the share. This means that they will do all file
          operations as the super-user (root).
          You should use this option very carefully, as any user in this list
          will be able to do anything they like on the share, irrespective of
          file permissions.
          This parameter will not work with the security = share in Samba
          3.0. This is by design.
          Default: admin users =
          Example: admin users = jason
      afs share (S)
          This parameter controls whether special AFS features are enabled
          for this share. If enabled, it assumes that the directory exported
          via the path parameter is a local AFS import. The special AFS
          features include the attempt to hand-craft an AFS token if you
          enabled --with-fake-kaserver in configure.
          Default: afs share = no
      afs username map (G)
          If you are using the fake kaserver AFS feature, you might want to
          hand-craft the usernames you are creating tokens for. For example
          this is necessary if you have users from several domain in your AFS
          Protection Database. One possible scheme to code users as
          DOMAIN+User as it is done by winbind with the + as a separator.
          The mapped user name must contain the cell name to log into, so
          without setting this parameter there will be no token.
          Default: afs username map =
          Example: afs username map =
      aio read size (S)
          If Samba has been built with asynchronous I/O support and this
          integer parameter is set to non-zero value, Samba will read from
          file asynchronously when size of request is bigger than this value.
          Note that it happens only for non-chained and non-chaining reads
          and when not using write cache.
          Current implementation of asynchronous I/O in Samba 3.0 does
          support only up to 10 outstanding asynchronous requests, read and
          write combined.
          Related command: write cache size
          Related command: aio write size
          Default: aio read size = 0
          Example: aio read size = 16384 # Use asynchronous I/O for reads
          bigger than 16KB request size
      aio write behind (S)
          If Samba has been built with asynchronous I/O support, Samba will
          not wait until write requests are finished before returning the
          result to the client for files listed in this parameter. Instead,
          Samba will immediately return that the write request has been
          finished successfully, no matter if the operation will succeed or
          not. This might speed up clients without aio support, but is really
          dangerous, because data could be lost and files could be damaged.
          The syntax is identical to the veto files parameter.
          Default: aio write behind =
          Example: aio write behind = /*.tmp/
      aio write size (S)
          If Samba has been built with asynchronous I/O support and this
          integer parameter is set to non-zero value, Samba will write to
          file asynchronously when size of request is bigger than this value.
          Note that it happens only for non-chained and non-chaining reads
          and when not using write cache.
          Current implementation of asynchronous I/O in Samba 3.0 does
          support only up to 10 outstanding asynchronous requests, read and
          write combined.
          Related command: write cache size
          Related command: aio read size
          Default: aio write size = 0
          Example: aio write size = 16384 # Use asynchronous I/O for writes
          bigger than 16KB request size
      algorithmic rid base (G)
          This determines how Samba will use its algorithmic mapping from
          uids/gid to the RIDs needed to construct NT Security Identifiers.
          Setting this option to a larger value could be useful to sites
          transitioning from WinNT and Win2k, as existing user and group rids
          would otherwise clash with sytem users etc.
          All UIDs and GIDs must be able to be resolved into SIDs for the
          correct operation of ACLs on the server. As such the algorithmic
          mapping can't be 'turned off', but pushing it 'out of the way'
          should resolve the issues. Users and groups can then be assigned
          'low' RIDs in arbitrary-rid supporting backends.
          Default: algorithmic rid base = 1000
          Example: algorithmic rid base = 100000
      allocation roundup size (S)
          This parameter allows an administrator to tune the allocation size
          reported to Windows clients. The default size of 1Mb generally
          results in improved Windows client performance. However, rounding
          the allocation size may cause difficulties for some applications,
          e.g. MS Visual Studio. If the MS Visual Studio compiler starts to
          crash with an internal error, set this parameter to zero for this
          The integer parameter specifies the roundup size in bytes.
          Default: allocation roundup size = 1048576
          Example: allocation roundup size = 0 # (to disable roundups)
      allow insecure wide links (G)
          In normal operation the option wide links which allows the server
          to follow symlinks outside of a share path is automatically
          disabled when unix extensions are enabled on a Samba server. This
          is done for security purposes to prevent UNIX clients creating
          symlinks to areas of the server file system that the administrator
          does not wish to export.
          Setting allow insecure wide links to true disables the link between
          these two parameters, removing this protection and allowing a site
          to configure the server to follow symlinks (by setting wide links
          to "true") even when unix extensions is turned on.
          If is not recommended to enable this option unless you fully
          understand the implications of allowing the server to follow
          symbolic links created by UNIX clients. For most normal Samba
          configurations this would be considered a security hole and setting
          this parameter is not recommended.
          This option was added at the request of sites who had deliberately
          set Samba up in this way and needed to continue supporting this
          functionality without having to patch the Samba code.
          Default: allow insecure wide links = no
      allow trusted domains (G)
          This option only takes effect when the security option is set to
          server, domain or ads. If it is set to no, then attempts to connect
          to a resource from a domain or workgroup other than the one which
          smbd is running in will fail, even if that domain is trusted by the
          remote server doing the authentication.
          This is useful if you only want your Samba server to serve
          resources to users in the domain it is a member of. As an example,
          suppose that there are two domains DOMA and DOMB. DOMB is trusted
          by DOMA, which contains the Samba server. Under normal
          circumstances, a user with an account in DOMB can then access the
          resources of a UNIX account with the same account name on the Samba
          server even if they do not have an account in DOMA. This can make
          implementing a security boundary difficult.
          Default: allow trusted domains = yes
      announce as (G)
          This specifies what type of server nmbd(8) will announce itself as,
          to a network neighborhood browse list. By default this is set to
          Windows NT. The valid options are : "NT Server" (which can also be
          written as "NT"), "NT Workstation", "Win95" or "WfW" meaning
          Windows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation, Windows 95 and Windows
          for Workgroups respectively. Do not change this parameter unless
          you have a specific need to stop Samba appearing as an NT server as
          this may prevent Samba servers from participating as browser
          servers correctly.
          Default: announce as = NT Server
          Example: announce as = Win95
      announce version (G)
          This specifies the major and minor version numbers that nmbd will
          use when announcing itself as a server. The default is 4.9. Do not
          change this parameter unless you have a specific need to set a
          Samba server to be a downlevel server.
          Default: announce version = 4.9
          Example: announce version = 2.0
      async smb echo handler (G)
          This parameter specifies whether Samba should fork the async smb
          echo handler. It can be beneficial if your file system can block
          syscalls for a very long time. In some circumstances, it prolongs
          the timeout that Windows uses to determine whether a connection is
          Default: async smb echo handler = no
      auth methods (G)
          This option allows the administrator to chose what authentication
          methods smbd will use when authenticating a user. This option
          defaults to sensible values based on security. This should be
          considered a developer option and used only in rare circumstances.
          In the majority (if not all) of production servers, the default
          setting should be adequate.
          Each entry in the list attempts to authenticate the user in turn,
          until the user authenticates. In practice only one method will ever
          actually be able to complete the authentication.
          Possible options include guest (anonymous access), sam (lookups in
          local list of accounts based on netbios name or domain name),
          winbind (relay authentication requests for remote users through
          winbindd), ntdomain (pre-winbindd method of authentication for
          remote domain users; deprecated in favour of winbind method),
          trustdomain (authenticate trusted users by contacting the remote DC
          directly from smbd; deprecated in favour of winbind method).
          Default: auth methods =
          Example: auth methods = guest sam winbind
      available (S)
          This parameter lets you "turn off" a service. If available = no,
          then ALL attempts to connect to the service will fail. Such
          failures are logged.
          Default: available = yes
      bind interfaces only (G)
          This global parameter allows the Samba admin to limit what
          interfaces on a machine will serve SMB requests. It affects file
          service smbd(8) and name service nmbd(8) in a slightly different
          For name service it causes nmbd to bind to ports 137 and 138 on the
          interfaces listed in the interfaces parameter.  nmbd also binds to
          the "all addresses" interface ( on ports 137 and 138 for
          the purposes of reading broadcast messages. If this option is not
          set then nmbd will service name requests on all of these sockets.
          If bind interfaces only is set then nmbd will check the source
          address of any packets coming in on the broadcast sockets and
          discard any that don't match the broadcast addresses of the
          interfaces in the interfaces parameter list. As unicast packets are
          received on the other sockets it allows nmbd to refuse to serve
          names to machines that send packets that arrive through any
          interfaces not listed in the interfaces list. IP Source address
          spoofing does defeat this simple check, however, so it must not be
          used seriously as a security feature for nmbd.
          For file service it causes smbd(8) to bind only to the interface
          list given in the interfaces parameter. This restricts the networks
          that smbd will serve, to packets coming in on those interfaces.
          Note that you should not use this parameter for machines that are
          serving PPP or other intermittent or non-broadcast network
          interfaces as it will not cope with non-permanent interfaces.
          If bind interfaces only is set and the network address is
          not added to the interfaces parameter list smbpasswd(8) and swat(8)
          may not work as expected due to the reasons covered below.
          To change a users SMB password, the smbpasswd by default connects
          to the localhost - address as an SMB client to issue the
          password change request. If bind interfaces only is set then unless
          the network address is added to the interfaces parameter
          list then smbpasswd will fail to connect in it's default mode.
          smbpasswd can be forced to use the primary IP interface of the
          local host by using its smbpasswd(8) -r remote machine parameter,
          with remote machine set to the IP name of the primary interface of
          the local host.
          The swat status page tries to connect with smbd and nmbd at the
          address to determine if they are running. Not adding
 will cause smbd and nmbd to always show "not running"
          even if they really are. This can prevent swat from
          starting/stopping/restarting smbd and nmbd.
          Default: bind interfaces only = no
      blocking locks (S)
          This parameter controls the behavior of smbd(8) when given a
          request by a client to obtain a byte range lock on a region of an
          open file, and the request has a time limit associated with it.
          If this parameter is set and the lock range requested cannot be
          immediately satisfied, samba will internally queue the lock
          request, and periodically attempt to obtain the lock until the
          timeout period expires.
          If this parameter is set to no, then samba will behave as previous
          versions of Samba would and will fail the lock request immediately
          if the lock range cannot be obtained.
          Default: blocking locks = yes
      block size (S)
          This parameter controls the behavior of smbd(8) when reporting disk
          free sizes. By default, this reports a disk block size of 1024
          Changing this parameter may have some effect on the efficiency of
          client writes, this is not yet confirmed. This parameter was added
          to allow advanced administrators to change it (usually to a higher
          value) and test the effect it has on client write performance
          without re-compiling the code. As this is an experimental option it
          may be removed in a future release.
          Changing this option does not change the disk free reporting size,
          just the block size unit reported to the client.
          Default: block size = 1024
          Example: block size = 4096
          This parameter is a synonym for browseable.
      browseable (S)
          This controls whether this share is seen in the list of available
          shares in a net view and in the browse list.
          Default: browseable = yes
      browse list (G)
          This controls whether smbd(8) will serve a browse list to a client
          doing a NetServerEnum call. Normally set to yes. You should never
          need to change this.
          Default: browse list = yes
      cache directory (G)
          Usually, most of the TDB files are stored in the lock directory.
          Since Samba 3.4.0, it is possible to differentiate between TDB
          files with persistent data and TDB files with non-persistent data
          using the state directory and the cache directory options.
          This option specifies the directory where TDB files containing
          non-persistent data will be stored.
          Default: cache directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
          Example: cache directory = /var/run/samba/locks/cache
          This parameter is a synonym for case sensitive.
      case sensitive (S)
          See the discussion in the section name mangling.
          Default: case sensitive = no
      change notify (S)
          This parameter specifies whether Samba should reply to a client's
          file change notify requests.
          You should never need to change this parameter
          Default: change notify = yes
      change share command (G)
          Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete
          shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The change share
          command is used to define an external program or script which will
          modify an existing service definition in smb.conf.
          In order to successfully execute the change share command, smbd
          requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e.
          uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in
          the change share command parameter are executed as root.
          When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the change share
          command with five parameters.
          o   configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
          o   shareName - the name of the new share.
          o   pathName - path to an **existing** directory on disk.
          o   comment - comment string to associate with the new share.
          o   max connections Number of maximum simultaneous connections to
              this share.
      This parameter is only used to modify existing file share definitions.
      To modify printer shares, use the "Printers..." folder as seen when
      browsing the Samba host.
      Default: change share command =
      Example: change share command = /usr/local/bin/changeshare
      check password script (G)
          The name of a program that can be used to check password
          complexity. The password is sent to the program's standard input.
          The program must return 0 on a good password, or any other value if
          the password is bad. In case the password is considered weak (the
          program does not return 0) the user will be notified and the
          password change will fail.
          Note: In the example directory is a sample program called
          crackcheck that uses cracklib to check the password quality.
          Default: check password script = Disabled
          Example: check password script = /usr/local/sbin/crackcheck
      client lanman auth (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) and other
          samba client tools will attempt to authenticate itself to servers
          using the weaker LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only server
          which support NT password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000, Samba,
          etc... but not Windows 95/98) will be able to be connected from the
          Samba client.
          The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to its
          case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Clients
          without Windows 95/98 servers are advised to disable this option.
          Disabling this option will also disable the client plaintext auth
          Likewise, if the client ntlmv2 auth parameter is enabled, then only
          NTLMv2 logins will be attempted.
          Default: client lanman auth = no
      client ldap sasl wrapping (G)
          The client ldap sasl wrapping defines whether ldap traffic will be
          signed or signed and encrypted (sealed). Possible values are plain,
          sign and seal.
          The values sign and seal are only available if Samba has been
          compiled against a modern OpenLDAP version (2.3.x or higher).
          This option is needed in the case of Domain Controllers enforcing
          the usage of signed LDAP connections (e.g. Windows 2000 SP3 or
          higher). LDAP sign and seal can be controlled with the registry key
          NTDS\Parameters\LDAPServerIntegrity" on the Windows server side.
          Depending on the used KRB5 library (MIT and older Heimdal versions)
          it is possible that the message "integrity only" is not supported.
          In this case, sign is just an alias for seal.
          The default value is plain which is not irritable to KRB5 clock
          skew errors. That implies synchronizing the time with the KDC in
          the case of using sign or seal.
          Default: client ldap sasl wrapping = plain
      client ntlmv2 auth (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) will attempt
          to authenticate itself to servers using the NTLMv2 encrypted
          password response.
          If enabled, only an NTLMv2 and LMv2 response (both much more secure
          than earlier versions) will be sent. Older servers (including NT4 <
          SP4, Win9x and Samba 2.2) are not compatible with NTLMv2 when not
          in an NTLMv2 supporting domain
          Similarly, if enabled, NTLMv1, client lanman auth and client
          plaintext auth authentication will be disabled. This also disables
          share-level authentication.
          If disabled, an NTLM response (and possibly a LANMAN response) will
          be sent by the client, depending on the value of client lanman
          Note that Windows Vista and later versions already use NTLMv2 by
          default, and some sites (particularly those following 'best
          practice' security polices) only allow NTLMv2 responses, and not
          the weaker LM or NTLM.
          Default: client ntlmv2 auth = yes
      client plaintext auth (G)
          Specifies whether a client should send a plaintext password if the
          server does not support encrypted passwords.
          Default: client plaintext auth = no
      client schannel (G)
          This controls whether the client offers or even demands the use of
          the netlogon schannel.  client schannel = no does not offer the
          schannel, client schannel = auto offers the schannel but does not
          enforce it, and client schannel = yes denies access if the server
          is not able to speak netlogon schannel.
          Default: client schannel = auto
          Example: client schannel = yes
      client signing (G)
          This controls whether the client is allowed or required to use SMB
          signing. Possible values are auto, mandatory and disabled.
          When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced. When
          set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set to disabled,
          SMB signing is not offered either.
          Default: client signing = auto
      client use spnego principal (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) and other
          samba components acting as a client will attempt to use the
          server-supplied principal sometimes given in the SPNEGO exchange.
          If enabled, Samba can attempt to use Kerberos to contact servers
          known only by IP address. Kerberos relies on names, so ordinarily
          cannot function in this situation.
          If disabled, Samba will use the name used to look up the server
          when asking the KDC for a ticket. This avoids situations where a
          server may impersonate another, soliciting authentication as one
          principal while being known on the network as another.
          Note that Windows XP SP2 and later versions already follow this
          behaviour, and Windows Vista and later servers no longer supply
          this 'rfc4178 hint' principal on the server side.
          Default: client use spnego principal = no
      client use spnego (G)
          This variable controls whether Samba clients will try to use Simple
          and Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478) with supporting
          servers (including WindowsXP, Windows2000 and Samba 3.0) to agree
          upon an authentication mechanism. This enables Kerberos
          authentication in particular.
          Default: client use spnego = yes
      cluster addresses (G)
          With this parameter you can add additional addresses nmbd will
          register with a WINS server. These addresses are not necessarily
          present on all nodes simultaneously, but they will be registered
          with the WINS server so that clients can contact any of the nodes.
          Default: cluster addresses =
          Example: cluster addresses =
      clustering (G)
          This parameter specifies whether Samba should contact ctdb for
          accessing its tdb files and use ctdb as a backend for its messaging
          Set this parameter to yes only if you have a cluster setup with
          ctdb running.
          Default: clustering = no
      comment (S)
          This is a text field that is seen next to a share when a client
          does a queries the server, either via the network neighborhood or
          via net view to list what shares are available.
          If you want to set the string that is displayed next to the machine
          name then see the server string parameter.
          Default: comment =  # No comment
          Example: comment = Fred's Files
      config backend (G)
          This controls the backend for storing the configuration. Possible
          values are file (the default) and registry. When config backend =
          registry is encountered while loading smb.conf, the configuration
          read so far is dropped and the global options are read from
          registry instead. So this triggers a registry only configuration.
          Share definitions are not read immediately but instead registry
          shares is set to yes.
          Note: This option can not be set inside the registry configuration
          Default: config backend = file
          Example: config backend = registry
      config file (G)
          This allows you to override the config file to use, instead of the
          default (usually smb.conf). There is a chicken and egg problem here
          as this option is set in the config file!
          For this reason, if the name of the config file has changed when
          the parameters are loaded then it will reload them from the new
          config file.
          This option takes the usual substitutions, which can be very
          If the config file doesn't exist then it won't be loaded (allowing
          you to special case the config files of just a few clients).
          No default
          Example: config file = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m
      copy (S)
          This parameter allows you to "clone" service entries. The specified
          service is simply duplicated under the current service's name. Any
          parameters specified in the current section will override those in
          the section being copied.
          This feature lets you set up a 'template' service and create
          similar services easily. Note that the service being copied must
          occur earlier in the configuration file than the service doing the
          Default: copy =
          Example: copy = otherservice
      create krb5 conf (G)
          Setting this paramter to no prevents winbind from creating custom
          krb5.conf files. Winbind normally does this because the krb5
          libraries are not AD-site-aware and thus would pick any domain
          controller out of potentially very many. Winbind is site-aware and
          makes the krb5 libraries use a local DC by creating its own
          krb5.conf files.
          Preventing winbind from doing this might become necessary if you
          have to add special options into your system-krb5.conf that winbind
          does not see.
          Default: create krb5 conf = yes
      create mode
          This parameter is a synonym for create mask.
      create mask (S)
          When a file is created, the necessary permissions are calculated
          according to the mapping from DOS modes to UNIX permissions, and
          the resulting UNIX mode is then bit-wise 'AND'ed with this
          parameter. This parameter may be thought of as a bit-wise MASK for
          the UNIX modes of a file. Any bit not set here will be removed from
          the modes set on a file when it is created.
          The default value of this parameter removes the group and other
          write and execute bits from the UNIX modes.
          Following this Samba will bit-wise 'OR' the UNIX mode created from
          this parameter with the value of the force create mode parameter
          which is set to 000 by default.
          This parameter does not affect directory masks. See the parameter
          directory mask for details.
          Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions set by
          Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce
          a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the security
          Default: create mask = 0744
          Example: create mask = 0775
      csc policy (S)
          This stands for client-side caching policy, and specifies how
          clients capable of offline caching will cache the files in the
          share. The valid values are: manual, documents, programs, disable.
          These values correspond to those used on Windows servers.
          For example, shares containing roaming profiles can have offline
          caching disabled using csc policy = disable.
          Default: csc policy = manual
          Example: csc policy = programs
      ctdbd socket (G)
          If you set clustering=yes, you need to tell Samba where ctdbd
          listens on its unix domain socket. The default path as of ctdb 1.0
          is /tmp/ctdb.socket which you have to explicitly set for Samba in
          Default: ctdbd socket =
          Example: ctdbd socket = /tmp/ctdb.socket
      ctdb locktime warn threshold (G)
          In a cluster environment using Samba and ctdb it is critical that
          locks on central ctdb-hosted databases like locking.tdb are not
          held for long. With the current Samba architecture it happens that
          Samba takes a lock and while holding that lock makes file system
          calls into the shared cluster file system. This option makes Samba
          warn if it detects that it has held locks for the specified number
          of milliseconds. If this happens, smbd will emit a debug level 0
          message into its logs and potentially into syslog. The most likely
          reason for such a log message is that an operation of the cluster
          file system Samba exports is taking longer than expected. The
          messages are meant as a debugging aid for potential cluster
          The default value of 0 disables this logging.
          Default: ctdb locktime warn threshold = 0
      ctdb timeout (G)
          This parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for the connection
          between Samba and ctdb. It is only valid if you have compiled Samba
          with clustering and if you have set clustering=yes.
          When something in the cluster blocks, it can happen that we wait
          indefinitely long for ctdb, just adding to the blocking condition.
          In a well-running cluster this should never happen, but there are
          too many components in a cluster that might have hickups. Choosing
          the right balance for this value is very tricky, because on a busy
          cluster long service times to transfer something across the cluster
          might be valid. Setting it too short will degrade the service your
          cluster presents, setting it too long might make the cluster itself
          not recover from something severely broken for too long.
          Be aware that if you set this parameter, this needs to be in the
          file smb.conf, it is not really helpful to put this into a registry
          configuration (typical on a cluster), because to access the
          registry contact to ctdb is requred.
          Setting ctdb timeout to n makes any process waiting longer than n
          seconds for a reply by the cluster panic. Setting it to 0 (the
          default) makes Samba block forever, which is the highly recommended
          Default: ctdb timeout = 0
      cups connection timeout (G)
          This parameter is only applicable if printing is set to cups.
          If set, this option specifies the number of seconds that smbd will
          wait whilst trying to contact to the CUPS server. The connection
          will fail if it takes longer than this number of seconds.
          Default: cups connection timeout = 30
          Example: cups connection timeout = 60
      cups encrypt (G)
          This parameter is only applicable if printing is set to cups and if
          you use CUPS newer than 1.0.x.It is used to define whether or not
          Samba should use encryption when talking to the CUPS server.
          Possible values are auto, yes and no
          When set to auto we will try to do a TLS handshake on each CUPS
          connection setup. If that fails, we will fall back to unencrypted
          Default: cups encrypt = "no"
      cups options (S)
          This parameter is only applicable if printing is set to cups. Its
          value is a free form string of options passed directly to the cups
          You can pass any generic print option known to CUPS (as listed in
          the CUPS "Software Users' Manual"). You can also pass any printer
          specific option (as listed in "lpoptions -d printername -l") valid
          for the target queue. Multiple parameters should be space-delimited
          name/value pairs according to the PAPI text option ABNF
          specification. Collection values ("name={a=... b=... c=...}") are
          stored with the curley brackets intact.
          You should set this parameter to raw if your CUPS server error_log
          file contains messages such as "Unsupported format
          'application/octet-stream'" when printing from a Windows client
          through Samba. It is no longer necessary to enable system wide raw
          printing in /etc/cups/mime.{convs,types}.
          Default: cups options = ""
          Example: cups options = "raw media=a4"
      cups server (G)
          This parameter is only applicable if printing is set to cups.
          If set, this option overrides the ServerName option in the CUPS
          client.conf. This is necessary if you have virtual samba servers
          that connect to different CUPS daemons.
          Optionally, a port can be specified by separating the server name
          and port number with a colon. If no port was specified, the default
          port for IPP (631) will be used.
          Default: cups server = ""
          Example: cups server = mycupsserver
          Example: cups server = mycupsserver:1631
      deadtime (G)
          The value of the parameter (a decimal integer) represents the
          number of minutes of inactivity before a connection is considered
          dead, and it is disconnected. The deadtime only takes effect if the
          number of open files is zero.
          This is useful to stop a server's resources being exhausted by a
          large number of inactive connections.
          Most clients have an auto-reconnect feature when a connection is
          broken so in most cases this parameter should be transparent to
          Using this parameter with a timeout of a few minutes is recommended
          for most systems.
          A deadtime of zero indicates that no auto-disconnection should be
          Default: deadtime = 0
          Example: deadtime = 15
      debug class (G)
          With this boolean parameter enabled, the debug class (DBGC_CLASS)
          will be displayed in the debug header.
          For more information about currently available debug classes, see
          section about log level.
          Default: debug class = no
      debug hires timestamp (G)
          Sometimes the timestamps in the log messages are needed with a
          resolution of higher that seconds, this boolean parameter adds
          microsecond resolution to the timestamp message header when turned
          Note that the parameter debug timestamp must be on for this to have
          an effect.
          Default: debug hires timestamp = yes
      debug pid (G)
          When using only one log file for more then one forked
          smbd(8)-process there may be hard to follow which process outputs
          which message. This boolean parameter is adds the process-id to the
          timestamp message headers in the logfile when turned on.
          Note that the parameter debug timestamp must be on for this to have
          an effect.
          Default: debug pid = no
      debug prefix timestamp (G)
          With this option enabled, the timestamp message header is prefixed
          to the debug message without the filename and function information
          that is included with the debug timestamp parameter. This gives
          timestamps to the messages without adding an additional line.
          Note that this parameter overrides the debug timestamp parameter.
          Default: debug prefix timestamp = no
      timestamp logs
          This parameter is a synonym for debug timestamp.
      debug timestamp (G)
          Samba debug log messages are timestamped by default. If you are
          running at a high debug level these timestamps can be distracting.
          This boolean parameter allows timestamping to be turned off.
          Default: debug timestamp = yes
      debug uid (G)
          Samba is sometimes run as root and sometime run as the connected
          user, this boolean parameter inserts the current euid, egid, uid
          and gid to the timestamp message headers in the log file if turned
          Note that the parameter debug timestamp must be on for this to have
          an effect.
          Default: debug uid = no
      dedicated keytab file (G)
          Specifies the path to the kerberos keytab file when kerberos method
          is set to "dedicated keytab".
          Default: dedicated keytab file =
          Example: dedicated keytab file = /usr/local/etc/krb5.keytab
      default case (S)
          See the section on name mangling. Also note the short preserve case
          Default: default case = lower
      default devmode (S)
          This parameter is only applicable to printable services. When smbd
          is serving Printer Drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP clients, each
          printer on the Samba server has a Device Mode which defines things
          such as paper size and orientation and duplex settings. The device
          mode can only correctly be generated by the printer driver itself
          (which can only be executed on a Win32 platform). Because smbd is
          unable to execute the driver code to generate the device mode, the
          default behavior is to set this field to NULL.
          Most problems with serving printer drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP
          clients can be traced to a problem with the generated device mode.
          Certain drivers will do things such as crashing the client's
          Explorer.exe with a NULL devmode. However, other printer drivers
          can cause the client's spooler service (spoolsv.exe) to die if the
          devmode was not created by the driver itself (i.e. smbd generates a
          default devmode).
          This parameter should be used with care and tested with the printer
          driver in question. It is better to leave the device mode to NULL
          and let the Windows client set the correct values. Because drivers
          do not do this all the time, setting default devmode = yes will
          instruct smbd to generate a default one.
          For more information on Windows NT/2k printing and Device Modes,
          see the MSDN documentation.
          Default: default devmode = yes
          This parameter is a synonym for default service.
      default service (G)
          This parameter specifies the name of a service which will be
          connected to if the service actually requested cannot be found.
          Note that the square brackets are NOT given in the parameter value
          (see example below).
          There is no default value for this parameter. If this parameter is
          not given, attempting to connect to a nonexistent service results
          in an error.
          Typically the default service would be a guest ok, read-only
          Also note that the apparent service name will be changed to equal
          that of the requested service, this is very useful as it allows you
          to use macros like %S to make a wildcard service.
          Note also that any "_" characters in the name of the service used
          in the default service will get mapped to a "/". This allows for
          interesting things.
          Default: default service =
          Example: default service = pub
      defer sharing violations (G)
          Windows allows specifying how a file will be shared with other
          processes when it is opened. Sharing violations occur when a file
          is opened by a different process using options that violate the
          share settings specified by other processes. This parameter causes
          smbd to act as a Windows server does, and defer returning a
          "sharing violation" error message for up to one second, allowing
          the client to close the file causing the violation in the meantime.
          UNIX by default does not have this behaviour.
          There should be no reason to turn off this parameter, as it is
          designed to enable Samba to more correctly emulate Windows.
          Default: defer sharing violations = True
      delete group script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT
          smbd(8) when a group is requested to be deleted. It will expand any
          %g to the group name passed. This script is only useful for
          installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools.
          Default: delete group script =
      deleteprinter command (G)
          With the introduction of MS-RPC based printer support for Windows
          NT/2000 clients in Samba 2.2, it is now possible to delete a
          printer at run time by issuing the DeletePrinter() RPC call.
          For a Samba host this means that the printer must be physically
          deleted from the underlying printing system. The deleteprinter
          command defines a script to be run which will perform the necessary
          operations for removing the printer from the print system and from
          The deleteprinter command is automatically called with only one
          parameter: printer name.
          Once the deleteprinter command has been executed, smbd will reparse
          the smb.conf to check that the associated printer no longer exists.
          If the sharename is still valid, then smbd will return an
          ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.
          Default: deleteprinter command =
          Example: deleteprinter command = /usr/bin/removeprinter
      delete readonly (S)
          This parameter allows readonly files to be deleted. This is not
          normal DOS semantics, but is allowed by UNIX.
          This option may be useful for running applications such as rcs,
          where UNIX file ownership prevents changing file permissions, and
          DOS semantics prevent deletion of a read only file.
          Default: delete readonly = no
      delete share command (G)
          Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete
          shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The delete share
          command is used to define an external program or script which will
          remove an existing service definition from smb.conf.
          In order to successfully execute the delete share command, smbd
          requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e.
          uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in
          the delete share command parameter are executed as root.
          When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the delete share
          command with two parameters.
          o   configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
          o   shareName - the name of the existing service.
      This parameter is only used to remove file shares. To delete printer
      shares, see the deleteprinter command.
      Default: delete share command =
      Example: delete share command = /usr/local/bin/delshare
      delete user from group script (G)
          Full path to the script that will be called when a user is removed
          from a group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It
          will be run by smbd(8) AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the
          group name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.
          Default: delete user from group script =
          Example: delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u %g
      delete user script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run by smbd(8)
          when managing users with remote RPC (NT) tools.
          This script is called when a remote client removes a user from the
          server, normally using 'User Manager for Domains' or rpcclient.
          This script should delete the given UNIX username.
          Default: delete user script =
          Example: delete user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/del_user %u
      delete veto files (S)
          This option is used when Samba is attempting to delete a directory
          that contains one or more vetoed directories (see the veto files
          option). If this option is set to no (the default) then if a vetoed
          directory contains any non-vetoed files or directories then the
          directory delete will fail. This is usually what you want.
          If this option is set to yes, then Samba will attempt to
          recursively delete any files and directories within the vetoed
          directory. This can be useful for integration with file serving
          systems such as NetAtalk which create meta-files within directories
          you might normally veto DOS/Windows users from seeing (e.g.
          Setting delete veto files = yes allows these directories to be
          transparently deleted when the parent directory is deleted (so long
          as the user has permissions to do so).
          Default: delete veto files = no
      dfree cache time (S)
          The dfree cache time should only be used on systems where a problem
          occurs with the internal disk space calculations. This has been
          known to happen with Ultrix, but may occur with other operating
          systems. The symptom that was seen was an error of "Abort Retry
          Ignore" at the end of each directory listing.
          This is a new parameter introduced in Samba version 3.0.21. It
          specifies in seconds the time that smbd will cache the output of a
          disk free query. If set to zero (the default) no caching is done.
          This allows a heavily loaded server to prevent rapid spawning of
          dfree command scripts increasing the load.
          By default this parameter is zero, meaning no caching will be done.
          No default
          Example: dfree cache time = dfree cache time = 60
      dfree command (S)
          The dfree command setting should only be used on systems where a
          problem occurs with the internal disk space calculations. This has
          been known to happen with Ultrix, but may occur with other
          operating systems. The symptom that was seen was an error of "Abort
          Retry Ignore" at the end of each directory listing.
          This setting allows the replacement of the internal routines to
          calculate the total disk space and amount available with an
          external routine. The example below gives a possible script that
          might fulfill this function.
          In Samba version 3.0.21 this parameter has been changed to be a
          per-share parameter, and in addition the parameter dfree cache time
          was added to allow the output of this script to be cached for
          systems under heavy load.
          The external program will be passed a single parameter indicating a
          directory in the filesystem being queried. This will typically
          consist of the string ./. The script should return two integers in
          ASCII. The first should be the total disk space in blocks, and the
          second should be the number of available blocks. An optional third
          return value can give the block size in bytes. The default
          blocksize is 1024 bytes.
          Note: Your script should NOT be setuid or setgid and should be
          owned by (and writeable only by) root!
          Where the script dfree (which must be made executable) could be:

              df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $(NF-4),$(NF-2)}'
          or perhaps (on Sys V based systems):

              /usr/bin/df -k $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3" "$5}'
          Note that you may have to replace the command names with full path
          names on some systems.
          By default internal routines for determining the disk capacity and
          remaining space will be used.
          No default
          Example: dfree command = /usr/local/samba/bin/dfree
      directory mode
          This parameter is a synonym for directory mask.
      directory mask (S)
          This parameter is the octal modes which are used when converting
          DOS modes to UNIX modes when creating UNIX directories.
          When a directory is created, the necessary permissions are
          calculated according to the mapping from DOS modes to UNIX
          permissions, and the resulting UNIX mode is then bit-wise 'AND'ed
          with this parameter. This parameter may be thought of as a bit-wise
          MASK for the UNIX modes of a directory. Any bit not set here will
          be removed from the modes set on a directory when it is created.
          The default value of this parameter removes the 'group' and 'other'
          write bits from the UNIX mode, allowing only the user who owns the
          directory to modify it.
          Following this Samba will bit-wise 'OR' the UNIX mode created from
          this parameter with the value of the force directory mode
          parameter. This parameter is set to 000 by default (i.e. no extra
          mode bits are added).
          Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions set by
          Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce
          a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the directory
          security mask.
          Default: directory mask = 0755
          Example: directory mask = 0775
      directory name cache size (S)
          This parameter specifies the the size of the directory name cache.
          It will be needed to turn this off for *BSD systems.
          Default: directory name cache size = 100
      directory security mask (S)
          This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits will be set when
          a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a
          directory using the native NT security dialog box.
          This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to the incoming
          permission bits, thus resetting any bits not in this mask. Make
          sure not to mix up this parameter with force directory security
          mode, which works similar like this one but uses logical OR instead
          of AND. Essentially, zero bits in this mask are a set of bits that
          will always be set to zero.
          Essentially, all bits set to zero in this mask will result in
          setting to zero the corresponding bits on the file permissions
          regardless of the previous status of this bits on the file.
          If not set explicitly this parameter is set to 0777 meaning a user
          is allowed to set all the user/group/world permissions on a
          Note that users who can access the Samba server through other means
          can easily bypass this restriction, so it is primarily useful for
          standalone "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal
          systems will probably want to leave it as the default of 0777.
          Default: directory security mask = 0777
          Example: directory security mask = 0700
      disable netbios (G)
          Enabling this parameter will disable netbios support in Samba.
          Netbios is the only available form of browsing in all windows
          versions except for 2000 and XP.
              Clients that only support netbios won't be able to see your
              samba server when netbios support is disabled.
          Default: disable netbios = no
      disable spoolss (G)
          Enabling this parameter will disable Samba's support for the
          SPOOLSS set of MS-RPC's and will yield identical behavior as Samba
          2.0.x. Windows NT/2000 clients will downgrade to using Lanman style
          printing commands. Windows 9x/ME will be unaffected by the
          parameter. However, this will also disable the ability to upload
          printer drivers to a Samba server via the Windows NT Add Printer
          Wizard or by using the NT printer properties dialog window. It will
          also disable the capability of Windows NT/2000 clients to download
          print drivers from the Samba host upon demand.  Be very careful
          about enabling this parameter.
          Default: disable spoolss = no
      display charset (G)
          Specifies the charset that samba will use to print messages to
          stdout and stderr. The default value is "LOCALE", which means
          automatically set, depending on the current locale. The value
          should generally be the same as the value of the parameter unix
          Default: display charset = "LOCALE" or "ASCII" (depending on the
          Example: display charset = UTF8
      dmapi support (S)
          This parameter specifies whether Samba should use DMAPI to
          determine whether a file is offline or not. This would typically be
          used in conjunction with a hierarchical storage system that
          automatically migrates files to tape.
          Note that Samba infers the status of a file by examining the events
          that a DMAPI application has registered interest in. This heuristic
          is satisfactory for a number of hierarchical storage systems, but
          there may be system for which it will fail. In this case, Samba may
          erroneously report files to be offline.
          This parameter is only available if a supported DMAPI
          implementation was found at compilation time. It will only be used
          if DMAPI is found to enabled on the system at run time.
          Default: dmapi support = no
      dns proxy (G)
          Specifies that nmbd(8) when acting as a WINS server and finding
          that a NetBIOS name has not been registered, should treat the
          NetBIOS name word-for-word as a DNS name and do a lookup with the
          DNS server for that name on behalf of the name-querying client.
          Note that the maximum length for a NetBIOS name is 15 characters,
          so the DNS name (or DNS alias) can likewise only be 15 characters,
          nmbd spawns a second copy of itself to do the DNS name lookup
          requests, as doing a name lookup is a blocking action.
          Default: dns proxy = yes
      domain logons (G)
          If set to yes, the Samba server will provide the netlogon service
          for Windows 9X network logons for the workgroup it is in. This will
          also cause the Samba server to act as a domain controller for NT4
          style domain services. For more details on setting up this feature
          see the Domain Control chapter of the Samba HOWTO Collection.
          Default: domain logons = no
      domain master (G)
          Tell smbd(8) to enable WAN-wide browse list collation. Setting this
          option causes nmbd to claim a special domain specific NetBIOS name
          that identifies it as a domain master browser for its given
          workgroup. Local master browsers in the same workgroup on
          broadcast-isolated subnets will give this nmbd their local browse
          lists, and then ask smbd(8) for a complete copy of the browse list
          for the whole wide area network. Browser clients will then contact
          their local master browser, and will receive the domain-wide browse
          list, instead of just the list for their broadcast-isolated subnet.
          Note that Windows NT Primary Domain Controllers expect to be able
          to claim this workgroup specific special NetBIOS name that
          identifies them as domain master browsers for that workgroup by
          default (i.e. there is no way to prevent a Windows NT PDC from
          attempting to do this). This means that if this parameter is set
          and nmbd claims the special name for a workgroup before a Windows
          NT PDC is able to do so then cross subnet browsing will behave
          strangely and may fail.
          If domain logons = yes, then the default behavior is to enable the
          domain master parameter. If domain logons is not enabled (the
          default setting), then neither will domain master be enabled by
          When domain logons = Yes the default setting for this parameter is
          Yes, with the result that Samba will be a PDC. If domain master =
          No, Samba will function as a BDC. In general, this parameter should
          be set to 'No' only on a BDC.
          Default: domain master = auto
      dont descend (S)
          There are certain directories on some systems (e.g., the /proc tree
          under Linux) that are either not of interest to clients or are
          infinitely deep (recursive). This parameter allows you to specify a
          comma-delimited list of directories that the server should always
          show as empty.
          Note that Samba can be very fussy about the exact format of the
          "dont descend" entries. For example you may need ./proc instead of
          just /proc. Experimentation is the best policy :-)
          Default: dont descend =
          Example: dont descend = /proc,/dev
      dos charset (G)
          DOS SMB clients assume the server has the same charset as they do.
          This option specifies which charset Samba should talk to DOS
          The default depends on which charsets you have installed. Samba
          tries to use charset 850 but falls back to ASCII in case it is not
          available. Run testparm(1) to check the default on your system.
          No default
      dos filemode (S)
          The default behavior in Samba is to provide UNIX-like behavior
          where only the owner of a file/directory is able to change the
          permissions on it. However, this behavior is often confusing to
          DOS/Windows users. Enabling this parameter allows a user who has
          write access to the file (by whatever means, including an ACL
          permission) to modify the permissions (including ACL) on it. Note
          that a user belonging to the group owning the file will not be
          allowed to change permissions if the group is only granted read
          access. Ownership of the file/directory may also be changed. Note
          that using the VFS modules acl_xattr or acl_tdb which store native
          Windows as meta-data will automatically turn this option on for any
          share for which they are loaded, as they require this option to
          emulate Windows ACLs correctly.
          Default: dos filemode = no
      dos filetime resolution (S)
          Under the DOS and Windows FAT filesystem, the finest granularity on
          time resolution is two seconds. Setting this parameter for a share
          causes Samba to round the reported time down to the nearest two
          second boundary when a query call that requires one second
          resolution is made to smbd(8).
          This option is mainly used as a compatibility option for Visual C++
          when used against Samba shares. If oplocks are enabled on a share,
          Visual C++ uses two different time reading calls to check if a file
          has changed since it was last read. One of these calls uses a
          one-second granularity, the other uses a two second granularity. As
          the two second call rounds any odd second down, then if the file
          has a timestamp of an odd number of seconds then the two timestamps
          will not match and Visual C++ will keep reporting the file has
          changed. Setting this option causes the two timestamps to match,
          and Visual C++ is happy.
          Default: dos filetime resolution = no
      dos filetimes (S)
          Under DOS and Windows, if a user can write to a file they can
          change the timestamp on it. Under POSIX semantics, only the owner
          of the file or root may change the timestamp. By default, Samba
          emulates the DOS semantics and allows to change the timestamp on a
          file if the user smbd is acting on behalf has write permissions.
          Due to changes in Microsoft Office 2000 and beyond, the default for
          this parameter has been changed from "no" to "yes" in Samba 3.0.14
          and above. Microsoft Excel will display dialog box warnings about
          the file being changed by another user if this parameter is not set
          to "yes" and files are being shared between users.
          Default: dos filetimes = yes
      ea support (S)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will allow clients
          to attempt to store OS/2 style Extended attributes on a share. In
          order to enable this parameter the underlying filesystem exported
          by the share must support extended attributes (such as provided on
          XFS and EXT3 on Linux, with the correct kernel patches). On Linux
          the filesystem must have been mounted with the mount option
          user_xattr in order for extended attributes to work, also extended
          attributes must be compiled into the Linux kernel.
          Default: ea support = no
      enable asu support (G)
          Hosts running the "Advanced Server for Unix (ASU)" product require
          some special accomodations such as creating a builtin [ADMIN$]
          share that only supports IPC connections. The has been the default
          behavior in smbd for many years. However, certain Microsoft
          applications such as the Print Migrator tool require that the
          remote server support an [ADMIN$} file share. Disabling this
          parameter allows for creating an [ADMIN$] file share in smb.conf.
          Default: enable asu support = no
      enable core files (G)
          This parameter specifies whether core dumps should be written on
          internal exits. Normally set to yes. You should never need to
          change this.
          Default: enable core files = yes
          Example: enable core files = no
      enable privileges (G)
          This deprecated parameter controls whether or not smbd will honor
          privileges assigned to specific SIDs via either net rpc rights or
          one of the Windows user and group manager tools. This parameter is
          enabled by default. It can be disabled to prevent members of the
          Domain Admins group from being able to assign privileges to users
          or groups which can then result in certain smbd operations running
          as root that would normally run under the context of the connected
          An example of how privileges can be used is to assign the right to
          join clients to a Samba controlled domain without providing root
          access to the server via smbd.
          Please read the extended description provided in the Samba HOWTO
          Default: enable privileges = yes
      enable spoolss (G)
          Inverted synonym for disable spoolss.
          Default: enable spoolss = yes
      encrypt passwords (G)
          This boolean controls whether encrypted passwords will be
          negotiated with the client. Note that Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and above
          and also Windows 98 will by default expect encrypted passwords
          unless a registry entry is changed. To use encrypted passwords in
          Samba see the chapter "User Database" in the Samba HOWTO
          MS Windows clients that expect Microsoft encrypted passwords and
          that do not have plain text password support enabled will be able
          to connect only to a Samba server that has encrypted password
          support enabled and for which the user accounts have a valid
          encrypted password. Refer to the smbpasswd command man page for
          information regarding the creation of encrypted passwords for user
          The use of plain text passwords is NOT advised as support for this
          feature is no longer maintained in Microsoft Windows products. If
          you want to use plain text passwords you must set this parameter to
          In order for encrypted passwords to work correctly smbd(8) must
          either have access to a local smbpasswd(5) file (see the
          smbpasswd(8) program for information on how to set up and maintain
          this file), or set the security = [server|domain|ads] parameter
          which causes smbd to authenticate against another server.
          Default: encrypt passwords = yes
      enhanced browsing (G)
          This option enables a couple of enhancements to cross-subnet browse
          propagation that have been added in Samba but which are not
          standard in Microsoft implementations.
          The first enhancement to browse propagation consists of a regular
          wildcard query to a Samba WINS server for all Domain Master
          Browsers, followed by a browse synchronization with each of the
          returned DMBs. The second enhancement consists of a regular
          randomised browse synchronization with all currently known DMBs.
          You may wish to disable this option if you have a problem with
          empty workgroups not disappearing from browse lists. Due to the
          restrictions of the browse protocols, these enhancements can cause
          a empty workgroup to stay around forever which can be annoying.
          In general you should leave this option enabled as it makes
          cross-subnet browse propagation much more reliable.
          Default: enhanced browsing = yes
      enumports command (G)
          The concept of a "port" is fairly foreign to UNIX hosts. Under
          Windows NT/2000 print servers, a port is associated with a port
          monitor and generally takes the form of a local port (i.e. LPT1:,
          COM1:, FILE:) or a remote port (i.e. LPD Port Monitor, etc...). By
          default, Samba has only one port defined--"Samba Printer Port".
          Under Windows NT/2000, all printers must have a valid port name. If
          you wish to have a list of ports displayed (smbd does not use a
          port name for anything) other than the default "Samba Printer
          Port", you can define enumports command to point to a program which
          should generate a list of ports, one per line, to standard output.
          This listing will then be used in response to the level 1 and 2
          EnumPorts() RPC.
          Default: enumports command =
          Example: enumports command = /usr/bin/listports
      eventlog list (G)
          This option defines a list of log names that Samba will report to
          the Microsoft EventViewer utility. The listed eventlogs will be
          associated with tdb file on disk in the $(lockdir)/eventlog.
          The administrator must use an external process to parse the normal
          Unix logs such as /var/log/messages and write then entries to the
          eventlog tdb files. Refer to the eventlogadm(8) utility for how to
          write eventlog entries.
          Default: eventlog list =
          Example: eventlog list = Security Application Syslog Apache
      fake directory create times (S)
          NTFS and Windows VFAT file systems keep a create time for all files
          and directories. This is not the same as the ctime - status change
          time - that Unix keeps, so Samba by default reports the earliest of
          the various times Unix does keep. Setting this parameter for a
          share causes Samba to always report midnight 1-1-1980 as the create
          time for directories.
          This option is mainly used as a compatibility option for Visual C++
          when used against Samba shares. Visual C++ generated makefiles have
          the object directory as a dependency for each object file, and a
          make rule to create the directory. Also, when NMAKE compares
          timestamps it uses the creation time when examining a directory.
          Thus the object directory will be created if it does not exist, but
          once it does exist it will always have an earlier timestamp than
          the object files it contains.
          However, Unix time semantics mean that the create time reported by
          Samba will be updated whenever a file is created or or deleted in
          the directory. NMAKE finds all object files in the object
          directory. The timestamp of the last one built is then compared to
          the timestamp of the object directory. If the directory's timestamp
          if newer, then all object files will be rebuilt. Enabling this
          option ensures directories always predate their contents and an
          NMAKE build will proceed as expected.
          Default: fake directory create times = no
      fake oplocks (S)
          Oplocks are the way that SMB clients get permission from a server
          to locally cache file operations. If a server grants an oplock
          (opportunistic lock) then the client is free to assume that it is
          the only one accessing the file and it will aggressively cache file
          data. With some oplock types the client may even cache file
          open/close operations. This can give enormous performance benefits.
          When you set fake oplocks = yes, smbd(8) will always grant oplock
          requests no matter how many clients are using the file.
          It is generally much better to use the real oplocks support rather
          than this parameter.
          If you enable this option on all read-only shares or shares that
          you know will only be accessed from one client at a time such as
          physically read-only media like CDROMs, you will see a big
          performance improvement on many operations. If you enable this
          option on shares where multiple clients may be accessing the files
          read-write at the same time you can get data corruption. Use this
          option carefully!
          Default: fake oplocks = no
      follow symlinks (S)
          This parameter allows the Samba administrator to stop smbd(8) from
          following symbolic links in a particular share. Setting this
          parameter to no prevents any file or directory that is a symbolic
          link from being followed (the user will get an error). This option
          is very useful to stop users from adding a symbolic link to
          /etc/passwd in their home directory for instance. However it will
          slow filename lookups down slightly.
          This option is enabled (i.e.  smbd will follow symbolic links) by
          Default: follow symlinks = yes
      force create mode (S)
          This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit permissions that
          will always be set on a file created by Samba. This is done by
          bitwise 'OR'ing these bits onto the mode bits of a file that is
          being created. The default for this parameter is (in octal) 000.
          The modes in this parameter are bitwise 'OR'ed onto the file mode
          after the mask set in the create mask parameter is applied.
          The example below would force all newly created files to have read
          and execute permissions set for 'group' and 'other' as well as the
          read/write/execute bits set for the 'user'.
          Default: force create mode = 000
          Example: force create mode = 0755
      force directory mode (S)
          This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit permissions that
          will always be set on a directory created by Samba. This is done by
          bitwise 'OR'ing these bits onto the mode bits of a directory that
          is being created. The default for this parameter is (in octal) 0000
          which will not add any extra permission bits to a created
          directory. This operation is done after the mode mask in the
          parameter directory mask is applied.
          The example below would force all created directories to have read
          and execute permissions set for 'group' and 'other' as well as the
          read/write/execute bits set for the 'user'.
          Default: force directory mode = 000
          Example: force directory mode = 0755
      force directory security mode (S)
          This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits can be modified
          when a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a
          directory using the native NT security dialog box.
          This parameter is applied as a mask (OR'ed with) to the changed
          permission bits, thus forcing any bits in this mask that the user
          may have modified to be on. Make sure not to mix up this parameter
          with directory security mask, which works in a similar manner to
          this one, but uses a logical AND instead of an OR.
          Essentially, this mask may be treated as a set of bits that, when
          modifying security on a directory, to will enable (1) any flags
          that are off (0) but which the mask has set to on (1).
          If not set explicitly this parameter is 0000, which allows a user
          to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a directory
          without restrictions.
              Users who can access the Samba server through other means can
              easily bypass this restriction, so it is primarily useful for
              standalone "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal
              systems will probably want to leave it set as 0000.
          Default: force directory security mode = 0
          Example: force directory security mode = 700
          This parameter is a synonym for force group.
      force group (S)
          This specifies a UNIX group name that will be assigned as the
          default primary group for all users connecting to this service.
          This is useful for sharing files by ensuring that all access to
          files on service will use the named group for their permissions
          checking. Thus, by assigning permissions for this group to the
          files and directories within this service the Samba administrator
          can restrict or allow sharing of these files.
          In Samba 2.0.5 and above this parameter has extended functionality
          in the following way. If the group name listed here has a '+'
          character prepended to it then the current user accessing the share
          only has the primary group default assigned to this group if they
          are already assigned as a member of that group. This allows an
          administrator to decide that only users who are already in a
          particular group will create files with group ownership set to that
          group. This gives a finer granularity of ownership assignment. For
          example, the setting force group = +sys means that only users who
          are already in group sys will have their default primary group
          assigned to sys when accessing this Samba share. All other users
          will retain their ordinary primary group.
          If the force user parameter is also set the group specified in
          force group will override the primary group set in force user.
          Default: force group =
          Example: force group = agroup
      force printername (S)
          When printing from Windows NT (or later), each printer in smb.conf
          has two associated names which can be used by the client. The first
          is the sharename (or shortname) defined in smb.conf. This is the
          only printername available for use by Windows 9x clients. The
          second name associated with a printer can be seen when browsing to
          the "Printers" (or "Printers and Faxes") folder on the Samba
          server. This is referred to simply as the printername (not to be
          confused with the printer name option).
          When assigning a new driver to a printer on a remote Windows
          compatible print server such as Samba, the Windows client will
          rename the printer to match the driver name just uploaded. This can
          result in confusion for users when multiple printers are bound to
          the same driver. To prevent Samba from allowing the printer's
          printername to differ from the sharename defined in smb.conf, set
          force printername = yes.
          Be aware that enabling this parameter may affect migrating printers
          from a Windows server to Samba since Windows has no way to force
          the sharename and printername to match.
          It is recommended that this parameter's value not be changed once
          the printer is in use by clients as this could cause a user not be
          able to delete printer connections from their local Printers
          Default: force printername = no
      force security mode (S)
          This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits can be modified
          when a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a
          file using the native NT security dialog box.
          This parameter is applied as a mask (OR'ed with) to the changed
          permission bits, thus forcing any bits in this mask that the user
          may have modified to be on. Make sure not to mix up this parameter
          with security mask, which works similar like this one but uses
          logical AND instead of OR.
          Essentially, one bits in this mask may be treated as a set of bits
          that, when modifying security on a file, the user has always set to
          be on.
          If not set explicitly this parameter is set to 0, and allows a user
          to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a file, with no
           Note that users who can access the Samba server through other
          means can easily bypass this restriction, so it is primarily useful
          for standalone "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal
          systems will probably want to leave this set to 0000.
          Default: force security mode = 0
          Example: force security mode = 700
      force unknown acl user (S)
          If this parameter is set, a Windows NT ACL that contains an unknown
          SID (security descriptor, or representation of a user or group id)
          as the owner or group owner of the file will be silently mapped
          into the current UNIX uid or gid of the currently connected user.
          This is designed to allow Windows NT clients to copy files and
          folders containing ACLs that were created locally on the client
          machine and contain users local to that machine only (no domain
          users) to be copied to a Samba server (usually with XCOPY /O) and
          have the unknown userid and groupid of the file owner map to the
          current connected user. This can only be fixed correctly when
          winbindd allows arbitrary mapping from any Windows NT SID to a UNIX
          uid or gid.
          Try using this parameter when XCOPY /O gives an ACCESS_DENIED
          Default: force unknown acl user = no
      force user (S)
          This specifies a UNIX user name that will be assigned as the
          default user for all users connecting to this service. This is
          useful for sharing files. You should also use it carefully as using
          it incorrectly can cause security problems.
          This user name only gets used once a connection is established.
          Thus clients still need to connect as a valid user and supply a
          valid password. Once connected, all file operations will be
          performed as the "forced user", no matter what username the client
          connected as. This can be very useful.
          In Samba 2.0.5 and above this parameter also causes the primary
          group of the forced user to be used as the primary group for all
          file activity. Prior to 2.0.5 the primary group was left as the
          primary group of the connecting user (this was a bug).
          Default: force user =
          Example: force user = auser
      fstype (S)
          This parameter allows the administrator to configure the string
          that specifies the type of filesystem a share is using that is
          reported by smbd(8) when a client queries the filesystem type for a
          share. The default type is NTFS for compatibility with Windows NT
          but this can be changed to other strings such as Samba or FAT if
          Default: fstype = NTFS
          Example: fstype = Samba
      get quota command (G)
          The get quota command should only be used whenever there is no
          operating system API available from the OS that samba can use.
          This option is only available you have compiled Samba with the
          --with-sys-quotas option or on Linux with --with-quotas and a
          working quota api was found in the system.
          This parameter should specify the path to a script that queries the
          quota information for the specified user/group for the partition
          that the specified directory is on.
          Such a script should take 3 arguments:
          o   directory
          o   type of query
          o   uid of user or gid of group
      The type of query can be one of :
      o   1 - user quotas
      o   2 - user default quotas (uid = -1)
      o   3 - group quotas
      o   4 - group default quotas (gid = -1)
      This script should print one line as output with spaces between the
      arguments. The arguments are:
      o   Arg 1 - quota flags (0 = no quotas, 1 = quotas enabled, 2 = quotas
          enabled and enforced)
      o   Arg 2 - number of currently used blocks
      o   Arg 3 - the softlimit number of blocks
      o   Arg 4 - the hardlimit number of blocks
      o   Arg 5 - currently used number of inodes
      o   Arg 6 - the softlimit number of inodes
      o   Arg 7 - the hardlimit number of inodes
      o   Arg 8(optional) - the number of bytes in a block(default is 1024)
      Default: get quota command =
      Example: get quota command = /usr/local/sbin/query_quota
      getwd cache (G)
          This is a tuning option. When this is enabled a caching algorithm
          will be used to reduce the time taken for getwd() calls. This can
          have a significant impact on performance, especially when the wide
          smbconfoptions parameter is set to no.
          Default: getwd cache = yes
      guest account (G)
          This is a username which will be used for access to services which
          are specified as guest ok (see below). Whatever privileges this
          user has will be available to any client connecting to the guest
          service. This user must exist in the password file, but does not
          require a valid login. The user account "ftp" is often a good
          choice for this parameter.
          On some systems the default guest account "nobody" may not be able
          to print. Use another account in this case. You should test this by
          trying to log in as your guest user (perhaps by using the su -
          command) and trying to print using the system print command such as
          lpr(1) or lp(1).
          This parameter does not accept % macros, because many parts of the
          system require this value to be constant for correct operation.
          Default: guest account = nobody # default can be changed at
          Example: guest account = ftp
          This parameter is a synonym for guest ok.
      guest ok (S)
          If this parameter is yes for a service, then no password is
          required to connect to the service. Privileges will be those of the
          guest account.
          This parameter nullifies the benefits of setting restrict anonymous
          = 2
          See the section below on security for more information about this
          Default: guest ok = no
      only guest
          This parameter is a synonym for guest only.
      guest only (S)
          If this parameter is yes for a service, then only guest connections
          to the service are permitted. This parameter will have no effect if
          guest ok is not set for the service.
          See the section below on security for more information about this
          Default: guest only = no
      hide dot files (S)
          This is a boolean parameter that controls whether files starting
          with a dot appear as hidden files.
          Default: hide dot files = yes
      hide files (S)
          This is a list of files or directories that are not visible but are
          accessible. The DOS 'hidden' attribute is applied to any files or
          directories that match.
          Each entry in the list must be separated by a '/', which allows
          spaces to be included in the entry. '*' and '?' can be used to
          specify multiple files or directories as in DOS wildcards.
          Each entry must be a Unix path, not a DOS path and must not include
          the Unix directory separator '/'.
          Note that the case sensitivity option is applicable in hiding
          Setting this parameter will affect the performance of Samba, as it
          will be forced to check all files and directories for a match as
          they are scanned.
          The example shown above is based on files that the Macintosh SMB
          client (DAVE) available from Thursby creates for internal use, and
          also still hides all files beginning with a dot.
          An example of us of this parameter is:
              hide files = /.*/DesktopFolderDB/TrashFor%m/resource.frk/
          Default: hide files =  # no file are hidden
      hide special files (S)
          This parameter prevents clients from seeing special files such as
          sockets, devices and fifo's in directory listings.
          Default: hide special files = no
      hide unreadable (S)
          This parameter prevents clients from seeing the existance of files
          that cannot be read. Defaults to off.
          Default: hide unreadable = no
      hide unwriteable files (S)
          This parameter prevents clients from seeing the existance of files
          that cannot be written to. Defaults to off. Note that unwriteable
          directories are shown as usual.
          Default: hide unwriteable files = no
      homedir map (G)
          If nis homedir is yes, and smbd(8) is also acting as a Win95/98
          logon server then this parameter specifies the NIS (or YP) map from
          which the server for the user's home directory should be extracted.
          At present, only the Sun auto.home map format is understood. The
          form of the map is:
              username server:/some/file/system
          and the program will extract the servername from before the first
          ':'. There should probably be a better parsing system that copes
          with different map formats and also Amd (another automounter) maps.
              A working NIS client is required on the system for this option
              to work.
          Default: homedir map =
          Example: homedir map = amd.homedir
      host msdfs (G)
          If set to yes, Samba will act as a Dfs server, and allow Dfs-aware
          clients to browse Dfs trees hosted on the server.
          See also the msdfs root share level parameter. For more information
          on setting up a Dfs tree on Samba, refer to the MSFDS chapter in
          the book Samba3-HOWTO.
          Default: host msdfs = yes
      hostname lookups (G)
          Specifies whether samba should use (expensive) hostname lookups or
          use the ip addresses instead. An example place where hostname
          lookups are currently used is when checking the hosts deny and
          hosts allow.
          Default: hostname lookups = no
          Example: hostname lookups = yes
      allow hosts
          This parameter is a synonym for hosts allow.
      hosts allow (S)
          A synonym for this parameter is allow hosts.
          This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts
          which are permitted to access a service.
          If specified in the [global] section then it will apply to all
          services, regardless of whether the individual service has a
          different setting.
          You can specify the hosts by name or IP number. For example, you
          could restrict access to only the hosts on a Class C subnet with
          something like allow hosts = 150.203.5.. The full syntax of the
          list is described in the man page hosts_access(5). Note that this
          man page may not be present on your system, so a brief description
          will be given here also.
          Note that the localhost address will always be allowed
          access unless specifically denied by a hosts deny option.
          You can also specify hosts by network/netmask pairs and by netgroup
          names if your system supports netgroups. The EXCEPT keyword can
          also be used to limit a wildcard list. The following examples may
          provide some help:
          Example 1: allow all IPs in 150.203.*.*; except one
          hosts allow = 150.203. EXCEPT
          Example 2: allow hosts that match the given network/netmask
          hosts allow =
          Example 3: allow a couple of hosts
          hosts allow = lapland, arvidsjaur
          Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup "foonet", but deny
          access from one particular host
          hosts allow = @foonet
          hosts deny = pirate
              Note that access still requires suitable user-level passwords.
          See testparm(1) for a way of testing your host access to see if it
          does what you expect.
          Default: hosts allow =  # none (i.e., all hosts permitted access)
          Example: hosts allow = 150.203.5.
      deny hosts
          This parameter is a synonym for hosts deny.
      hosts deny (S)
          The opposite of hosts allow - hosts listed here are NOT permitted
          access to services unless the specific services have their own
          lists to override this one. Where the lists conflict, the allow
          list takes precedence.
          In the event that it is necessary to deny all by default, use the
          keyword ALL (or the netmask and then explicitly specify
          to the hosts allow = hosts allow parameter those hosts that should
          be permitted access.
          Default: hosts deny =  # none (i.e., no hosts specifically
          Example: hosts deny = 150.203.4.
      idmap backend (G)
          The idmap backend provides a plugin interface for Winbind to use
          varying backends to store SID/uid/gid mapping tables.
          This option specifies the default backend that is used when no
          special configuration set, but it is now deprecated in favour of
          the new spelling idmap config * : backend.
          Default: idmap backend = tdb
      idmap cache time (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of seconds that Winbind's idmap
          interface will cache positive SID/uid/gid query results.
          Default: idmap cache time = 604800 (one week)
      idmap config (G)
          ID mapping in Samba is the mapping between Windows SIDs and Unix
          user and group IDs. This is performed by Winbindd with a
          configurable plugin interface. Samba's ID mapping is configured by
          options starting with the idmap config prefix. An idmap option
          consists of the idmap config prefix, followed by a domain name or
          the asterisk character (*), a colon, and the name of an idmap
          setting for the chosen domain.
          The idmap configuration is hence divided into groups, one group for
          each domain to be configured, and one group with the the asterisk
          instead of a proper domain name, which speifies the default
          configuration that is used to catch all domains that do not have an
          explicit idmap configuration of their own.
          There are three general options available:
          backend = backend_name
              This specifies the name of the idmap plugin to use as the
              SID/uid/gid backend for this domain. The standard backends are
              tdb (idmap_tdb(8)), tdb2 (idmap_tdb2(8)), ldap (idmap_ldap(8)),
              , rid (idmap_rid(8)), , hash (idmap_hash(8)), , autorid
              (idmap_autorid(8)), , ad (idmap_ad(8)), , adex (idmap_adex(8)),
              , and nss. (idmap_nss(8)), The corresponding manual pages
              contain the details, but here is a summary.
              The first three of these create mappings of their own using
              internal unixid counters and store the mappings in a database.
              These are suitable for use in the default idmap configuration.
              The rid and hash backends use a pure algorithmic calculation to
              determine the unixid for a SID. The autorid module is a mixture
              of the tdb and rid backend. It creates ranges for each domain
              encountered and then uses the rid algorithm for each of these
              automatically configured domains individually. The ad and adex
              backends both use unix IDs stored in Active Directory via the
              standard schema extensions. The nss backend reverses the
              standard winbindd setup and gets the unixids via names from
              nsswitch which can be useful in an ldap setup.
          range = low - high
              Defines the available matching uid and gid range for which the
              backend is authoritative. For allocating backends, this also
              defines the start and the end of the range for allocating new
              unid IDs.
              winbind uses this parameter to find the backend that is
              authoritative for a unix ID to SID mapping, so it must be set
              for each individually configured domain and for the default
              configuration. The configured ranges must be mutually disjoint.
          read only = yes|no
              This option can be used to turn the writing backends tdb, tdb2,
              and ldap into read only mode. This can be useful e.g. in cases
              where a pre-filled database exists that should not be extended
          The following example illustrates how to configure the idmap_ad(8)
          backend for the CORP domain and the idmap_tdb(8) backend for all
          other domains. This configuration assumes that the admin of CORP
          assigns unix ids below 1000000 via the SFU extensions, and winbind
          is supposed to use the next million entries for its own mappings
          from trusted domains and for local groups for example.
                   idmap config * : backend = tdb
                   idmap config * : range = 1000000-1999999
                   idmap config CORP : backend  = ad
                   idmap config CORP : range = 1000-999999

          No default
      winbind gid
          This parameter is a synonym for idmap gid.
      idmap gid (G)
          The idmap gid parameter specifies the range of group ids for the
          default idmap configuration. It is now deprecated in favour of
          idmap config * : range.
          See the idmap config option.
          Default: idmap gid =
          Example: idmap gid = 10000-20000
      idmap negative cache time (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of seconds that Winbind's idmap
          interface will cache negative SID/uid/gid query results.
          Default: idmap negative cache time = 120
      winbind uid
          This parameter is a synonym for idmap uid.
      idmap uid (G)
          The idmap uid parameter specifies the range of user ids for the
          default idmap configuration. It is now deprecated in favour of
          idmap config * : range.
          See the idmap config option.
          Default: idmap uid =
          Example: idmap uid = 10000-20000
      include (G)
          This allows you to include one config file inside another. The file
          is included literally, as though typed in place.
          It takes the standard substitutions, except %u, %P and %S.
          The parameter include = registry has a special meaning: It does not
          include a file named registry from the current working directory,
          but instead reads the global configuration options from the
          registry. See the section on registry-based configuration for
          details. Note that this option automatically activates registry
          Default: include =
          Example: include = /usr/local/samba/lib/admin_smb.conf
      inherit acls (S)
          This parameter can be used to ensure that if default acls exist on
          parent directories, they are always honored when creating a new
          file or subdirectory in these parent directories. The default
          behavior is to use the unix mode specified when creating the
          directory. Enabling this option sets the unix mode to 0777, thus
          guaranteeing that default directory acls are propagated. Note that
          using the VFS modules acl_xattr or acl_tdb which store native
          Windows as meta-data will automatically turn this option on for any
          share for which they are loaded, as they require this option to
          emulate Windows ACLs correctly.
          Default: inherit acls = no
      inherit owner (S)
          The ownership of new files and directories is normally governed by
          effective uid of the connected user. This option allows the Samba
          administrator to specify that the ownership for new files and
          directories should be controlled by the ownership of the parent
          Common scenarios where this behavior is useful is in implementing
          drop-boxes where users can create and edit files but not delete
          them and to ensure that newly create files in a user's roaming
          profile directory are actually owner by the user.
          Default: inherit owner = no
      inherit permissions (S)
          The permissions on new files and directories are normally governed
          by create mask, directory mask, force create mode and force
          directory mode but the boolean inherit permissions parameter
          overrides this.
          New directories inherit the mode of the parent directory, including
          bits such as setgid.
          New files inherit their read/write bits from the parent directory.
          Their execute bits continue to be determined by map archive, map
          hidden and map system as usual.
          Note that the setuid bit is never set via inheritance (the code
          explicitly prohibits this).
          This can be particularly useful on large systems with many users,
          perhaps several thousand, to allow a single [homes] share to be
          used flexibly by each user.
          Default: inherit permissions = no
      init logon delayed hosts (G)
          This parameter takes a list of host names, addresses or networks
          for which the initial samlogon reply should be delayed (so other
          DCs get preferred by XP workstations if there are any).
          The length of the delay can be specified with the init logon delay
          Default: init logon delayed hosts =
          Example: init logon delayed hosts = 150.203.5.
      init logon delay (G)
          This parameter specifies a delay in milliseconds for the hosts
          configured for delayed initial samlogon with init logon delayed
          Default: init logon delay = 100
      interfaces (G)
          This option allows you to override the default network interfaces
          list that Samba will use for browsing, name registration and other
          NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) traffic. By default Samba will query the
          kernel for the list of all active interfaces and use any interfaces
          except that are broadcast capable.
          The option takes a list of interface strings. Each string can be in
          any of the following forms:
          o   a network interface name (such as eth0). This may include
              shell-like wildcards so eth* will match any interface starting
              with the substring "eth"
          o   an IP address. In this case the netmask is determined from the
              list of interfaces obtained from the kernel
          o   an IP/mask pair.
          o   a broadcast/mask pair.
      The "mask" parameters can either be a bit length (such as 24 for a C
      class network) or a full netmask in dotted decimal form.
      The "IP" parameters above can either be a full dotted decimal IP
      address or a hostname which will be looked up via the OS's normal
      hostname resolution mechanisms.
      By default Samba enables all active interfaces that are broadcast
      capable except the loopback adaptor (IP address
      The example below configures three network interfaces corresponding to
      the eth0 device and IP addresses and The
      netmasks of the latter two interfaces would be set to
      Default: interfaces =
      Example: interfaces = eth0
      invalid users (S)
          This is a list of users that should not be allowed to login to this
          service. This is really a paranoid check to absolutely ensure an
          improper setting does not breach your security.
          A name starting with a '@' is interpreted as an NIS netgroup first
          (if your system supports NIS), and then as a UNIX group if the name
          was not found in the NIS netgroup database.
          A name starting with '+' is interpreted only by looking in the UNIX
          group database via the NSS getgrnam() interface. A name starting
          with '&' is interpreted only by looking in the NIS netgroup
          database (this requires NIS to be working on your system). The
          characters '+' and '&' may be used at the start of the name in
          either order so the value +&group means check the UNIX group
          database, followed by the NIS netgroup database, and the value
          &+group means check the NIS netgroup database, followed by the UNIX
          group database (the same as the '@' prefix).
          The current servicename is substituted for %S. This is useful in
          the [homes] section.
          Default: invalid users =  # no invalid users
          Example: invalid users = root fred admin @wheel
      iprint server (G)
          This parameter is only applicable if printing is set to iprint.
          If set, this option overrides the ServerName option in the CUPS
          client.conf. This is necessary if you have virtual samba servers
          that connect to different CUPS daemons.
          Default: iprint server = ""
          Example: iprint server = MYCUPSSERVER
      keepalive (G)
          The value of the parameter (an integer) represents the number of
          seconds between keepalive packets. If this parameter is zero, no
          keepalive packets will be sent. Keepalive packets, if sent, allow
          the server to tell whether a client is still present and
          Keepalives should, in general, not be needed if the socket has the
          SO_KEEPALIVE attribute set on it by default. (see socket options).
          Basically you should only use this option if you strike
          Default: keepalive = 300
          Example: keepalive = 600
      kerberos method (G)
          Controls how kerberos tickets are verified.
          Valid options are:
          o   secrets only - use only the secrets.tdb for ticket verification
          o   system keytab - use only the system keytab for ticket
          o   dedicated keytab - use a dedicated keytab for ticket
          o   secrets and keytab - use the secrets.tdb first, then the system
      The major difference between "system keytab" and "dedicated keytab" is
      that the latter method relies on kerberos to find the correct keytab
      entry instead of filtering based on expected principals.
      When the kerberos method is in "dedicated keytab" mode, dedicated
      keytab file must be set to specify the location of the keytab file.
      Default: kerberos method = secrets only
      kernel change notify (S)
          This parameter specifies whether Samba should ask the kernel for
          change notifications in directories so that SMB clients can refresh
          whenever the data on the server changes.
          This parameter is only used when your kernel supports change
          notification to user programs using the inotify interface.
          Default: kernel change notify = yes
      kernel oplocks (G)
          For UNIXes that support kernel based oplocks (currently only IRIX
          and the Linux 2.4 kernel), this parameter allows the use of them to
          be turned on or off.
          Kernel oplocks support allows Samba oplocks to be broken whenever a
          local UNIX process or NFS operation accesses a file that smbd(8)
          has oplocked. This allows complete data consistency between
          SMB/CIFS, NFS and local file access (and is a very cool feature
          This parameter defaults to on, but is translated to a no-op on
          systems that no not have the necessary kernel support. You should
          never need to touch this parameter.
          Default: kernel oplocks = yes
      lanman auth (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) will attempt to
          authenticate users or permit password changes using the LANMAN
          password hash. If disabled, only clients which support NT password
          hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000 clients, smbclient, but not Windows
          95/98 or the MS DOS network client) will be able to connect to the
          Samba host.
          The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to its
          case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Servers
          without Windows 95/98/ME or MS DOS clients are advised to disable
          this option.
          When this parameter is set to no this will also result in
          sambaLMPassword in Samba's passdb being blanked after the next
          password change. As a result of that lanman clients won't be able
          to authenticate, even if lanman auth is reenabled later on.
          Unlike the encrypt passwords option, this parameter cannot alter
          client behaviour, and the LANMAN response will still be sent over
          the network. See the client lanman auth to disable this for Samba's
          clients (such as smbclient)
          If this option, and ntlm auth are both disabled, then only NTLMv2
          logins will be permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most
          will require special configuration to use it.
          Default: lanman auth = no
      large readwrite (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) supports the new
          64k streaming read and write variant SMB requests introduced with
          Windows 2000. Note that due to Windows 2000 client redirector bugs
          this requires Samba to be running on a 64-bit capable operating
          system such as IRIX, Solaris or a Linux 2.4 kernel. Can improve
          performance by 10% with Windows 2000 clients. Defaults to on. Not
          as tested as some other Samba code paths.
          Default: large readwrite = yes
      ldap admin dn (G)
          The ldap admin dn defines the Distinguished Name (DN) name used by
          Samba to contact the ldap server when retreiving user account
          information. The ldap admin dn is used in conjunction with the
          admin dn password stored in the private/secrets.tdb file. See the
          smbpasswd(8) man page for more information on how to accomplish
          The ldap admin dn requires a fully specified DN. The ldap suffix is
          not appended to the ldap admin dn.
          No default
      ldap connection timeout (G)
          This parameter tells the LDAP library calls which timeout in
          seconds they should honor during initial connection establishments
          to LDAP servers. It is very useful in failover scenarios in
          particular. If one or more LDAP servers are not reachable at all,
          we do not have to wait until TCP timeouts are over. This feature
          must be supported by your LDAP library.
          This parameter is different from ldap timeout which affects
          operations on LDAP servers using an existing connection and not
          establishing an initial connection.
          Default: ldap connection timeout = 2
      ldap debug level (G)
          This parameter controls the debug level of the LDAP library calls.
          In the case of OpenLDAP, it is the same bit-field as understood by
          the server and documented in the slapd.conf(5) manpage. A typical
          useful value will be 1 for tracing function calls.
          The debug ouput from the LDAP libraries appears with the prefix
          [LDAP] in Samba's logging output. The level at which LDAP logging
          is printed is controlled by the parameter ldap debug threshold.
          Default: ldap debug level = 0
          Example: ldap debug level = 1
      ldap debug threshold (G)
          This parameter controls the Samba debug level at which the ldap
          library debug output is printed in the Samba logs. See the
          description of ldap debug level for details.
          Default: ldap debug threshold = 10
          Example: ldap debug threshold = 5
      ldap delete dn (G)
          This parameter specifies whether a delete operation in the ldapsam
          deletes the complete entry or only the attributes specific to
          Default: ldap delete dn = no
      ldap deref (G)
          This option controls whether Samba should tell the LDAP library to
          use a certain alias dereferencing method. The default is auto,
          which means that the default setting of the ldap client library
          will be kept. Other possible values are never, finding, searching
          and always. Grab your LDAP manual for more information.
          Default: ldap deref = auto
          Example: ldap deref = searching
      ldap follow referral (G)
          This option controls whether to follow LDAP referrals or not when
          searching for entries in the LDAP database. Possible values are on
          to enable following referrals, off to disable this, and auto, to
          use the libldap default settings. libldap's choice of following
          referrals or not is set in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf with the
          REFERRALS parameter as documented in ldap.conf(5).
          Default: ldap follow referral = auto
          Example: ldap follow referral = off
      ldap group suffix (G)
          This parameter specifies the suffix that is used for groups when
          these are added to the LDAP directory. If this parameter is unset,
          the value of ldap suffix will be used instead. The suffix string is
          pre-pended to the ldap suffix string so use a partial DN.
          Default: ldap group suffix =
          Example: ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
      ldap idmap suffix (G)
          This parameters specifies the suffix that is used when storing
          idmap mappings. If this parameter is unset, the value of ldap
          suffix will be used instead. The suffix string is pre-pended to the
          ldap suffix string so use a partial DN.
          Default: ldap idmap suffix =
          Example: ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
      ldap machine suffix (G)
          It specifies where machines should be added to the ldap tree. If
          this parameter is unset, the value of ldap suffix will be used
          instead. The suffix string is pre-pended to the ldap suffix string
          so use a partial DN.
          Default: ldap machine suffix =
          Example: ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
      ldap page size (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of entries per page.
          If the LDAP server supports paged results, clients can request
          subsets of search results (pages) instead of the entire list. This
          parameter specifies the size of these pages.
          Default: ldap page size = 1024
          Example: ldap page size = 512
      ldap passwd sync (G)
          This option is used to define whether or not Samba should sync the
          LDAP password with the NT and LM hashes for normal accounts (NOT
          for workstation, server or domain trusts) on a password change via
          The ldap passwd sync can be set to one of three values:
          o   Yes = Try to update the LDAP, NT and LM passwords and update
              the pwdLastSet time.
          o   No = Update NT and LM passwords and update the pwdLastSet time.
          o   Only = Only update the LDAP password and let the LDAP server do
              the rest.
      Default: ldap passwd sync = no
      ldap replication sleep (G)
          When Samba is asked to write to a read-only LDAP replica, we are
          redirected to talk to the read-write master server. This server
          then replicates our changes back to the 'local' server, however the
          replication might take some seconds, especially over slow links.
          Certain client activities, particularly domain joins, can become
          confused by the 'success' that does not immediately change the LDAP
          back-end's data.
          This option simply causes Samba to wait a short time, to allow the
          LDAP server to catch up. If you have a particularly high-latency
          network, you may wish to time the LDAP replication with a network
          sniffer, and increase this value accordingly. Be aware that no
          checking is performed that the data has actually replicated.
          The value is specified in milliseconds, the maximum value is 5000
          (5 seconds).
          Default: ldap replication sleep = 1000
      ldapsam:editposix (G)
          Editposix is an option that leverages ldapsam:trusted to make it
          simpler to manage a domain controller eliminating the need to set
          up custom scripts to add and manage the posix users and groups.
          This option will instead directly manipulate the ldap tree to
          create, remove and modify user and group entries. This option also
          requires a running winbindd as it is used to allocate new uids/gids
          on user/group creation. The allocation range must be therefore
          To use this option, a basic ldap tree must be provided and the ldap
          suffix parameters must be properly configured. On virgin servers
          the default users and groups (Administrator, Guest, Domain Users,
          Domain Admins, Domain Guests) can be precreated with the command
          net sam provision. To run this command the ldap server must be
          running, Winindd must be running and the smb.conf ldap options must
          be properly configured. The typical ldap setup used with the
          ldapsam:trusted = yes option is usually sufficient to use
          ldapsam:editposix = yes as well.
          An example configuration can be the following:
                   encrypt passwords = true
                   passdb backend = ldapsam
                   ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=samba,dc=org
                   ldap delete dn = yes
                   ldap group suffix = ou=groups
                   ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
                   ldap machine suffix = ou=computers
                   ldap user suffix = ou=users
                   ldap suffix = dc=samba,dc=org
                   idmap backend = ldap:"ldap://localhost"
                   idmap uid = 5000-50000
                   idmap gid = 5000-50000

          This configuration assumes a directory layout like described in the
          following ldif:
                   dn: dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: top
                   objectClass: dcObject
                   objectClass: organization
                   dc: samba
                   dn: cn=admin,dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
                   objectClass: organizationalRole
                   cn: admin
                   description: LDAP administrator
                   userPassword: secret
                   dn: ou=users,dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: top
                   objectClass: organizationalUnit
                   ou: users
                   dn: ou=groups,dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: top
                   objectClass: organizationalUnit
                   ou: groups
                   dn: ou=idmap,dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: top
                   objectClass: organizationalUnit
                   ou: idmap
                   dn: ou=computers,dc=samba,dc=org
                   objectClass: top
                   objectClass: organizationalUnit
                   ou: computers

          Default: ldapsam:editposix = no
      ldapsam:trusted (G)
          By default, Samba as a Domain Controller with an LDAP backend needs
          to use the Unix-style NSS subsystem to access user and group
          information. Due to the way Unix stores user information in
          /etc/passwd and /etc/group this inevitably leads to inefficiencies.
          One important question a user needs to know is the list of groups
          he is member of. The plain UNIX model involves a complete
          enumeration of the file /etc/group and its NSS counterparts in
          LDAP. UNIX has optimized functions to enumerate group membership.
          Sadly, other functions that are used to deal with user and group
          attributes lack such optimization.
          To make Samba scale well in large environments, the ldapsam:trusted
          = yes option assumes that the complete user and group database that
          is relevant to Samba is stored in LDAP with the standard
          posixAccount/posixGroup attributes. It further assumes that the
          Samba auxiliary object classes are stored together with the POSIX
          data in the same LDAP object. If these assumptions are met,
          ldapsam:trusted = yes can be activated and Samba can bypass the NSS
          system to query user group memberships. Optimized LDAP queries can
          greatly speed up domain logon and administration tasks. Depending
          on the size of the LDAP database a factor of 100 or more for common
          queries is easily achieved.
          Default: ldapsam:trusted = no
      ldap ssl ads (G)
          This option is used to define whether or not Samba should use SSL
          when connecting to the ldap server using ads methods. Rpc methods
          are not affected by this parameter. Please note, that this
          parameter won't have any effect if ldap ssl is set to no.
          See smb.conf(5) for more information on ldap ssl.
          Default: ldap ssl ads = no
      ldap ssl (G)
          This option is used to define whether or not Samba should use SSL
          when connecting to the ldap server This is NOT related to Samba's
          previous SSL support which was enabled by specifying the --with-ssl
          option to the configure script.
          LDAP connections should be secured where possible. This may be done
          setting either this parameter to Start_tls or by specifying
          ldaps:// in the URL argument of passdb backend.
          The ldap ssl can be set to one of two values:
          o   Off = Never use SSL when querying the directory.
          o   start tls = Use the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation
              (RFC2830) for communicating with the directory server.
      Please note that this parameter does only affect rpc methods. To enable
      the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) for ads, set ldap ssl
      = yes and ldap ssl ads = yes. See smb.conf(5) for more information on
      ldap ssl ads.
      Default: ldap ssl = start tls
      ldap suffix (G)
          Specifies the base for all ldap suffixes and for storing the
          sambaDomain object.
          The ldap suffix will be appended to the values specified for the
          ldap user suffix, ldap group suffix, ldap machine suffix, and the
          ldap idmap suffix. Each of these should be given only a DN relative
          to the ldap suffix.
          Default: ldap suffix =
          Example: ldap suffix = dc=samba,dc=org
      ldap timeout (G)
          This parameter defines the number of seconds that Samba should use
          as timeout for LDAP operations.
          Default: ldap timeout = 15
      ldap user suffix (G)
          This parameter specifies where users are added to the tree. If this
          parameter is unset, the value of ldap suffix will be used instead.
          The suffix string is pre-pended to the ldap suffix string so use a
          partial DN.
          Default: ldap user suffix =
          Example: ldap user suffix = ou=people
      level2 oplocks (S)
          This parameter controls whether Samba supports level2 (read-only)
          oplocks on a share.
          Level2, or read-only oplocks allow Windows NT clients that have an
          oplock on a file to downgrade from a read-write oplock to a
          read-only oplock once a second client opens the file (instead of
          releasing all oplocks on a second open, as in traditional,
          exclusive oplocks). This allows all openers of the file that
          support level2 oplocks to cache the file for read-ahead only (ie.
          they may not cache writes or lock requests) and increases
          performance for many accesses of files that are not commonly
          written (such as application .EXE files).
          Once one of the clients which have a read-only oplock writes to the
          file all clients are notified (no reply is needed or waited for)
          and told to break their oplocks to "none" and delete any read-ahead
          It is recommended that this parameter be turned on to speed access
          to shared executables.
          For more discussions on level2 oplocks see the CIFS spec.
          Currently, if kernel oplocks are supported then level2 oplocks are
          not granted (even if this parameter is set to yes). Note also, the
          oplocks parameter must be set to yes on this share in order for
          this parameter to have any effect.
          Default: level2 oplocks = yes
      lm announce (G)
          This parameter determines if nmbd(8) will produce Lanman announce
          broadcasts that are needed by OS/2 clients in order for them to see
          the Samba server in their browse list. This parameter can have
          three values, yes, no, or auto. The default is auto. If set to no
          Samba will never produce these broadcasts. If set to yes Samba will
          produce Lanman announce broadcasts at a frequency set by the
          parameter lm interval. If set to auto Samba will not send Lanman
          announce broadcasts by default but will listen for them. If it
          hears such a broadcast on the wire it will then start sending them
          at a frequency set by the parameter lm interval.
          Default: lm announce = auto
          Example: lm announce = yes
      lm interval (G)
          If Samba is set to produce Lanman announce broadcasts needed by
          OS/2 clients (see the lm announce parameter) then this parameter
          defines the frequency in seconds with which they will be made. If
          this is set to zero then no Lanman announcements will be made
          despite the setting of the lm announce parameter.
          Default: lm interval = 60
          Example: lm interval = 120
      load printers (G)
          A boolean variable that controls whether all printers in the
          printcap will be loaded for browsing by default. See the printers
          section for more details.
          Default: load printers = yes
      local master (G)
          This option allows nmbd(8) to try and become a local master browser
          on a subnet. If set to no then nmbd will not attempt to become a
          local master browser on a subnet and will also lose in all browsing
          elections. By default this value is set to yes. Setting this value
          to yes doesn't mean that Samba will become the local master browser
          on a subnet, just that nmbd will participate in elections for local
          master browser.
          Setting this value to no will cause nmbd never to become a local
          master browser.
          Default: local master = yes
      lock dir
          This parameter is a synonym for lock directory.
      lock directory (G)
          This option specifies the directory where lock files will be
          placed. The lock files are used to implement the max connections
          Note: This option can not be set inside registry configurations.
          Default: lock directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
          Example: lock directory = /var/run/samba/locks
      locking (S)
          This controls whether or not locking will be performed by the
          server in response to lock requests from the client.
          If locking = no, all lock and unlock requests will appear to
          succeed and all lock queries will report that the file in question
          is available for locking.
          If locking = yes, real locking will be performed by the server.
          This option may be useful for read-only filesystems which may not
          need locking (such as CDROM drives), although setting this
          parameter of no is not really recommended even in this case.
          Be careful about disabling locking either globally or in a specific
          service, as lack of locking may result in data corruption. You
          should never need to set this parameter.
          No default
      lock spin count (G)
          This parameter has been made inoperative in Samba 3.0.24. The
          functionality it contolled is now controlled by the parameter lock
          spin time.
          Default: lock spin count = 0
      lock spin time (G)
          The time in milliseconds that smbd should keep waiting to see if a
          failed lock request can be granted. This parameter has changed in
          default value from Samba 3.0.23 from 10 to 200. The associated lock
          spin count parameter is no longer used in Samba 3.0.24. You should
          not need to change the value of this parameter.
          Default: lock spin time = 200
      log file (G)
          This option allows you to override the name of the Samba log file
          (also known as the debug file).
          This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you to have
          separate log files for each user or machine.
          No default
          Example: log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
          This parameter is a synonym for log level.
      log level (G)
          The value of the parameter (a astring) allows the debug level
          (logging level) to be specified in the smb.conf file.
          This parameter has been extended since the 2.2.x series, now it
          allows to specify the debug level for multiple debug classes. This
          is to give greater flexibility in the configuration of the system.
          The following debug classes are currently implemented:
          o   all
          o   tdb
          o   printdrivers
          o   lanman
          o   smb
          o   rpc_parse
          o   rpc_srv
          o   rpc_cli
          o   passdb
          o   sam
          o   auth
          o   winbind
          o   vfs
          o   idmap
          o   quota
          o   acls
          o   locking
          o   msdfs
          o   dmapi
          o   registry
      Default: log level = 0
      Example: log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2
      logon drive (G)
          This parameter specifies the local path to which the home directory
          will be connected (see logon home) and is only used by NT
          Note that this option is only useful if Samba is set up as a logon
          Default: logon drive =
          Example: logon drive = h:
      logon home (G)
          This parameter specifies the home directory location when a
          Win95/98 or NT Workstation logs into a Samba PDC. It allows you to

          C:\>NET USE H: /HOME
          from a command prompt, for example.
          This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you to have
          separate logon scripts for each user or machine.
          This parameter can be used with Win9X workstations to ensure that
          roaming profiles are stored in a subdirectory of the user's home
          directory. This is done in the following way:

          logon home = \\%N\%U\profile
          This tells Samba to return the above string, with substitutions
          made when a client requests the info, generally in a NetUserGetInfo
          request. Win9X clients truncate the info to \\server\share when a
          user does net use /home but use the whole string when dealing with
          Note that in prior versions of Samba, the logon path was returned
          rather than logon home. This broke net use /home but allowed
          profiles outside the home directory. The current implementation is
          correct, and can be used for profiles if you use the above trick.
          Disable this feature by setting logon home = "" - using the empty
          This option is only useful if Samba is set up as a logon server.
          Default: logon home = \\%N\%U
          Example: logon home = \\remote_smb_server\%U
      logon path (G)
          This parameter specifies the directory where roaming profiles
          (Desktop, NTuser.dat, etc) are stored. Contrary to previous
          versions of these manual pages, it has nothing to do with Win 9X
          roaming profiles. To find out how to handle roaming profiles for
          Win 9X system, see the logon home parameter.
          This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you to have
          separate logon scripts for each user or machine. It also specifies
          the directory from which the "Application Data", desktop, start
          menu, network neighborhood, programs and other folders, and their
          contents, are loaded and displayed on your Windows NT client.
          The share and the path must be readable by the user for the
          preferences and directories to be loaded onto the Windows NT
          client. The share must be writeable when the user logs in for the
          first time, in order that the Windows NT client can create the
          NTuser.dat and other directories. Thereafter, the directories and
          any of the contents can, if required, be made read-only. It is not
          advisable that the NTuser.dat file be made read-only - rename it to
 to achieve the desired effect (a MANdatory profile).
          Windows clients can sometimes maintain a connection to the [homes]
          share, even though there is no user logged in. Therefore, it is
          vital that the logon path does not include a reference to the homes
          share (i.e. setting this parameter to \\%N\homes\profile_path will
          cause problems).
          This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you to have
          separate logon scripts for each user or machine.
              Do not quote the value. Setting this as "\\%N\profile\%U" will
              break profile handling. Where the tdbsam or ldapsam passdb
              backend is used, at the time the user account is created the
              value configured for this parameter is written to the passdb
              backend and that value will over-ride the parameter value
              present in the smb.conf file. Any error present in the passdb
              backend account record must be editted using the appropriate
              tool (pdbedit on the command-line, or any other locally
              provided system tool).
          Note that this option is only useful if Samba is set up as a domain
          Disable the use of roaming profiles by setting the value of this
          parameter to the empty string. For example, logon path = "". Take
          note that even if the default setting in the smb.conf file is the
          empty string, any value specified in the user account settings in
          the passdb backend will over-ride the effect of setting this
          parameter to null. Disabling of all roaming profile use requires
          that the user account settings must also be blank.
          An example of use is:
              logon path = \\PROFILESERVER\PROFILE\%U
          Default: logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
      logon script (G)
          This parameter specifies the batch file (.bat) or NT command file
          (.cmd) to be downloaded and run on a machine when a user
          successfully logs in. The file must contain the DOS style CR/LF
          line endings. Using a DOS-style editor to create the file is
          The script must be a relative path to the [netlogon] service. If
          the [netlogon] service specifies a path of
          /usr/local/samba/netlogon, and logon script = STARTUP.BAT, then the
          file that will be downloaded is:
          The contents of the batch file are entirely your choice. A
          suggested command would be to add NET TIME \\SERVER /SET /YES, to
          force every machine to synchronize clocks with the same time
          server. Another use would be to add NET USE U: \\SERVER\UTILS for
          commonly used utilities, or
              NET USE Q: \\SERVER\ISO9001_QA
          for example.
          Note that it is particularly important not to allow write access to
          the [netlogon] share, or to grant users write permission on the
          batch files in a secure environment, as this would allow the batch
          files to be arbitrarily modified and security to be breached.
          This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you to have
          separate logon scripts for each user or machine.
          This option is only useful if Samba is set up as a logon server.
          Default: logon script =
          Example: logon script = scripts\%U.bat
      log writeable files on exit (G)
          When the network connection between a CIFS client and Samba dies,
          Samba has no option but to simply shut down the server side of the
          network connection. If this happens, there is a risk of data
          corruption because the Windows client did not complete all write
          operations that the Windows application requested. Setting this
          option to "yes" makes smbd log with a level 0 message a list of all
          files that have been opened for writing when the network connection
          died. Those are the files that are potentially corrupted. It is
          meant as an aid for the administrator to give him a list of files
          to do consistency checks on.
          Default: log writeable files on exit = no
      lppause command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to stop printing or spooling a specific print job.
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name and job number to pause the print job. One way of implementing
          this is by using job priorities, where jobs having a too low
          priority won't be sent to the printer.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place. A %j is
          replaced with the job number (an integer). On HPUX (see
          printing=hpux ), if the -p%p option is added to the lpq command,
          the job will show up with the correct status, i.e. if the job
          priority is lower than the set fence priority it will have the
          PAUSED status, whereas if the priority is equal or higher it will
          have the SPOOLED or PRINTING status.
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          lppause command as the PATH may not be available to the server.
          Default: lppause command =  # Currently no default value is given
          to this string, unless the value of the printing parameter is SYSV,
          in which case the default is : lp -i %p-%j -H hold or if the value
          of the printing parameter is SOFTQ, then the default is: qstat -s
          -j%j -h.
          Example: lppause command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p0
      lpq cache time (G)
          This controls how long lpq info will be cached for to prevent the
          lpq command being called too often. A separate cache is kept for
          each variation of the lpq command used by the system, so if you use
          different lpq commands for different users then they won't share
          cache information.
          The cache files are stored in /tmp/lpq.xxxx where xxxx is a hash of
          the lpq command in use.
          The default is 30 seconds, meaning that the cached results of a
          previous identical lpq command will be used if the cached data is
          less than 30 seconds old. A large value may be advisable if your
          lpq command is very slow.
          A value of 0 will disable caching completely.
          Default: lpq cache time = 30
          Example: lpq cache time = 10
      lpq command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to obtain lpq-style printer status information.
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name as its only parameter and outputs printer status information.
          Currently nine styles of printer status information are supported;
          BSD, AIX, LPRNG, PLP, SYSV, HPUX, QNX, CUPS, and SOFTQ. This covers
          most UNIX systems. You control which type is expected using the
          printing = option.
          Some clients (notably Windows for Workgroups) may not correctly
          send the connection number for the printer they are requesting
          status information about. To get around this, the server reports on
          the first printer service connected to by the client. This only
          happens if the connection number sent is invalid.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place.
          Otherwise it is placed at the end of the command.
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          lpq command as the $PATH may not be available to the server. When
          compiled with the CUPS libraries, no lpq command is needed because
          smbd will make a library call to obtain the print queue listing.
          Default: lpq command =
          Example: lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p
      lpresume command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to restart or continue printing or spooling a
          specific print job.
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name and job number to resume the print job. See also the lppause
          command parameter.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place. A %j is
          replaced with the job number (an integer).
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          lpresume command as the PATH may not be available to the server.
          See also the printing parameter.
          Default: Currently no default value is given to this string, unless
          the value of the printing parameter is SYSV, in which case the
          default is:
          lp -i %p-%j -H resume
          or if the value of the printing parameter is SOFTQ, then the
          default is:
          qstat -s -j%j -r
          No default
          Example: lpresume command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p2
      lprm command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to delete a print job.
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name and job number, and deletes the print job.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place. A %j is
          replaced with the job number (an integer).
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          lprm command as the PATH may not be available to the server.
          Examples of use are:
              lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
              lprm command = /usr/bin/cancel %p-%j
          Default: lprm command =  determined by printing parameter
      machine password timeout (G)
          If a Samba server is a member of a Windows NT Domain (see the
          security = domain parameter) then periodically a running smbd
          process will try and change the MACHINE ACCOUNT PASSWORD stored in
          the TDB called private/secrets.tdb. This parameter specifies how
          often this password will be changed, in seconds. The default is one
          week (expressed in seconds), the same as a Windows NT Domain member
          See also smbpasswd(8), and the security = domain parameter.
          Default: machine password timeout = 604800
      magic output (S)
          This parameter specifies the name of a file which will contain
          output created by a magic script (see the magic script parameter
              If two clients use the same magic script in the same directory
              the output file content is undefined.
          Default: magic output = <magic script name>.out
          Example: magic output = myfile.txt
      magic script (S)
          This parameter specifies the name of a file which, if opened, will
          be executed by the server when the file is closed. This allows a
          UNIX script to be sent to the Samba host and executed on behalf of
          the connected user.
          Scripts executed in this way will be deleted upon completion
          assuming that the user has the appropriate level of privilege and
          the file permissions allow the deletion.
          If the script generates output, output will be sent to the file
          specified by the magic output parameter (see above).
          Note that some shells are unable to interpret scripts containing
          CR/LF instead of CR as the end-of-line marker. Magic scripts must
          be executable as is on the host, which for some hosts and some
          shells will require filtering at the DOS end.
          Magic scripts are EXPERIMENTAL and should NOT be relied upon.
          Default: magic script =
          Example: magic script = user.csh
      mangled names (S)
          This controls whether non-DOS names under UNIX should be mapped to
          DOS-compatible names ("mangled") and made visible, or whether
          non-DOS names should simply be ignored.
          See the section on name mangling for details on how to control the
          mangling process.
          If mangling is used then the mangling method is as follows:
          o   The first (up to) five alphanumeric characters before the
              rightmost dot of the filename are preserved, forced to upper
              case, and appear as the first (up to) five characters of the
              mangled name.
          o   A tilde "~" is appended to the first part of the mangled name,
              followed by a two-character unique sequence, based on the
              original root name (i.e., the original filename minus its final
              extension). The final extension is included in the hash
              calculation only if it contains any upper case characters or is
              longer than three characters.
              Note that the character to use may be specified using the
              mangling char option, if you don't like '~'.
          o   Files whose UNIX name begins with a dot will be presented as
              DOS hidden files. The mangled name will be created as for other
              filenames, but with the leading dot removed and "___" as its
              extension regardless of actual original extension (that's three
      The two-digit hash value consists of upper case alphanumeric
      This algorithm can cause name collisions only if files in a directory
      share the same first five alphanumeric characters. The probability of
      such a clash is 1/1300.
      The name mangling (if enabled) allows a file to be copied between UNIX
      directories from Windows/DOS while retaining the long UNIX filename.
      UNIX files can be renamed to a new extension from Windows/DOS and will
      retain the same basename. Mangled names do not change between sessions.
      Default: mangled names = yes
      mangle prefix (G)
          controls the number of prefix characters from the original name
          used when generating the mangled names. A larger value will give a
          weaker hash and therefore more name collisions. The minimum value
          is 1 and the maximum value is 6.
          mangle prefix is effective only when mangling method is hash2.
          Default: mangle prefix = 1
          Example: mangle prefix = 4
      mangling char (S)
          This controls what character is used as the magic character in name
          mangling. The default is a '~' but this may interfere with some
          software. Use this option to set it to whatever you prefer. This is
          effective only when mangling method is hash.
          Default: mangling char = ~
          Example: mangling char = ^
      mangling method (G)
          controls the algorithm used for the generating the mangled names.
          Can take two different values, "hash" and "hash2". "hash" is the
          algorithm that was used used in Samba for many years and was the
          default in Samba 2.2.x "hash2" is now the default and is newer and
          considered a better algorithm (generates less collisions) in the
          names. Many Win32 applications store the mangled names and so
          changing to algorithms must not be done lightly as these
          applications may break unless reinstalled.
          Default: mangling method = hash2
          Example: mangling method = hash
      map acl inherit (S)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will attempt to map
          the 'inherit' and 'protected' access control entry flags stored in
          Windows ACLs into an extended attribute called user.SAMBA_PAI. This
          parameter only takes effect if Samba is being run on a platform
          that supports extended attributes (Linux and IRIX so far) and
          allows the Windows 2000 ACL editor to correctly use inheritance
          with the Samba POSIX ACL mapping code.
          Default: map acl inherit = no
      map archive (S)
          This controls whether the DOS archive attribute should be mapped to
          the UNIX owner execute bit. The DOS archive bit is set when a file
          has been modified since its last backup. One motivation for this
          option is to keep Samba/your PC from making any file it touches
          from becoming executable under UNIX. This can be quite annoying for
          shared source code, documents, etc...
          Note that this requires the create mask parameter to be set such
          that owner execute bit is not masked out (i.e. it must include
          100). See the parameter create mask for details.
          Default: map archive = yes
      map hidden (S)
          This controls whether DOS style hidden files should be mapped to
          the UNIX world execute bit.
          Note that this requires the create mask to be set such that the
          world execute bit is not masked out (i.e. it must include 001). See
          the parameter create mask for details.
          No default
      map readonly (S)
          This controls how the DOS read only attribute should be mapped from
          a UNIX filesystem.
          This parameter can take three different values, which tell smbd(8)
          how to display the read only attribute on files, where either store
          dos attributes is set to No, or no extended attribute is present.
          If store dos attributes is set to yes then this parameter is
          ignored. This is a new parameter introduced in Samba version
          The three settings are :
          o    Yes - The read only DOS attribute is mapped to the inverse of
              the user or owner write bit in the unix permission mode set. If
              the owner write bit is not set, the read only attribute is
              reported as being set on the file. If the read only DOS
              attribute is set, Samba sets the owner, group and others write
              bits to zero. Write bits set in an ACL are ignored by Samba. If
              the read only DOS attribute is unset, Samba simply sets the
              write bit of the owner to one.
          o    Permissions - The read only DOS attribute is mapped to the
              effective permissions of the connecting user, as evaluated by
              smbd(8) by reading the unix permissions and POSIX ACL (if
              present). If the connecting user does not have permission to
              modify the file, the read only attribute is reported as being
              set on the file.
          o    No - The read only DOS attribute is unaffected by permissions,
              and can only be set by the store dos attributes method. This
              may be useful for exporting mounted CDs.
      Default: map readonly = yes
      map system (S)
          This controls whether DOS style system files should be mapped to
          the UNIX group execute bit.
          Note that this requires the create mask to be set such that the
          group execute bit is not masked out (i.e. it must include 010). See
          the parameter create mask for details.
          Default: map system = no
      map to guest (G)
          This parameter is only useful in SECURITY = security modes other
          than security = share and security = server - i.e.  user, and
          This parameter can take four different values, which tell smbd(8)
          what to do with user login requests that don't match a valid UNIX
          user in some way.
          The four settings are :
          o   Never - Means user login requests with an invalid password are
              rejected. This is the default.
          o   Bad User - Means user logins with an invalid password are
              rejected, unless the username does not exist, in which case it
              is treated as a guest login and mapped into the guest account.
          o   Bad Password - Means user logins with an invalid password are
              treated as a guest login and mapped into the guest account.
              Note that this can cause problems as it means that any user
              incorrectly typing their password will be silently logged on as
              "guest" - and will not know the reason they cannot access files
              they think they should - there will have been no message given
              to them that they got their password wrong. Helpdesk services
              will hate you if you set the map to guest parameter this way
          o   Bad Uid - Is only applicable when Samba is configured in some
              type of domain mode security (security = {domain|ads}) and
              means that user logins which are successfully authenticated but
              which have no valid Unix user account (and smbd is unable to
              create one) should be mapped to the defined guest account. This
              was the default behavior of Samba 2.x releases. Note that if a
              member server is running winbindd, this option should never be
              required because the nss_winbind library will export the
              Windows domain users and groups to the underlying OS via the
              Name Service Switch interface.
      Note that this parameter is needed to set up "Guest" share services
      when using security modes other than share and server. This is because
      in these modes the name of the resource being requested is not sent to
      the server until after the server has successfully authenticated the
      client so the server cannot make authentication decisions at the
      correct time (connection to the share) for "Guest" shares. This
      parameter is not useful with security = server as in this security mode
      no information is returned about whether a user logon failed due to a
      bad username or bad password, the same error is returned from a modern
      server in both cases.
      For people familiar with the older Samba releases, this parameter maps
      to the old compile-time setting of the
       GUEST_SESSSETUP value in local.h.
      Default: map to guest = Never
      Example: map to guest = Bad User
      map untrusted to domain (G)
          If a client connects to smbd using an untrusted domain name, such
          as BOGUS\user, smbd replaces the BOGUS domain with it's SAM name
          before attempting to authenticate that user. In the case where smbd
          is acting as a PDC this will be DOMAIN\user. In the case where smbd
          is acting as a domain member server or a standalone server this
          will be WORKSTATION\user.
          In previous versions of Samba (pre 3.4), if smbd was acting as a
          domain member server, the BOGUS domain name would instead be
          replaced by the primary domain which smbd was a member of. In this
          case authentication would be deferred off to a DC using the
          credentials DOMAIN\user.
          When this parameter is set to yes smbd provides the legacy behavior
          of mapping untrusted domain names to the primary domain. When smbd
          is not acting as a domain member server, this parameter has no
          Default: map untrusted to domain = no
      max connections (S)
          This option allows the number of simultaneous connections to a
          service to be limited. If max connections is greater than 0 then
          connections will be refused if this number of connections to the
          service are already open. A value of zero mean an unlimited number
          of connections may be made.
          Record lock files are used to implement this feature. The lock
          files will be stored in the directory specified by the lock
          directory option.
          Default: max connections = 0
          Example: max connections = 10
      max disk size (G)
          This option allows you to put an upper limit on the apparent size
          of disks. If you set this option to 100 then all shares will appear
          to be not larger than 100 MB in size.
          Note that this option does not limit the amount of data you can put
          on the disk. In the above case you could still store much more than
          100 MB on the disk, but if a client ever asks for the amount of
          free disk space or the total disk size then the result will be
          bounded by the amount specified in max disk size.
          This option is primarily useful to work around bugs in some pieces
          of software that can't handle very large disks, particularly disks
          over 1GB in size.
          A max disk size of 0 means no limit.
          Default: max disk size = 0
          Example: max disk size = 1000
      max log size (G)
          This option (an integer in kilobytes) specifies the max size the
          log file should grow to. Samba periodically checks the size and if
          it is exceeded it will rename the file, adding a .old extension.
          A size of 0 means no limit.
          Default: max log size = 5000
          Example: max log size = 1000
      max mux (G)
          This option controls the maximum number of outstanding simultaneous
          SMB operations that Samba tells the client it will allow. You
          should never need to set this parameter.
          Default: max mux = 50
      max open files (G)
          This parameter limits the maximum number of open files that one
          smbd(8) file serving process may have open for a client at any one
          time. The This parameter can be set very high (16404) as Samba uses
          only one bit per unopened file. Setting this parameter lower than
          16404 will cause Samba to complain and set this value back to the
          minimum of 16404, as Windows 7 depends on this number of open file
          handles being available.
          The limit of the number of open files is usually set by the UNIX
          per-process file descriptor limit rather than this parameter so you
          should never need to touch this parameter.
          Default: max open files = 16404
      max print jobs (S)
          This parameter limits the maximum number of jobs allowable in a
          Samba printer queue at any given moment. If this number is
          exceeded, smbd(8) will remote "Out of Space" to the client.
          Default: max print jobs = 1000
          Example: max print jobs = 5000
          This parameter is a synonym for max protocol.
      max protocol (G)
          The value of the parameter (a string) is the highest protocol level
          that will be supported by the server.
          Possible values are :
          o   CORE: Earliest version. No concept of user names.
          o   COREPLUS: Slight improvements on CORE for efficiency.
          o   LANMAN1: First
               modern version of the protocol. Long filename support.
          o   LANMAN2: Updates to Lanman1 protocol.
          o   NT1: Current up to date version of the protocol. Used by
              Windows NT. Known as CIFS.
          o   SMB2: Re-implementation of the SMB protocol. Used by Windows
              Vista and newer. The Samba implementation of SMB2 is currently
              marked experimental!
      Normally this option should not be set as the automatic negotiation
      phase in the SMB protocol takes care of choosing the appropriate
      Default: max protocol = NT1
      Example: max protocol = LANMAN1
      max reported print jobs (S)
          This parameter limits the maximum number of jobs displayed in a
          port monitor for Samba printer queue at any given moment. If this
          number is exceeded, the excess jobs will not be shown. A value of
          zero means there is no limit on the number of print jobs reported.
          Default: max reported print jobs = 0
          Example: max reported print jobs = 1000
      max smbd processes (G)
          This parameter limits the maximum number of smbd(8) processes
          concurrently running on a system and is intended as a stopgap to
          prevent degrading service to clients in the event that the server
          has insufficient resources to handle more than this number of
          connections. Remember that under normal operating conditions, each
          user will have an smbd(8) associated with him or her to handle
          connections to all shares from a given host.
          Default: max smbd processes = 0
          Example: max smbd processes = 1000
      max stat cache size (G)
          This parameter limits the size in memory of any stat cache being
          used to speed up case insensitive name mappings. It represents the
          number of kilobyte (1024) units the stat cache can use. A value of
          zero, meaning unlimited, is not advisable due to increased memory
          useage. You should not need to change this parameter.
          Default: max stat cache size = 256
          Example: max stat cache size = 100
      max ttl (G)
          This option tells nmbd(8) what the default 'time to live' of
          NetBIOS names should be (in seconds) when nmbd is requesting a name
          using either a broadcast packet or from a WINS server. You should
          never need to change this parameter. The default is 3 days.
          Default: max ttl = 259200
      max wins ttl (G)
          This option tells smbd(8) when acting as a WINS server (wins
          support = yes) what the maximum 'time to live' of NetBIOS names
          that nmbd will grant will be (in seconds). You should never need to
          change this parameter. The default is 6 days (518400 seconds).
          Default: max wins ttl = 518400
      max xmit (G)
          This option controls the maximum packet size that will be
          negotiated by Samba. The default is 16644, which matches the
          behavior of Windows 2000. A value below 2048 is likely to cause
          problems. You should never need to change this parameter from its
          default value.
          Default: max xmit = 16644
          Example: max xmit = 8192
      message command (G)
          This specifies what command to run when the server receives a
          WinPopup style message.
          This would normally be a command that would deliver the message
          somehow. How this is to be done is up to your imagination.
          An example is:
              message command = csh -c 'xedit %s;rm %s' &
          This delivers the message using xedit, then removes it afterwards.
          IMMEDIATELY. That's why I have the '&' on the end. If it doesn't
          return immediately then your PCs may freeze when sending messages
          (they should recover after 30 seconds, hopefully).
          All messages are delivered as the global guest user. The command
          takes the standard substitutions, although
           %u won't work (%U may be better in this case).
          Apart from the standard substitutions, some additional ones apply.
          In particular:
          o   %s = the filename containing the message.
          o   %t = the destination that the message was sent to (probably the
              server name).
          o   %f = who the message is from.
      You could make this command send mail, or whatever else takes your
      fancy. Please let us know of any really interesting ideas you have.
      Here's a way of sending the messages as mail to root:
          message command = /bin/mail -s 'message from %f on %m' root < %s; rm %s
      If you don't have a message command then the message won't be delivered
      and Samba will tell the sender there was an error. Unfortunately WfWg
      totally ignores the error code and carries on regardless, saying that
      the message was delivered.
      If you want to silently delete it then try:
          message command = rm %s
      Default: message command =
      Example: message command = csh -c 'xedit %s; rm %s' &
      min print space (S)
          This sets the minimum amount of free disk space that must be
          available before a user will be able to spool a print job. It is
          specified in kilobytes. The default is 0, which means a user can
          always spool a print job.
          Default: min print space = 0
          Example: min print space = 2000
      min protocol (G)
          The value of the parameter (a string) is the lowest SMB protocol
          dialect than Samba will support. Please refer to the max protocol
          parameter for a list of valid protocol names and a brief
          description of each. You may also wish to refer to the C source
          code in source/smbd/negprot.c for a listing of known protocol
          dialects supported by clients.
          If you are viewing this parameter as a security measure, you should
          also refer to the lanman auth parameter. Otherwise, you should
          never need to change this parameter.
          Default: min protocol = CORE
          Example: min protocol = NT1
      min receivefile size (G)
          This option changes the behavior of smbd(8) when processing
          SMBwriteX calls. Any incoming SMBwriteX call on a non-signed
          SMB/CIFS connection greater than this value will not be processed
          in the normal way but will be passed to any underlying kernel
          recvfile or splice system call (if there is no such call Samba will
          emulate in user space). This allows zero-copy writes directly from
          network socket buffers into the filesystem buffer cache, if
          available. It may improve performance but user testing is
          recommended. If set to zero Samba processes SMBwriteX calls in the
          normal way. To enable POSIX large write support (SMB/CIFS writes up
          to 16Mb) this option must be nonzero. The maximum value is 128k.
          Values greater than 128k will be silently set to 128k.
          Note this option will have NO EFFECT if set on a SMB signed
          The default is zero, which diables this option.
          Default: min receivefile size = 0
      min wins ttl (G)
          This option tells nmbd(8) when acting as a WINS server (wins
          support = yes) what the minimum 'time to live' of NetBIOS names
          that nmbd will grant will be (in seconds). You should never need to
          change this parameter. The default is 6 hours (21600 seconds).
          Default: min wins ttl = 21600
      msdfs proxy (S)
          This parameter indicates that the share is a stand-in for another
          CIFS share whose location is specified by the value of the
          parameter. When clients attempt to connect to this share, they are
          redirected to the proxied share using the SMB-Dfs protocol.
          Only Dfs roots can act as proxy shares. Take a look at the msdfs
          root and host msdfs options to find out how to set up a Dfs root
          No default
          Example: msdfs proxy = \otherserver\someshare
      msdfs root (S)
          If set to yes, Samba treats the share as a Dfs root and allows
          clients to browse the distributed file system tree rooted at the
          share directory. Dfs links are specified in the share directory by
          symbolic links of the form msdfs:serverA\\shareA,serverB\\shareB
          and so on. For more information on setting up a Dfs tree on Samba,
          refer to the MSDFS chapter in the Samba3-HOWTO book.
          Default: msdfs root = no
      multicast dns register (G)
          If compiled with proper support for it, Samba will announce itself
          with multicast DNS services like for example provided by the Avahi
          This parameter allows disabling Samba to register itself.
          Default: multicast dns register = yes
      name cache timeout (G)
          Specifies the number of seconds it takes before entries in samba's
          hostname resolve cache time out. If the timeout is set to 0. the
          caching is disabled.
          Default: name cache timeout = 660
          Example: name cache timeout = 0
      name resolve order (G)
          This option is used by the programs in the Samba suite to determine
          what naming services to use and in what order to resolve host names
          to IP addresses. Its main purpose to is to control how netbios name
          resolution is performed. The option takes a space separated string
          of name resolution options.
          The options are: "lmhosts", "host", "wins" and "bcast". They cause
          names to be resolved as follows:
          o    lmhosts : Lookup an IP address in the Samba lmhosts file. If
              the line in lmhosts has no name type attached to the NetBIOS
              name (see the manpage for lmhosts for details) then any name
              type matches for lookup.
          o    host : Do a standard host name to IP address resolution, using
              the system /etc/hosts, NIS, or DNS lookups. This method of name
              resolution is operating system depended for instance on IRIX or
              Solaris this may be controlled by the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.
              Note that this method is used only if the NetBIOS name type
              being queried is the 0x20 (server) name type or 0x1c (domain
              controllers). The latter case is only useful for active
              directory domains and results in a DNS query for the SRV RR
              entry matching _ldap._tcp.domain.
          o   wins : Query a name with the IP address listed in the
              WINSSERVER parameter. If no WINS server has been specified this
              method will be ignored.
          o   bcast : Do a broadcast on each of the known local interfaces
              listed in the interfaces parameter. This is the least reliable
              of the name resolution methods as it depends on the target host
              being on a locally connected subnet.
      The example below will cause the local lmhosts file to be examined
      first, followed by a broadcast attempt, followed by a normal system
      hostname lookup.
      When Samba is functioning in ADS security mode (security = ads) it is
      advised to use following settings for name resolve order:
      name resolve order = wins bcast
      DC lookups will still be done via DNS, but fallbacks to netbios names
      will not inundate your DNS servers with needless querys for
      DOMAIN<0x1c> lookups.
      Default: name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
      Example: name resolve order = lmhosts bcast host
      ncalrpc dir (G)
          This directory will hold a series of named pipes to allow RPC over
          inter-process communication.
          .       This will allow Samba and other unix processes to interact
          over DCE/RPC without using TCP/IP. Additionally a sub-directory
          'np' has restricted permissions, and allows a trusted communication
          channel between Samba processes
          Default: ncalrpc dir = ${prefix}/var/ncalrpc
          Example: ncalrpc dir = /var/run/samba/ncalrpc
      netbios aliases (G)
          This is a list of NetBIOS names that nmbd will advertise as
          additional names by which the Samba server is known. This allows
          one machine to appear in browse lists under multiple names. If a
          machine is acting as a browse server or logon server none of these
          names will be advertised as either browse server or logon servers,
          only the primary name of the machine will be advertised with these
          Default: netbios aliases =  # empty string (no additional names)
          Example: netbios aliases = TEST TEST1 TEST2
      netbios name (G)
          This sets the NetBIOS name by which a Samba server is known. By
          default it is the same as the first component of the host's DNS
          name. If a machine is a browse server or logon server this name (or
          the first component of the hosts DNS name) will be the name that
          these services are advertised under.
          There is a bug in Samba-3 that breaks operation of browsing and
          access to shares if the netbios name is set to the literal name
          PIPE. To avoid this problem, do not name your Samba-3 server PIPE.
          Default: netbios name =  # machine DNS name
          Example: netbios name = MYNAME
      netbios scope (G)
          This sets the NetBIOS scope that Samba will operate under. This
          should not be set unless every machine on your LAN also sets this
          Default: netbios scope =
      nis homedir (G)
          Get the home share server from a NIS map. For UNIX systems that use
          an automounter, the user's home directory will often be mounted on
          a workstation on demand from a remote server.
          When the Samba logon server is not the actual home directory
          server, but is mounting the home directories via NFS then two
          network hops would be required to access the users home directory
          if the logon server told the client to use itself as the SMB server
          for home directories (one over SMB and one over NFS). This can be
          very slow.
          This option allows Samba to return the home share as being on a
          different server to the logon server and as long as a Samba daemon
          is running on the home directory server, it will be mounted on the
          Samba client directly from the directory server. When Samba is
          returning the home share to the client, it will consult the NIS map
          specified in homedir map and return the server listed there.
          Note that for this option to work there must be a working NIS
          system and the Samba server with this option must also be a logon
          Default: nis homedir = no
      nmbd bind explicit broadcast (G)
          This option causes nmbd(8) to explicitly bind to the broadcast
          address of the local subnets. This is needed to make nmbd work
          correctly in combination with the socket address option. You should
          not need to unset this option.
          Default: nmbd bind explicit broadcast = yes
      nt acl support (S)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will attempt to map
          UNIX permissions into Windows NT access control lists. The UNIX
          permissions considered are the the traditional UNIX owner and group
          permissions, as well as POSIX ACLs set on any files or directories.
          This parameter was formally a global parameter in releases prior to
          Default: nt acl support = yes
      ntlm auth (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) will attempt to
          authenticate users using the NTLM encrypted password response. If
          disabled, either the lanman password hash or an NTLMv2 response
          will need to be sent by the client.
          If this option, and lanman auth are both disabled, then only NTLMv2
          logins will be permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most
          will require special configuration to use it.
          Default: ntlm auth = yes
      nt pipe support (G)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will allow Windows
          NT clients to connect to the NT SMB specific IPC$ pipes. This is a
          developer debugging option and can be left alone.
          Default: nt pipe support = yes
      nt status support (G)
          This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will negotiate NT
          specific status support with Windows NT/2k/XP clients. This is a
          developer debugging option and should be left alone. If this option
          is set to no then Samba offers exactly the same DOS error codes
          that versions prior to Samba 2.2.3 reported.
          You should not need to ever disable this parameter.
          Default: nt status support = yes
      null passwords (G)
          Allow or disallow client access to accounts that have null
          See also smbpasswd(5).
          Default: null passwords = no
      obey pam restrictions (G)
          When Samba 3.0 is configured to enable PAM support (i.e.
          --with-pam), this parameter will control whether or not Samba
          should obey PAM's account and session management directives. The
          default behavior is to use PAM for clear text authentication only
          and to ignore any account or session management. Note that Samba
          always ignores PAM for authentication in the case of encrypt
          passwords = yes. The reason is that PAM modules cannot support the
          challenge/response authentication mechanism needed in the presence
          of SMB password encryption.
          Default: obey pam restrictions = no
      only user (S)
          This is a boolean option that controls whether connections with
          usernames not in the user list will be allowed. By default this
          option is disabled so that a client can supply a username to be
          used by the server. Enabling this parameter will force the server
          to only use the login names from the user list and is only really
          useful in security = share level security.
          Note that this also means Samba won't try to deduce usernames from
          the service name. This can be annoying for the [homes] section. To
          get around this you could use user = %S which means your user list
          will be just the service name, which for home directories is the
          name of the user.
          Default: only user = no
      oplock break wait time (G)
          This is a tuning parameter added due to bugs in both Windows 9x and
          WinNT. If Samba responds to a client too quickly when that client
          issues an SMB that can cause an oplock break request, then the
          network client can fail and not respond to the break request. This
          tuning parameter (which is set in milliseconds) is the amount of
          time Samba will wait before sending an oplock break request to such
          (broken) clients.
          Default: oplock break wait time = 0
      oplock contention limit (S)
          This is a very advanced smbd(8) tuning option to improve the
          efficiency of the granting of oplocks under multiple client
          contention for the same file.
          In brief it specifies a number, which causes smbd(8)not to grant an
          oplock even when requested if the approximate number of clients
          contending for an oplock on the same file goes over this limit.
          This causes smbd to behave in a similar way to Windows NT.
          Default: oplock contention limit = 2
      oplocks (S)
          This boolean option tells smbd whether to issue oplocks
          (opportunistic locks) to file open requests on this share. The
          oplock code can dramatically (approx. 30% or more) improve the
          speed of access to files on Samba servers. It allows the clients to
          aggressively cache files locally and you may want to disable this
          option for unreliable network environments (it is turned on by
          default in Windows NT Servers).
          Oplocks may be selectively turned off on certain files with a
          share. See the veto oplock files parameter. On some systems oplocks
          are recognized by the underlying operating system. This allows data
          synchronization between all access to oplocked files, whether it be
          via Samba or NFS or a local UNIX process. See the kernel oplocks
          parameter for details.
          Default: oplocks = yes
      os2 driver map (G)
          The parameter is used to define the absolute path to a file
          containing a mapping of Windows NT printer driver names to OS/2
          printer driver names. The format is:
          <nt driver name> = <os2 driver name>.<device name>
          For example, a valid entry using the HP LaserJet 5 printer driver
          would appear as HP LaserJet 5L = LASERJET.HP LaserJet 5L.
          The need for the file is due to the printer driver namespace
          problem described in the chapter on Classical Printing in the
          Samba3-HOWTO book. For more details on OS/2 clients, please refer
          to chapter on other clients in the Samba3-HOWTO book.
          Default: os2 driver map =
      os level (G)
          This integer value controls what level Samba advertises itself as
          for browse elections. The value of this parameter determines
          whether nmbd(8) has a chance of becoming a local master browser for
          the workgroup in the local broadcast area.
           Note: By default, Samba will win a local master browsing election
          over all Microsoft operating systems except a Windows NT 4.0/2000
          Domain Controller. This means that a misconfigured Samba host can
          effectively isolate a subnet for browsing purposes. This parameter
          is largely auto-configured in the Samba-3 release series and it is
          seldom necessary to manually override the default setting. Please
          refer to the chapter on Network Browsing in the Samba-3 HOWTO
          document for further information regarding the use of this
          parameter.  Note: The maximum value for this parameter is 255. If
          you use higher values, counting will start at 0!
          Default: os level = 20
          Example: os level = 65
      pam password change (G)
          With the addition of better PAM support in Samba 2.2, this
          parameter, it is possible to use PAM's password change control flag
          for Samba. If enabled, then PAM will be used for password changes
          when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
          passwd program. It should be possible to enable this without
          changing your passwd chat parameter for most setups.
          Default: pam password change = no
      panic action (G)
          This is a Samba developer option that allows a system command to be
          called when either smbd(8) or nmbd(8) crashes. This is usually used
          to draw attention to the fact that a problem occurred.
          Default: panic action =
          Example: panic action = "/bin/sleep 90000"
      paranoid server security (G)
          Some version of NT 4.x allow non-guest users with a bad passowrd.
          When this option is enabled, samba will not use a broken NT 4.x
          server as password server, but instead complain to the logs and
          Disabling this option prevents Samba from making this check, which
          involves deliberatly attempting a bad logon to the remote server.
          Default: paranoid server security = yes
      passdb backend (G)
          This option allows the administrator to chose which backend will be
          used for storing user and possibly group information. This allows
          you to swap between different storage mechanisms without recompile.
          The parameter value is divided into two parts, the backend's name,
          and a 'location' string that has meaning only to that particular
          backed. These are separated by a : character.
          Available backends can include:
          o   smbpasswd - The old plaintext passdb backend. Some Samba
              features will not work if this passdb backend is used. Takes a
              path to the smbpasswd file as an optional argument.
          o   tdbsam - The TDB based password storage backend. Takes a path
              to the TDB as an optional argument (defaults to passdb.tdb in
              the private dir directory.
          o   ldapsam - The LDAP based passdb backend. Takes an LDAP URL as
              an optional argument (defaults to ldap://localhost)
              LDAP connections should be secured where possible. This may be
              done using either Start-TLS (see ldap ssl) or by specifying
              ldaps:// in the URL argument.
              Multiple servers may also be specified in double-quotes.
              Whether multiple servers are supported or not and the exact
              syntax depends on the LDAP library you use.

           Examples of use are:
          passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb
          or multi server LDAP URL with OpenLDAP library:
          passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://"
          or multi server LDAP URL with Netscape based LDAP library:
          passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://"
      Default: passdb backend = tdbsam
      passdb expand explicit (G)
          This parameter controls whether Samba substitutes %-macros in the
          passdb fields if they are explicitly set. We used to expand macros
          here, but this turned out to be a bug because the Windows client
          can expand a variable %G_osver% in which %G would have been
          substituted by the user's primary group.
          Default: passdb expand explicit = no
      passwd chat debug (G)
          This boolean specifies if the passwd chat script parameter is run
          in debug mode. In this mode the strings passed to and received from
          the passwd chat are printed in the smbd(8) log with a debug level
          of 100. This is a dangerous option as it will allow plaintext
          passwords to be seen in the smbd log. It is available to help Samba
          admins debug their passwd chat scripts when calling the passwd
          program and should be turned off after this has been done. This
          option has no effect if the pam password change parameter is set.
          This parameter is off by default.
          Default: passwd chat debug = no
      passwd chat timeout (G)
          This integer specifies the number of seconds smbd will wait for an
          initial answer from a passwd chat script being run. Once the
          initial answer is received the subsequent answers must be received
          in one tenth of this time. The default it two seconds.
          Default: passwd chat timeout = 2
      passwd chat (G)
          This string controls the "chat" conversation that takes places
          between smbd(8) and the local password changing program to change
          the user's password. The string describes a sequence of
          response-receive pairs that smbd(8) uses to determine what to send
          to the passwd program and what to expect back. If the expected
          output is not received then the password is not changed.
          This chat sequence is often quite site specific, depending on what
          local methods are used for password control (such as NIS etc).
          Note that this parameter only is used if the unix password sync
          parameter is set to yes. This sequence is then called AS ROOT when
          the SMB password in the smbpasswd file is being changed, without
          access to the old password cleartext. This means that root must be
          able to reset the user's password without knowing the text of the
          previous password. In the presence of NIS/YP, this means that the
          passwd program must be executed on the NIS master.
          The string can contain the macro %n which is substituted for the
          new password. The old passsword (%o) is only available when encrypt
          passwords has been disabled. The chat sequence can also contain the
          standard macros \n, \r, \t and \s to give line-feed,
          carriage-return, tab and space. The chat sequence string can also
          contain a '*' which matches any sequence of characters. Double
          quotes can be used to collect strings with spaces in them into a
          single string.
          If the send string in any part of the chat sequence is a full stop
          ".", then no string is sent. Similarly, if the expect string is a
          full stop then no string is expected.
          If the pam password change parameter is set to yes, the chat pairs
          may be matched in any order, and success is determined by the PAM
          result, not any particular output. The \n macro is ignored for PAM
          Default: passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n*new*password* %n\n
          Example: passwd chat = "*Enter NEW password*" %n\n "*Reenter NEW
          password*" %n\n "*Password changed*"
      passwd program (G)
          The name of a program that can be used to set UNIX user passwords.
          Any occurrences of %u will be replaced with the user name. The user
          name is checked for existence before calling the password changing
          Also note that many passwd programs insist in reasonable passwords,
          such as a minimum length, or the inclusion of mixed case chars and
          digits. This can pose a problem as some clients (such as Windows
          for Workgroups) uppercase the password before sending it.
          Note that if the unix password sync parameter is set to yes then
          this program is called AS ROOT before the SMB password in the
          smbpasswd file is changed. If this UNIX password change fails, then
          smbd will fail to change the SMB password also (this is by design).
          If the unix password sync parameter is set this parameter MUST USE
          ABSOLUTE PATHS for ALL programs called, and must be examined for
          security implications. Note that by default unix password sync is
          set to no.
          Default: passwd program =
          Example: passwd program = /bin/passwd %u
      password level (G)
          Some client/server combinations have difficulty with mixed-case
          passwords. One offending client is Windows for Workgroups, which
          for some reason forces passwords to upper case when using the
          LANMAN1 protocol, but leaves them alone when using COREPLUS!
          Another problem child is the Windows 95/98 family of operating
          systems. These clients upper case clear text passwords even when NT
          LM 0.12 selected by the protocol negotiation request/response.
          This deprecated parameter defines the maximum number of characters
          that may be upper case in passwords.
          For example, say the password given was "FRED". If
           password level is set to 1, the following combinations would be
          tried if "FRED" failed:
          "Fred", "fred", "fRed", "frEd","freD"
          If password level was set to 2, the following combinations would
          also be tried:
          "FRed", "FrEd", "FreD", "fREd", "fReD", "frED", ..
          And so on.
          The higher value this parameter is set to the more likely it is
          that a mixed case password will be matched against a single case
          password. However, you should be aware that use of this parameter
          reduces security and increases the time taken to process a new
          A value of zero will cause only two attempts to be made - the
          password as is and the password in all-lower case.
          This parameter is used only when using plain-text passwords. It is
          not at all used when encrypted passwords as in use (that is the
          default since samba-3.0.0). Use this only when encrypt passwords =
          Default: password level = 0
          Example: password level = 4
      password server (G)
          By specifying the name of another SMB server or Active Directory
          domain controller with this option, and using security =
          [ads|domain|server] it is possible to get Samba to do all its
          username/password validation using a specific remote server.
          If the security parameter is set to domain or ads, then this option
          should not be used, as the default '*' indicates to Samba to
          determine the best DC to contact dynamically, just as all other
          hosts in an AD domain do. This allows the domain to be maintained
          without modification to the smb.conf file. The cryptograpic
          protection on the authenticated RPC calls used to verify passwords
          ensures that this default is safe.
          It is strongly recommended that you use the default of '*', however
          if in your particular environment you have reason to specify a
          particular DC list, then the list of machines in this option must
          be a list of names or IP addresses of Domain controllers for the
          Domain. If you use the default of '*', or list several hosts in the
          password server option then smbd will try each in turn till it
          finds one that responds. This is useful in case your primary server
          goes down.
          If the list of servers contains both names/IP's and the '*'
          character, the list is treated as a list of preferred domain
          controllers, but an auto lookup of all remaining DC's will be added
          to the list as well. Samba will not attempt to optimize this list
          by locating the closest DC.
          If parameter is a name, it is looked up using the parameter name
          resolve order and so may resolved by any method and order described
          in that parameter.
          If the security parameter is set to server, these additional
          restrictions apply:
          o   You may list several password servers in the password server
              parameter, however if an smbd makes a connection to a password
              server, and then the password server fails, no more users will
              be able to be authenticated from this smbd. This is a
              restriction of the SMB/CIFS protocol when in security = server
              mode and cannot be fixed in Samba.
          o   You will have to ensure that your users are able to login from
              the Samba server, as when in security = server mode the network
              logon will appear to come from the Samba server rather than
              from the users workstation.
          o   The client must not select NTLMv2 authentication.
          o   The password server must be a machine capable of using the
              "LM1.2X002" or the "NT LM 0.12" protocol, and it must be in
              user level security mode.
          o   Using a password server means your UNIX box (running Samba) is
              only as secure as (a host masqurading as) your password server.
          o   Never point a Samba server at itself for password serving. This
              will cause a loop and could lock up your Samba server!
          o   The name of the password server takes the standard
              substitutions, but probably the only useful one is %m , which
              means the Samba server will use the incoming client as the
              password server. If you use this then you better trust your
              clients, and you had better restrict them with hosts allow!
      Default: password server = *
      Example: password server = NT-PDC, NT-BDC1, NT-BDC2, *
      Example: password server = *
          This parameter is a synonym for path.
      path (S)
          This parameter specifies a directory to which the user of the
          service is to be given access. In the case of printable services,
          this is where print data will spool prior to being submitted to the
          host for printing.
          For a printable service offering guest access, the service should
          be readonly and the path should be world-writeable and have the
          sticky bit set. This is not mandatory of course, but you probably
          won't get the results you expect if you do otherwise.
          Any occurrences of %u in the path will be replaced with the UNIX
          username that the client is using on this connection. Any
          occurrences of %m will be replaced by the NetBIOS name of the
          machine they are connecting from. These replacements are very
          useful for setting up pseudo home directories for users.
          Note that this path will be based on root dir if one was specified.
          Default: path =
          Example: path = /home/fred
      perfcount module (G)
          This parameter specifies the perfcount backend to be used when
          monitoring SMB operations. Only one perfcount module may be used,
          and it must implement all of the apis contained in the
          smb_perfcount_handler structure defined in smb.h.
          No default
      pid directory (G)
          This option specifies the directory where pid files will be placed.
          Default: pid directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
          Example: pid directory = pid directory = /var/run/
      posix locking (S)
          The smbd(8) daemon maintains an database of file locks obtained by
          SMB clients. The default behavior is to map this internal database
          to POSIX locks. This means that file locks obtained by SMB clients
          are consistent with those seen by POSIX compliant applications
          accessing the files via a non-SMB method (e.g. NFS or local file
          access). It is very unlikely that you need to set this parameter to
          "no", unless you are sharing from an NFS mount, which is not a good
          idea in the first place.
          Default: posix locking = yes
      postexec (S)
          This option specifies a command to be run whenever the service is
          disconnected. It takes the usual substitutions. The command may be
          run as the root on some systems.
          An interesting example may be to unmount server resources:
          postexec = /etc/umount /cdrom
          Default: postexec =
          Example: postexec = echo \"%u disconnected from %S from %m (%I)\"
          >> /tmp/log
      preexec close (S)
          This boolean option controls whether a non-zero return code from
          preexec should close the service being connected to.
          Default: preexec close = no
          This parameter is a synonym for preexec.
      preexec (S)
          This option specifies a command to be run whenever the service is
          connected to. It takes the usual substitutions.
          An interesting example is to send the users a welcome message every
          time they log in. Maybe a message of the day? Here is an example:

          preexec = csh -c 'echo \"Welcome to %S!\" |
          /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -M %m -I %I' &
          Of course, this could get annoying after a while :-)
          See also preexec close and postexec.
          Default: preexec =
          Example: preexec = echo \"%u connected to %S from %m (%I)\" >>
      prefered master
          This parameter is a synonym for preferred master.
      preferred master (G)
          This boolean parameter controls if nmbd(8) is a preferred master
          browser for its workgroup.
          If this is set to yes, on startup, nmbd will force an election, and
          it will have a slight advantage in winning the election. It is
          recommended that this parameter is used in conjunction with domain
          master = yes, so that nmbd can guarantee becoming a domain master.
          Use this option with caution, because if there are several hosts
          (whether Samba servers, Windows 95 or NT) that are preferred master
          browsers on the same subnet, they will each periodically and
          continuously attempt to become the local master browser. This will
          result in unnecessary broadcast traffic and reduced browsing
          Default: preferred master = auto
      preload modules (G)
          This is a list of paths to modules that should be loaded into smbd
          before a client connects. This improves the speed of smbd when
          reacting to new connections somewhat.
          Default: preload modules =
          Example: preload modules = /usr/lib/samba/passdb/
      auto services
          This parameter is a synonym for preload.
      preload (G)
          This is a list of services that you want to be automatically added
          to the browse lists. This is most useful for homes and printers
          services that would otherwise not be visible.
          Note that if you just want all printers in your printcap file
          loaded then the load printers option is easier.
          Default: preload =
          Example: preload = fred lp colorlp
      preserve case (S)
          This controls if new filenames are created with the case that the
          client passes, or if they are forced to be the default case.
          See the section on NAME MANGLING for a fuller discussion.
          Default: preserve case = yes
      print ok
          This parameter is a synonym for printable.
      printable (S)
          If this parameter is yes, then clients may open, write to and
          submit spool files on the directory specified for the service.
          Note that a printable service will ALWAYS allow writing to the
          service path (user privileges permitting) via the spooling of print
          data. The read only parameter controls only non-printing access to
          the resource.
          Default: printable = no
      printcap cache time (G)
          This option specifies the number of seconds before the printing
          subsystem is again asked for the known printers.
          Setting this parameter to 0 disables any rescanning for new or
          removed printers after the initial startup.
          Default: printcap cache time = 750
          Example: printcap cache time = 600
          This parameter is a synonym for printcap name.
      printcap name (G)
          This parameter may be used to override the compiled-in default
          printcap name used by the server (usually /etc/printcap). See the
          discussion of the [printers] section above for reasons why you
          might want to do this.
          To use the CUPS printing interface set printcap name = cups. This
          should be supplemented by an addtional setting printing = cups in
          the [global] section.  printcap name = cups will use the "dummy"
          printcap created by CUPS, as specified in your CUPS configuration
          On System V systems that use lpstat to list available printers you
          can use printcap name = lpstat to automatically obtain lists of
          available printers. This is the default for systems that define
          SYSV at configure time in Samba (this includes most System V based
          systems). If
           printcap name is set to lpstat on these systems then Samba will
          launch lpstat -v and attempt to parse the output to obtain a
          printer list.
          A minimal printcap file would look something like this:
              print1|My Printer 1
              print2|My Printer 2
              print3|My Printer 3
              print4|My Printer 4
              print5|My Printer 5
          where the '|' separates aliases of a printer. The fact that the
          second alias has a space in it gives a hint to Samba that it's a
              Under AIX the default printcap name is /etc/qconfig. Samba will
              assume the file is in AIX qconfig format if the string qconfig
              appears in the printcap filename.
          Default: printcap name = /etc/printcap
          Example: printcap name = /etc/myprintcap
      print command (S)
          After a print job has finished spooling to a service, this command
          will be used via a system() call to process the spool file.
          Typically the command specified will submit the spool file to the
          host's printing subsystem, but there is no requirement that this be
          the case. The server will not remove the spool file, so whatever
          command you specify should remove the spool file when it has been
          processed, otherwise you will need to manually remove old spool
          The print command is simply a text string. It will be used verbatim
          after macro substitutions have been made:
          %s, %f - the path to the spool file name
          %p - the appropriate printer name
          %J - the job name as transmitted by the client.
          %c - The number of printed pages of the spooled job (if known).
          %z - the size of the spooled print job (in bytes)
          The print command MUST contain at least one occurrence of %s or %f
          - the %p is optional. At the time a job is submitted, if no printer
          name is supplied the %p will be silently removed from the printer
          If specified in the [global] section, the print command given will
          be used for any printable service that does not have its own print
          command specified.
          If there is neither a specified print command for a printable
          service nor a global print command, spool files will be created but
          not processed and (most importantly) not removed.
          Note that printing may fail on some UNIXes from the nobody account.
          If this happens then create an alternative guest account that can
          print and set the guest account in the [global] section.
          You can form quite complex print commands by realizing that they
          are just passed to a shell. For example the following will log a
          print job, print the file, then remove it. Note that ';' is the
          usual separator for command in shell scripts.
          print command = echo Printing %s >> /tmp/print.log; lpr -P %p %s;
          rm %s
          You may have to vary this command considerably depending on how you
          normally print files on your system. The default for the parameter
          varies depending on the setting of the printing parameter.
          Default: For printing = BSD, AIX, QNX, LPRNG or PLP :
          print command = lpr -r -P%p %s
          For printing = SYSV or HPUX :
          print command = lp -c -d%p %s; rm %s
          For printing = SOFTQ :
          print command = lp -d%p -s %s; rm %s
          For printing = CUPS : If SAMBA is compiled against libcups, then
          printcap = cups uses the CUPS API to submit jobs, etc. Otherwise it
          maps to the System V commands with the -oraw option for printing,
          i.e. it uses lp -c -d%p -oraw; rm %s. With printing = cups, and if
          SAMBA is compiled against libcups, any manually set print command
          will be ignored.
          No default
          Example: print command = /usr/local/samba/bin/myprintscript %p %s
      printer admin (S)
          This lists users who can do anything to printers via the remote
          administration interfaces offered by MS-RPC (usually using a NT
          workstation). This parameter can be set per-share or globally.
          Note: The root user always has admin rights. Use caution with use
          in the global stanza as this can cause side effects.
          This parameter has been marked deprecated in favor of using the
          SePrintOperatorPrivilege and individual print security descriptors.
          It will be removed in a future release.
          Default: printer admin =
          Example: printer admin = admin, @staff
          This parameter is a synonym for printer name.
      printer name (S)
          This parameter specifies the name of the printer to which print
          jobs spooled through a printable service will be sent.
          If specified in the [global] section, the printer name given will
          be used for any printable service that does not have its own
          printer name specified.
          The default value of the printer name may be lp on many systems.
          Default: printer name = none
          Example: printer name = laserwriter
      printing (S)
          This parameters controls how printer status information is
          interpreted on your system. It also affects the default values for
          the print command, lpq command, lppause command , lpresume command,
          and lprm command if specified in the [global] section.
          Currently nine printing styles are supported. They are BSD, AIX,
          To see what the defaults are for the other print commands when
          using the various options use the testparm(1) program.
          This option can be set on a per printer basis. Please be aware
          however, that you must place any of the various printing commands
          (e.g. print command, lpq command, etc...) after defining the value
          for the printing option since it will reset the printing commands
          to default values.
          See also the discussion in the [printers] section.
          Default: printing = Depends on the operating system, see testparm
      printjob username (S)
          This parameter specifies which user information will be passed to
          the printing system. Usually, the username is sent, but in some
          cases, e.g. the domain prefix is useful, too.
          Default: printjob username = %U
          Example: printjob username = %D\%U
      print notify backchannel (S)
          Windows print clients can update print queue status by expecting
          the server to open a backchannel SMB connection to them. Due to
          client firewall settings this can cause considerable timeouts and
          will often fail, as there is no guarantee the client is even
          running an SMB server. By setting this parameter to no the Samba
          print server will not try to connect back to clients and treat
          corresponding requests as if the connection back to the client
          failed. The default setting of yes causes smbd to attempt this
          Default: print notify backchannel = yes
      private dir (G)
          This parameters defines the directory smbd will use for storing
          such files as smbpasswd and secrets.tdb.
          Default: private dir = ${prefix}/private
      profile acls (S)
          This boolean parameter was added to fix the problems that people
          have been having with storing user profiles on Samba shares from
          Windows 2000 or Windows XP clients. New versions of Windows 2000 or
          Windows XP service packs do security ACL checking on the owner and
          ability to write of the profile directory stored on a local
          workstation when copied from a Samba share.
          When not in domain mode with winbindd then the security info copied
          onto the local workstation has no meaning to the logged in user
          (SID) on that workstation so the profile storing fails. Adding this
          parameter onto a share used for profile storage changes two things
          about the returned Windows ACL. Firstly it changes the owner and
          group owner of all reported files and directories to be
          BUILTIN\\Administrators, BUILTIN\\Users respectively (SIDs
          S-1-5-32-544, S-1-5-32-545). Secondly it adds an ACE entry of "Full
          Control" to the SID BUILTIN\\Users to every returned ACL. This will
          allow any Windows 2000 or XP workstation user to access the
          Note that if you have multiple users logging on to a workstation
          then in order to prevent them from being able to access each others
          profiles you must remove the "Bypass traverse checking" advanced
          user right. This will prevent access to other users profile
          directories as the top level profile directory (named after the
          user) is created by the workstation profile code and has an ACL
          restricting entry to the directory tree to the owning user.
          Default: profile acls = no
      queuepause command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to pause the printer queue.
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name as its only parameter and stops the printer queue, such that
          no longer jobs are submitted to the printer.
          This command is not supported by Windows for Workgroups, but can be
          issued from the Printers window under Windows 95 and NT.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place.
          Otherwise it is placed at the end of the command.
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          command as the PATH may not be available to the server.
          No default
          Example: queuepause command = disable %p
      queueresume command (S)
          This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the server
          host in order to resume the printer queue. It is the command to
          undo the behavior that is caused by the previous parameter
          (queuepause command).
          This command should be a program or script which takes a printer
          name as its only parameter and resumes the printer queue, such that
          queued jobs are resubmitted to the printer.
          This command is not supported by Windows for Workgroups, but can be
          issued from the Printers window under Windows 95 and NT.
          If a %p is given then the printer name is put in its place.
          Otherwise it is placed at the end of the command.
          Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path in the
          command as the PATH may not be available to the server.
          Default: queueresume command =
          Example: queueresume command = enable %p
      read list (S)
          This is a list of users that are given read-only access to a
          service. If the connecting user is in this list then they will not
          be given write access, no matter what the read only option is set
          to. The list can include group names using the syntax described in
          the invalid users parameter.
          This parameter will not work with the security = share in Samba
          3.0. This is by design.
          Default: read list =
          Example: read list = mary, @students
      read only (S)
          An inverted synonym is writeable.
          If this parameter is yes, then users of a service may not create or
          modify files in the service's directory.
          Note that a printable service (printable = yes) will ALWAYS allow
          writing to the directory (user privileges permitting), but only via
          spooling operations.
          Default: read only = yes
      read raw (G)
          This parameter controls whether or not the server will support the
          raw read SMB requests when transferring data to clients.
          If enabled, raw reads allow reads of 65535 bytes in one packet.
          This typically provides a major performance benefit.
          However, some clients either negotiate the allowable block size
          incorrectly or are incapable of supporting larger block sizes, and
          for these clients you may need to disable raw reads.
          In general this parameter should be viewed as a system tuning tool
          and left severely alone.
          Default: read raw = yes
      realm (G)
          This option specifies the kerberos realm to use. The realm is used
          as the ADS equivalent of the NT4 domain. It is usually set to the
          DNS name of the kerberos server.
          Default: realm =
          Example: realm =
      registry shares (G)
          This turns on or off support for share definitions read from
          registry. Shares defined in smb.conf take precedence over shares
          with the same name defined in registry. See the section on
          registry-based configuration for details.
          Note that this parameter defaults to no, but it is set to yes when
          config backend is set to registry.
          Default: registry shares = no
          Example: registry shares = yes
      remote announce (G)
          This option allows you to setup nmbd(8) to periodically announce
          itself to arbitrary IP addresses with an arbitrary workgroup name.
          This is useful if you want your Samba server to appear in a remote
          workgroup for which the normal browse propagation rules don't work.
          The remote workgroup can be anywhere that you can send IP packets
          For example:
              remote announce =
          the above line would cause nmbd to announce itself to the two given
          IP addresses using the given workgroup names. If you leave out the
          workgroup name, then the one given in the workgroup parameter is
          used instead.
          The IP addresses you choose would normally be the broadcast
          addresses of the remote networks, but can also be the IP addresses
          of known browse masters if your network config is that stable.
          See the chapter on Network Browsing in the Samba-HOWTO book.
          Default: remote announce =
      remote browse sync (G)
          This option allows you to setup nmbd(8) to periodically request
          synchronization of browse lists with the master browser of a Samba
          server that is on a remote segment. This option will allow you to
          gain browse lists for multiple workgroups across routed networks.
          This is done in a manner that does not work with any non-Samba
          This is useful if you want your Samba server and all local clients
          to appear in a remote workgroup for which the normal browse
          propagation rules don't work. The remote workgroup can be anywhere
          that you can send IP packets to.
          For example:
              remote browse sync =
          the above line would cause nmbd to request the master browser on
          the specified subnets or addresses to synchronize their browse
          lists with the local server.
          The IP addresses you choose would normally be the broadcast
          addresses of the remote networks, but can also be the IP addresses
          of known browse masters if your network config is that stable. If a
          machine IP address is given Samba makes NO attempt to validate that
          the remote machine is available, is listening, nor that it is in
          fact the browse master on its segment.
          The remote browse sync may be used on networks where there is no
          WINS server, and may be used on disjoint networks where each
          network has its own WINS server.
          Default: remote browse sync =
      rename user script (G)
          This is the full pathname to a script that will be run as root by
          smbd(8) under special circumstances described below.
          When a user with admin authority or SeAddUserPrivilege rights
          renames a user (e.g.: from the NT4 User Manager for Domains), this
          script will be run to rename the POSIX user. Two variables, %uold
          and %unew, will be substituted with the old and new usernames,
          respectively. The script should return 0 upon successful
          completion, and nonzero otherwise.
              The script has all responsibility to rename all the necessary
              data that is accessible in this posix method. This can mean
              different requirements for different backends. The tdbsam and
              smbpasswd backends will take care of the contents of their
              respective files, so the script is responsible only for
              changing the POSIX username, and other data that may required
              for your circumstances, such as home directory. Please also
              consider whether or not you need to rename the actual home
              directories themselves. The ldapsam backend will not make any
              changes, because of the potential issues with renaming the LDAP
              naming attribute. In this case the script is responsible for
              changing the attribute that samba uses (uid) for locating
              users, as well as any data that needs to change for other
              applications using the same directory.
          Default: rename user script = no
      reset on zero vc (G)
          This boolean option controls whether an incoming session setup
          should kill other connections coming from the same IP. This matches
          the default Windows 2003 behaviour. Setting this parameter to yes
          becomes necessary when you have a flaky network and windows decides
          to reconnect while the old connection still has files with share
          modes open. These files become inaccessible over the new
          connection. The client sends a zero VC on the new connection, and
          Windows 2003 kills all other connections coming from the same IP.
          This way the locked files are accessible again. Please be aware
          that enabling this option will kill connections behind a
          masquerading router.
          Default: reset on zero vc = no
      restrict anonymous (G)
          The setting of this parameter determines whether user and group
          list information is returned for an anonymous connection. and
          mirrors the effects of the
          registry key in Windows 2000 and Windows NT. When set to 0, user
          and group list information is returned to anyone who asks. When set
          to 1, only an authenticated user can retrive user and group list
          information. For the value 2, supported by Windows 2000/XP and
          Samba, no anonymous connections are allowed at all. This can break
          third party and Microsoft applications which expect to be allowed
          to perform operations anonymously.
          The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 1 is dubious,
          as user and group list information can be obtained using other
              The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 2 is
              removed by setting guest ok = yes on any share.
          Default: restrict anonymous = 0
          This parameter is a synonym for root directory.
      root dir
          This parameter is a synonym for root directory.
      root directory (G)
          The server will chroot() (i.e. Change its root directory) to this
          directory on startup. This is not strictly necessary for secure
          operation. Even without it the server will deny access to files not
          in one of the service entries. It may also check for, and deny
          access to, soft links to other parts of the filesystem, or attempts
          to use ".." in file names to access other directories (depending on
          the setting of the wide smbconfoptions parameter).
          Adding a root directory entry other than "/" adds an extra level of
          security, but at a price. It absolutely ensures that no access is
          given to files not in the sub-tree specified in the root directory
          option, including some files needed for complete operation of the
          server. To maintain full operability of the server you will need to
          mirror some system files into the root directory tree. In
          particular you will need to mirror /etc/passwd (or a subset of it),
          and any binaries or configuration files needed for printing (if
          required). The set of files that must be mirrored is operating
          system dependent.
          Default: root directory = /
          Example: root directory = /homes/smb
      root postexec (S)
          This is the same as the postexec parameter except that the command
          is run as root. This is useful for unmounting filesystems (such as
          CDROMs) after a connection is closed.
          Default: root postexec =
      root preexec close (S)
          This is the same as the preexec close parameter except that the
          command is run as root.
          Default: root preexec close = no
      root preexec (S)
          This is the same as the preexec parameter except that the command
          is run as root. This is useful for mounting filesystems (such as
          CDROMs) when a connection is opened.
          Default: root preexec =
      rpc_server (G)
          Defines what kind of rpc server to use for a named pipe. The
          rpc_server prefix must be followed by the pipe name, and a value.
          Three possible values are currently supported: embedded daemon
          The classic method is to run every pipe as an internal function
          embedded in smbd.
          An alternative method is to fork a daemon early on at smbd startup
          time. This is supported only for selected pipes.
          Choosing the external option allows to run a completely independent
          (3rd party) server capable of interfacing with samba via the MS-RPC
          interface over named pipes.
          Currently only the spoolss pipe can be configured in daemon mode
          like this:
                   rpc_server:spoolss = daemon

          Default: rpc_server = none
      security mask (S)
          This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits will be set when
          a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a file
          using the native NT security dialog box.
          This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to the incoming
          permission bits, thus resetting any bits not in this mask. Make
          sure not to mix up this parameter with force security mode, which
          works in a manner similar to this one but uses a logical OR instead
          of an AND.
          Essentially, all bits set to zero in this mask will result in
          setting to zero the corresponding bits on the file permissions
          regardless of the previous status of this bits on the file.
          If not set explicitly this parameter is 0777, allowing a user to
          set all the user/group/world permissions on a file.
           Note that users who can access the Samba server through other
          means can easily bypass this restriction, so it is primarily useful
          for standalone "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal
          systems will probably want to leave it set to 0777.
          Default: security mask = 0777
          Example: security mask = 0770
      security (G)
          This option affects how clients respond to Samba and is one of the
          most important settings in the smb.conf file.
          The option sets the "security mode bit" in replies to protocol
          negotiations with smbd(8) to turn share level security on or off.
          Clients decide based on this bit whether (and how) to transfer user
          and password information to the server.
          The default is security = user, as this is the most common setting
          needed when talking to Windows 98 and Windows NT.
          The alternatives are security = ads or security = domain, which
          support joining Samba to a Windows domain, along with security =
          share and security = server, both of which are deprecated.
          In versions of Samba prior to 2.0.0, the default was security =
          share mainly because that was the only option at one stage.
          You should use security = user and map to guest if you want to
          mainly setup shares without a password (guest shares). This is
          commonly used for a shared printer server.
          It is possible to use smbd in a
           hybrid mode where it is offers both user and share level security
          under different NetBIOS aliases.
          The different settings will now be explained.
          SECURITY = USER
          This is the default security setting in Samba. With user-level
          security a client must first "log-on" with a valid username and
          password (which can be mapped using the username map parameter).
          Encrypted passwords (see the encrypted passwords parameter) can
          also be used in this security mode. Parameters such as user and
          guest only if set are then applied and may change the UNIX user to
          use on this connection, but only after the user has been
          successfully authenticated.
          Note that the name of the resource being requested is not sent to
          the server until after the server has successfully authenticated
          the client. This is why guest shares don't work in user level
          security without allowing the server to automatically map unknown
          users into the guest account. See the map to guest parameter for
          details on doing this.
          This mode will only work correctly if net(8) has been used to add
          this machine into a Windows NT Domain. It expects the encrypted
          passwords parameter to be set to yes. In this mode Samba will try
          to validate the username/password by passing it to a Windows NT
          Primary or Backup Domain Controller, in exactly the same way that a
          Windows NT Server would do.
          Note that a valid UNIX user must still exist as well as the account
          on the Domain Controller to allow Samba to have a valid UNIX
          account to map file access to.
          Note that from the client's point of view security = domain is the
          same as security = user. It only affects how the server deals with
          the authentication, it does not in any way affect what the client
          Note that the name of the resource being requested is not sent to
          the server until after the server has successfully authenticated
          the client. This is why guest shares don't work in user level
          security without allowing the server to automatically map unknown
          users into the guest account. See the map to guest parameter for
          details on doing this.
          See also the password server parameter and the encrypted passwords
          SECURITY = SHARE
              This option is deprecated as it is incompatible with SMB2
          When clients connect to a share level security server, they need
          not log onto the server with a valid username and password before
          attempting to connect to a shared resource (although modern clients
          such as Windows 95/98 and Windows NT will send a logon request with
          a username but no password when talking to a security = share
          server). Instead, the clients send authentication information
          (passwords) on a per-share basis, at the time they attempt to
          connect to that share.
          Note that smbd ALWAYS uses a valid UNIX user to act on behalf of
          the client, even in security = share level security.
          As clients are not required to send a username to the server in
          share level security, smbd uses several techniques to determine the
          correct UNIX user to use on behalf of the client.
          A list of possible UNIX usernames to match with the given client
          password is constructed using the following methods :
          o   If the guest only parameter is set, then all the other stages
              are missed and only the guest account username is checked.
          o   Is a username is sent with the share connection request, then
              this username (after mapping - see username map), is added as a
              potential username.
          o   If the client did a previous logon request (the SessionSetup
              SMB call) then the username sent in this SMB will be added as a
              potential username.
          o   The name of the service the client requested is added as a
              potential username.
          o   The NetBIOS name of the client is added to the list as a
              potential username.
          o   Any users on the user list are added as potential usernames.
      If the guest only parameter is not set, then this list is then tried
      with the supplied password. The first user for whom the password
      matches will be used as the UNIX user.
      If the guest only parameter is set, or no username can be determined
      then if the share is marked as available to the guest account, then
      this guest user will be used, otherwise access is denied.
      Note that it can be very confusing in share-level security as to which
      UNIX username will eventually be used in granting access.
      In this depicted mode Samba will try to validate the username/password
      by passing it to another SMB server, such as an NT box. If this fails
      it will revert to security = user. It expects the encrypted passwords
      parameter to be set to yes, unless the remote server does not support
      them. However note that if encrypted passwords have been negotiated
      then Samba cannot revert back to checking the UNIX password file, it
      must have a valid smbpasswd file to check users against. See the
      chapter about the User Database in the Samba HOWTO Collection for
      details on how to set this up.
          This mode of operation has significant pitfalls since it is more
          vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and server impersonation.
          In particular, this mode of operation can cause significant
          resource consumption on the PDC, as it must maintain an active
          connection for the duration of the user's session. Furthermore, if
          this connection is lost, there is no way to reestablish it, and
          further authentications to the Samba server may fail (from a single
          client, till it disconnects).
          If the client selects NTLMv2 authentication, then this mode of
          operation will fail
          From the client's point of view, security = server is the same as
          security = user. It only affects how the server deals with the
          authentication, it does not in any way affect what the client sees.
          This option is deprecated, and may be removed in future
      Note that the name of the resource being requested is not sent to the
      server until after the server has successfully authenticated the
      client. This is why guest shares don't work in user level security
      without allowing the server to automatically map unknown users into the
      guest account. See the map to guest parameter for details on doing
      See also the password server parameter and the encrypted passwords
      In this mode, Samba will act as a domain member in an ADS realm. To
      operate in this mode, the machine running Samba will need to have
      Kerberos installed and configured and Samba will need to be joined to
      the ADS realm using the net utility.
      Note that this mode does NOT make Samba operate as a Active Directory
      Domain Controller.
      Read the chapter about Domain Membership in the HOWTO for details.
      Default: security = USER
      Example: security = DOMAIN
      send spnego principal (G)
          This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) will send the
          server-supplied principal sometimes given in the SPNEGO exchange.
          If enabled, Samba can attempt to help clients to use Kerberos to
          contact it, even when known only by IP address or a name not
          registered with our KDC as a service principal name. Kerberos
          relies on names, so ordinarily cannot function in this situation.
          If disabled, Samba will send the string
          not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore as the 'rfc4178 hint',
          following the updated RFC and Windows 2008 behaviour in this area.
          Note that Windows XP SP2 and later versions already ignored this
          value in all circumstances.
          Default: send spnego principal = no
      server schannel (G)
          This controls whether the server offers or even demands the use of
          the netlogon schannel.  server schannel = no does not offer the
          schannel, server schannel = auto offers the schannel but does not
          enforce it, and server schannel = yes denies access if the client
          is not able to speak netlogon schannel. This is only the case for
          Windows NT4 before SP4.
          Please note that with this set to no, you will have to apply the
          WindowsXP WinXP_SignOrSeal.reg registry patch found in the
          docs/registry subdirectory of the Samba distribution tarball.
          Default: server schannel = auto
          Example: server schannel = yes
      server signing (G)
          This controls whether the client is allowed or required to use SMB
          signing. Possible values are auto, mandatory and disabled.
          When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced. When
          set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set to disabled,
          SMB signing is not offered either.
          Default: server signing = Disabled
      server string (G)
          This controls what string will show up in the printer comment box
          in print manager and next to the IPC connection in net view. It can
          be any string that you wish to show to your users.
          It also sets what will appear in browse lists next to the machine
          A %v will be replaced with the Samba version number.
          A %h will be replaced with the hostname.
          Default: server string = Samba %v
          Example: server string = University of GNUs Samba Server
      set directory (S)
          If set directory = no, then users of the service may not use the
          setdir command to change directory.
          The setdir command is only implemented in the Digital Pathworks
          client. See the Pathworks documentation for details.
          Default: set directory = no
      set primary group script (G)
          Thanks to the Posix subsystem in NT a Windows User has a primary
          group in addition to the auxiliary groups. This script sets the
          primary group in the unix userdatase when an administrator sets the
          primary group from the windows user manager or when fetching a SAM
          with net rpc vampire.  %u will be replaced with the user whose
          primary group is to be set.  %g will be replaced with the group to
          Default: set primary group script =
          Example: set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
      set quota command (G)
          The set quota command should only be used whenever there is no
          operating system API available from the OS that samba can use.
          This option is only available if Samba was configured with the
          argument --with-sys-quotas or on linux when ./configure
          --with-quotas was used and a working quota api was found in the
          system. Most packages are configured with these options already.
          This parameter should specify the path to a script that can set
          quota for the specified arguments.
          The specified script should take the following arguments:
          o   1 - quota type
              o   1 - user quotas
              o   2 - user default quotas (uid = -1)
              o   3 - group quotas
              o   4 - group default quotas (gid = -1)

      o   2 - id (uid for user, gid for group, -1 if N/A)
      o   3 - quota state (0 = disable, 1 = enable, 2 = enable and enforce)
      o   4 - block softlimit
      o   5 - block hardlimit
      o   6 - inode softlimit
      o   7 - inode hardlimit
      o   8(optional) - block size, defaults to 1024
      The script should output at least one line of data on success. And
      nothing on failure.
      Default: set quota command =
      Example: set quota command = /usr/local/sbin/set_quota
      share:fake_fscaps (G)
          This is needed to support some special application that makes
          QFSINFO calls to check whether we set the SPARSE_FILES bit (0x40).
          If this bit is not set that particular application refuses to work
          against Samba. With share:fake_fscaps = 64 the SPARSE_FILES file
          system capability flag is set. Use other decimal values to specify
          the bitmask you need to fake.
          Default: share:fake_fscaps = 0
      share modes (S)
          This enables or disables the honoring of the share modes during a
          file open. These modes are used by clients to gain exclusive read
          or write access to a file.
          This is a deprecated option from old versions of Samba, and will be
          removed in the next major release.
          These open modes are not directly supported by UNIX, so they are
          simulated using shared memory.
          The share modes that are enabled by this option are the standard
          Windows share modes.
          This option gives full share compatibility and is enabled by
          You should NEVER turn this parameter off as many Windows
          applications will break if you do so.
          Default: share modes = yes
      short preserve case (S)
          This boolean parameter controls if new files which conform to 8.3
          syntax, that is all in upper case and of suitable length, are
          created upper case, or if they are forced to be the default case.
          This option can be use with preserve case = yes to permit long
          filenames to retain their case, while short names are lowered.
          See the section on NAME MANGLING.
          Default: short preserve case = yes
      show add printer wizard (G)
          With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing support for Windows
          NT/2000 client in Samba 2.2, a "Printers..." folder will appear on
          Samba hosts in the share listing. Normally this folder will contain
          an icon for the MS Add Printer Wizard (APW). However, it is
          possible to disable this feature regardless of the level of
          privilege of the connected user.
          Under normal circumstances, the Windows NT/2000 client will open a
          handle on the printer server with OpenPrinterEx() asking for
          Administrator privileges. If the user does not have administrative
          access on the print server (i.e is not root or a member of the
          printer admin group), the OpenPrinterEx() call fails and the client
          makes another open call with a request for a lower privilege level.
          This should succeed, however the APW icon will not be displayed.
          Disabling the show add printer wizard parameter will always cause
          the OpenPrinterEx() on the server to fail. Thus the APW icon will
          never be displayed.
              This does not prevent the same user from having administrative
              privilege on an individual printer.
          Default: show add printer wizard = yes
      shutdown script (G)
          This a full path name to a script called by smbd(8) that should
          start a shutdown procedure.
          If the connected user posseses the SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege,
          right, this command will be run as root.
          The %z %t %r %f variables are expanded as follows:
          o   %z will be substituted with the shutdown message sent to the
          o   %t will be substituted with the number of seconds to wait
              before effectively starting the shutdown procedure.
          o   %r will be substituted with the switch -r. It means reboot
              after shutdown for NT.
          o   %f will be substituted with the switch -f. It means force the
              shutdown even if applications do not respond for NT.
      Shutdown script example:
          let time="${time} / 60"
          let time="${time} + 1"
          /sbin/shutdown $3 $4 +$time $1 &

      Shutdown does not return so we need to launch it in background.
      Default: shutdown script =
      Example: shutdown script = /usr/local/samba/sbin/shutdown %m %t %r %f
      smb2 max credits (G)
          This option controls the maximum number of outstanding simultaneous
          SMB2 operations that Samba tells the client it will allow. This is
          similar to the max mux parameter for SMB1. You should never need to
          set this parameter.
          The default is 8192 credits, which is the same as a Windows 2008R2
          SMB2 server.
          Default: smb2 max credits = 8192
      smb2 max read (G)
          This option specifies the protocol value that smbd(8) will return
          to a client, informing the client of the largest size that may be
          returned by a single SMB2 read call.
          The maximum is 65536 bytes (64KB), which is the same as a Windows
          Vista SMB2 server.
          Default: smb2 max read = 65536
      smb2 max trans (G)
          This option specifies the protocol value that smbd(8) will return
          to a client, informing the client of the largest size of buffer
          that may be used in querying file meta-data via QUERY_INFO and
          related SMB2 calls.
          The maximum is 65536 bytes (64KB), which is the same as a Windows
          Vista SMB2 server.
          Default: smb2 max trans = 65536
      smb2 max write (G)
          This option specifies the protocol value that smbd(8) will return
          to a client, informing the client of the largest size that may be
          sent to the server by a single SMB2 write call.
          The maximum is 65536 bytes (64KB), which is the same as a Windows
          Vista SMB2 server.
          Default: smb2 max write = 65536
      smb encrypt (S)
          This is a new feature introduced with Samba 3.2 and above. It is an
          extension to the SMB/CIFS protocol negotiated as part of the UNIX
          extensions. SMB encryption uses the GSSAPI (SSPI on Windows)
          ability to encrypt and sign every request/response in a SMB
          protocol stream. When enabled it provides a secure method of
          SMB/CIFS communication, similar to an ssh protected session, but
          using SMB/CIFS authentication to negotiate encryption and signing
          keys. Currently this is only supported by Samba 3.2 smbclient, and
          hopefully soon Linux CIFSFS and MacOS/X clients. Windows clients do
          not support this feature.
          This controls whether the remote client is allowed or required to
          use SMB encryption. Possible values are auto, mandatory and
          disabled. This may be set on a per-share basis, but clients may
          chose to encrypt the entire session, not just traffic to a specific
          share. If this is set to mandatory then all traffic to a share must
          must be encrypted once the connection has been made to the share.
          The server would return "access denied" to all non-encrypted
          requests on such a share. Selecting encrypted traffic reduces
          throughput as smaller packet sizes must be used (no huge UNIX style
          read/writes allowed) as well as the overhead of encrypting and
          signing all the data.
          If SMB encryption is selected, Windows style SMB signing (see the
          server signing option) is no longer necessary, as the GSSAPI flags
          use select both signing and sealing of the data.
          When set to auto, SMB encryption is offered, but not enforced. When
          set to mandatory, SMB encryption is required and if set to
          disabled, SMB encryption can not be negotiated.
          Default: smb encrypt = auto
      smb passwd file (G)
          This option sets the path to the encrypted smbpasswd file. By
          default the path to the smbpasswd file is compiled into Samba.
          An example of use is:
              smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
          Default: smb passwd file = ${prefix}/private/smbpasswd
      smb ports (G)
          Specifies which ports the server should listen on for SMB traffic.
          Default: smb ports = 445 139
      socket address (G)
          This option allows you to control what address Samba will listen
          for connections on. This is used to support multiple virtual
          interfaces on the one server, each with a different configuration.
          Setting this option should never be necessary on usual Samba
          servers running only one nmbd.
          By default Samba will accept connections on any address.
          Default: socket address =
          Example: socket address =
      socket options (G)
          This option allows you to set socket options to be used when
          talking with the client.
          Socket options are controls on the networking layer of the
          operating systems which allow the connection to be tuned.
          This option will typically be used to tune your Samba server for
          optimal performance for your local network. There is no way that
          Samba can know what the optimal parameters are for your net, so you
          must experiment and choose them yourself. We strongly suggest you
          read the appropriate documentation for your operating system first
          (perhaps man setsockopt will help).
          You may find that on some systems Samba will say "Unknown socket
          option" when you supply an option. This means you either
          incorrectly typed it or you need to add an include file to
          includes.h for your OS. If the latter is the case please send the
          patch to
          Any of the supported socket options may be combined in any way you
          like, as long as your OS allows it.
          This is the list of socket options currently settable using this
          o   SO_KEEPALIVE
          o   SO_REUSEADDR
          o   SO_BROADCAST
          o   TCP_NODELAY
          o   IPTOS_LOWDELAY
          o   IPTOS_THROUGHPUT
          o   SO_SNDBUF *
          o   SO_RCVBUF *
          o   SO_SNDLOWAT *
          o   SO_RCVLOWAT *
      Those marked with a '*' take an integer argument. The others can
      optionally take a 1 or 0 argument to enable or disable the option, by
      default they will be enabled if you don't specify 1 or 0.
      To specify an argument use the syntax SOME_OPTION = VALUE for example
      SO_SNDBUF = 8192. Note that you must not have any spaces before or
      after the = sign.
      If you are on a local network then a sensible option might be:
      socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY
      If you have a local network then you could try:
      socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY
      If you are on a wide area network then perhaps try setting
      Note that several of the options may cause your Samba server to fail
      completely. Use these options with caution!
      Default: socket options = TCP_NODELAY
      Example: socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY
      stat cache (G)
          This parameter determines if smbd(8) will use a cache in order to
          speed up case insensitive name mappings. You should never need to
          change this parameter.
          Default: stat cache = yes
      state directory (G)
          Usually, most of the TDB files are stored in the lock directory.
          Since Samba 3.4.0, it is possible to differentiate between TDB
          files with persistent data and TDB files with non-persistent data
          using the state directory and the cache directory options.
          This option specifies the directory where TDB files containing
          persistent data will be stored.
          Default: state directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
          Example: state directory = /var/run/samba/locks/state
      store dos attributes (S)
          If this parameter is set Samba attempts to first read DOS
          attributes (SYSTEM, HIDDEN, ARCHIVE or READ-ONLY) from a filesystem
          extended attribute, before mapping DOS attributes to UNIX
          permission bits (such as occurs with map hidden and map readonly).
          When set, DOS attributes will be stored onto an extended attribute
          in the UNIX filesystem, associated with the file or directory. For
          no other mapping to occur as a fall-back, the parameters map
          hidden, map system, map archive and map readonly must be set to
          off. This parameter writes the DOS attributes as a string into the
          extended attribute named "user.DOSATTRIB". This extended attribute
          is explicitly hidden from smbd clients requesting an EA list. On
          Linux the filesystem must have been mounted with the mount option
          user_xattr in order for extended attributes to work, also extended
          attributes must be compiled into the Linux kernel. In Samba 3.5.0
          and above the "user.DOSATTRIB" extended attribute has been extended
          to store the create time for a file as well as the DOS attributes.
          This is done in a backwards compatible way so files created by
          Samba 3.5.0 and above can still have the DOS attribute read from
          this extended attribute by earlier versions of Samba, but they will
          not be able to read the create time stored there. Storing the
          create time separately from the normal filesystem meta-data allows
          Samba to faithfully reproduce NTFS semantics on top of a POSIX
          Default: store dos attributes = no
      strict allocate (S)
          This is a boolean that controls the handling of disk space
          allocation in the server. When this is set to yes the server will
          change from UNIX behaviour of not committing real disk storage
          blocks when a file is extended to the Windows behaviour of actually
          forcing the disk system to allocate real storage blocks when a file
          is created or extended to be a given size. In UNIX terminology this
          means that Samba will stop creating sparse files.
          This option is really desgined for file systems that support fast
          allocation of large numbers of blocks such as extent-based file
          systems. On file systems that don't support extents (most notably
          ext3) this can make Samba slower. When you work with large files
          over >100MB on file systems without extents you may even run into
          problems with clients running into timeouts.
          When you have an extent based filesystem it's likely that we can
          make use of unwritten extents which allows Samba to allocate even
          large amounts of space very fast and you will not see any timeout
          problems caused by strict allocate. With strict allocate in use you
          will also get much better out of quota messages in case you use
          quotas. Another advantage of activating this setting is that it
          will help to reduce file fragmentation.
          To give you an idea on which filesystems this setting might
          currently be a good option for you: XFS, ext4, btrfs, ocfs2 on
          Linux and JFS2 on AIX support unwritten extents. On Filesystems
          that do not support it, preallocation is probably an expensive
          operation where you will see reduced performance and risk to let
          clients run into timeouts when creating large files. Examples are
          ext3, ZFS, HFS+ and most others, so be aware if you activate this
          setting on those filesystems.
          Default: strict allocate = no
      strict locking (S)
          This is an enumerated type that controls the handling of file
          locking in the server. When this is set to yes, the server will
          check every read and write access for file locks, and deny access
          if locks exist. This can be slow on some systems.
          When strict locking is set to Auto (the default), the server
          performs file lock checks only on non-oplocked files. As most
          Windows redirectors perform file locking checks locally on oplocked
          files this is a good trade off for improved performance.
          When strict locking is disabled, the server performs file lock
          checks only when the client explicitly asks for them.
          Well-behaved clients always ask for lock checks when it is
          important. So in the vast majority of cases, strict locking = Auto
          or strict locking = no is acceptable.
          Default: strict locking = Auto
      strict sync (S)
          Many Windows applications (including the Windows 98 explorer shell)
          seem to confuse flushing buffer contents to disk with doing a sync
          to disk. Under UNIX, a sync call forces the process to be suspended
          until the kernel has ensured that all outstanding data in kernel
          disk buffers has been safely stored onto stable storage. This is
          very slow and should only be done rarely. Setting this parameter to
          no (the default) means that smbd(8) ignores the Windows
          applications requests for a sync call. There is only a possibility
          of losing data if the operating system itself that Samba is running
          on crashes, so there is little danger in this default setting. In
          addition, this fixes many performance problems that people have
          reported with the new Windows98 explorer shell file copies.
          Default: strict sync = no
      svcctl list (G)
          This option defines a list of init scripts that smbd will use for
          starting and stopping Unix services via the Win32 ServiceControl
          API. This allows Windows administrators to utilize the MS
          Management Console plug-ins to manage a Unix server running Samba.
          The administrator must create a directory name svcctl in Samba's
          $(libdir) and create symbolic links to the init scripts in
          /etc/init.d/. The name of the links must match the names given as
          part of the svcctl list.
          Default: svcctl list =
          Example: svcctl list = cups postfix portmap httpd
      sync always (S)
          This is a boolean parameter that controls whether writes will
          always be written to stable storage before the write call returns.
          If this is no then the server will be guided by the client's
          request in each write call (clients can set a bit indicating that a
          particular write should be synchronous). If this is yes then every
          write will be followed by a fsync() call to ensure the data is
          written to disk. Note that the strict sync parameter must be set to
          yes in order for this parameter to have any effect.
          Default: sync always = no
      syslog only (G)
          If this parameter is set then Samba debug messages are logged into
          the system syslog only, and not to the debug log files. There still
          will be some logging to log.[sn]mbd even if syslog only is enabled.
          Default: syslog only = no
      syslog (G)
          This parameter maps how Samba debug messages are logged onto the
          system syslog logging levels. Samba debug level zero maps onto
          syslog LOG_ERR, debug level one maps onto LOG_WARNING, debug level
          two maps onto LOG_NOTICE, debug level three maps onto LOG_INFO. All
          higher levels are mapped to LOG_DEBUG.
          This parameter sets the threshold for sending messages to syslog.
          Only messages with debug level less than this value will be sent to
          syslog. There still will be some logging to log.[sn]mbd even if
          syslog only is enabled.
          Default: syslog = 1
      template homedir (G)
          When filling out the user information for a Windows NT user, the
          winbindd(8) daemon uses this parameter to fill in the home
          directory for that user. If the string %D is present it is
          substituted with the user's Windows NT domain name. If the string
          %U is present it is substituted with the user's Windows NT user
          Default: template homedir = /home/%D/%U
      template shell (G)
          When filling out the user information for a Windows NT user, the
          winbindd(8) daemon uses this parameter to fill in the login shell
          for that user.
          No default
      time offset (G)
          This deprecated parameter is a setting in minutes to add to the
          normal GMT to local time conversion. This is useful if you are
          serving a lot of PCs that have incorrect daylight saving time
              This option is deprecated, and will be removed in the next
              major release
          Default: time offset = 0
          Example: time offset = 60
      time server (G)
          This parameter determines if nmbd(8) advertises itself as a time
          server to Windows clients.
          Default: time server = no
      unix charset (G)
          Specifies the charset the unix machine Samba runs on uses. Samba
          needs to know this in order to be able to convert text to the
          charsets other SMB clients use.
          This is also the charset Samba will use when specifying arguments
          to scripts that it invokes.
          Default: unix charset = UTF8
          Example: unix charset = ASCII
      unix extensions (G)
          This boolean parameter controls whether Samba implements the CIFS
          UNIX extensions, as defined by HP. These extensions enable Samba to
          better serve UNIX CIFS clients by supporting features such as
          symbolic links, hard links, etc... These extensions require a
          similarly enabled client, and are of no current use to Windows
          Note if this parameter is turned on, the wide links parameter will
          automatically be disabled.
          See the parameter allow insecure wide links if you wish to change
          this coupling between the two parameters.
          Default: unix extensions = yes
      unix password sync (G)
          This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to
          synchronize the UNIX password with the SMB password when the
          encrypted SMB password in the smbpasswd file is changed. If this is
          set to yes the program specified in the passwd program parameter is
          called AS ROOT - to allow the new UNIX password to be set without
          access to the old UNIX password (as the SMB password change code
          has no access to the old password cleartext, only the new).
          Default: unix password sync = no
      use client driver (S)
          This parameter applies only to Windows NT/2000 clients. It has no
          effect on Windows 95/98/ME clients. When serving a printer to
          Windows NT/2000 clients without first installing a valid printer
          driver on the Samba host, the client will be required to install a
          local printer driver. From this point on, the client will treat the
          print as a local printer and not a network printer connection. This
          is much the same behavior that will occur when disable spoolss =
          The differentiating factor is that under normal circumstances, the
          NT/2000 client will attempt to open the network printer using
          MS-RPC. The problem is that because the client considers the
          printer to be local, it will attempt to issue the OpenPrinterEx()
          call requesting access rights associated with the logged on user.
          If the user possesses local administator rights but not root
          privilege on the Samba host (often the case), the OpenPrinterEx()
          call will fail. The result is that the client will now display an
          "Access Denied; Unable to connect" message in the printer queue
          window (even though jobs may successfully be printed).
          If this parameter is enabled for a printer, then any attempt to
          open the printer with the PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER right is mapped
          to PRINTER_ACCESS_USE instead. Thus allowing the OpenPrinterEx()
          call to succeed.  This parameter MUST not be enabled on a print
          share which has valid print driver installed on the Samba server.
          Default: use client driver = no
      use mmap (G)
          This global parameter determines if the tdb internals of Samba can
          depend on mmap working correctly on the running system. Samba
          requires a coherent mmap/read-write system memory cache. Currently
          only HPUX does not have such a coherent cache, and so this
          parameter is set to no by default on HPUX. On all other systems
          this parameter should be left alone. This parameter is provided to
          help the Samba developers track down problems with the tdb internal
          Default: use mmap = yes
      username level (G)
          This option helps Samba to try and 'guess' at the real UNIX
          username, as many DOS clients send an all-uppercase username. By
          default Samba tries all lowercase, followed by the username with
          the first letter capitalized, and fails if the username is not
          found on the UNIX machine.
          If this parameter is set to non-zero the behavior changes. This
          parameter is a number that specifies the number of uppercase
          combinations to try while trying to determine the UNIX user name.
          The higher the number the more combinations will be tried, but the
          slower the discovery of usernames will be. Use this parameter when
          you have strange usernames on your UNIX machine, such as
          AstrangeUser .
          This parameter is needed only on UNIX systems that have case
          sensitive usernames.
          Default: username level = 0
          Example: username level = 5
      username map cache time (G)
          Mapping usernames with the username map or username map script
          features of Samba can be relatively expensive. During login of a
          user, the mapping is done several times. In particular, calling the
          username map script can slow down logins if external databases have
          to be queried from the script being called.
          The parameter username map cache time controls a mapping cache. It
          specifies the number of seconds a mapping from the username map
          file or script is to be efficiently cached. The default of 0 means
          no caching is done.
          Default: username map cache time = 0
          Example: username map cache time = 60
      username map script (G)
          This script is a mutually exclusive alternative to the username map
          parameter. This parameter specifies and external program or script
          that must accept a single command line option (the username
          transmitted in the authentication request) and return a line line
          on standard output (the name to which the account should mapped).
          In this way, it is possible to store username map tables in an LDAP
          or NIS directory services.
          Default: username map script =
          Example: username map script = /etc/samba/scripts/
      username map (G)
          This option allows you to specify a file containing a mapping of
          usernames from the clients to the server. This can be used for
          several purposes. The most common is to map usernames that users
          use on DOS or Windows machines to those that the UNIX box uses. The
          other is to map multiple users to a single username so that they
          can more easily share files.
          Please note that for user or share mode security, the username map
          is applied prior to validating the user credentials. Domain member
          servers (domain or ads) apply the username map after the user has
          been successfully authenticated by the domain controller and
          require fully qualified enties in the map table (e.g. biddle =
          The map file is parsed line by line. Each line should contain a
          single UNIX username on the left then a '=' followed by a list of
          usernames on the right. The list of usernames on the right may
          contain names of the form @group in which case they will match any
          UNIX username in that group. The special client name '*' is a
          wildcard and matches any name. Each line of the map file may be up
          to 1023 characters long.
          The file is processed on each line by taking the supplied username
          and comparing it with each username on the right hand side of the
          '=' signs. If the supplied name matches any of the names on the
          right hand side then it is replaced with the name on the left.
          Processing then continues with the next line.
          If any line begins with a '#' or a ';' then it is ignored.
          If any line begins with an '!' then the processing will stop after
          that line if a mapping was done by the line. Otherwise mapping
          continues with every line being processed. Using '!' is most useful
          when you have a wildcard mapping line later in the file.
          For example to map from the name admin or administrator to the UNIX
           root you would use:
              root = admin administrator
          Or to map anyone in the UNIX group system to the UNIX name sys you
          would use:
              sys = @system
          You can have as many mappings as you like in a username map file.
          If your system supports the NIS NETGROUP option then the netgroup
          database is checked before the /etc/group database for matching
          You can map Windows usernames that have spaces in them by using
          double quotes around the name. For example:
              tridge = "Andrew Tridgell"
          would map the windows username "Andrew Tridgell" to the unix
          username "tridge".
          The following example would map mary and fred to the unix user sys,
          and map the rest to guest. Note the use of the '!' to tell Samba to
          stop processing if it gets a match on that line:
              !sys = mary fred
              guest = *
          Note that the remapping is applied to all occurrences of usernames.
          Thus if you connect to \\server\fred and fred is remapped to mary
          then you will actually be connecting to \\server\mary and will need
          to supply a password suitable for mary not fred. The only exception
          to this is the username passed to the password server (if you have
          one). The password server will receive whatever username the client
          supplies without modification.
          Also note that no reverse mapping is done. The main effect this has
          is with printing. Users who have been mapped may have trouble
          deleting print jobs as PrintManager under WfWg will think they
          don't own the print job.
          Samba versions prior to 3.0.8 would only support reading the fully
          qualified username (e.g.: DOMAIN\user) from the username map when
          performing a kerberos login from a client. However, when looking up
          a map entry for a user authenticated by NTLM[SSP], only the login
          name would be used for matches. This resulted in inconsistent
          behavior sometimes even on the same server.
          The following functionality is obeyed in version 3.0.8 and later:
          When performing local authentication, the username map is applied
          to the login name before attempting to authenticate the connection.
          When relying upon a external domain controller for validating
          authentication requests, smbd will apply the username map to the
          fully qualified username (i.e.  DOMAIN\user) only after the user
          has been successfully authenticated.
          An example of use is:
              username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/
          Default: username map =  # no username map
          This parameter is a synonym for username.
          This parameter is a synonym for username.
      username (S)
          Multiple users may be specified in a comma-delimited list, in which
          case the supplied password will be tested against each username in
          turn (left to right).
          The deprecated username line is needed only when the PC is unable
          to supply its own username. This is the case for the COREPLUS
          protocol or where your users have different WfWg usernames to UNIX
          usernames. In both these cases you may also be better using the
          \\server\share%user syntax instead.
          The username line is not a great solution in many cases as it means
          Samba will try to validate the supplied password against each of
          the usernames in the username line in turn. This is slow and a bad
          idea for lots of users in case of duplicate passwords. You may get
          timeouts or security breaches using this parameter unwisely.
          Samba relies on the underlying UNIX security. This parameter does
          not restrict who can login, it just offers hints to the Samba
          server as to what usernames might correspond to the supplied
          password. Users can login as whoever they please and they will be
          able to do no more damage than if they started a telnet session.
          The daemon runs as the user that they log in as, so they cannot do
          anything that user cannot do.
          To restrict a service to a particular set of users you can use the
          valid users parameter.
          If any of the usernames begin with a '@' then the name will be
          looked up first in the NIS netgroups list (if Samba is compiled
          with netgroup support), followed by a lookup in the UNIX groups
          database and will expand to a list of all users in the group of
          that name.
          If any of the usernames begin with a '+' then the name will be
          looked up only in the UNIX groups database and will expand to a
          list of all users in the group of that name.
          If any of the usernames begin with a '&' then the name will be
          looked up only in the NIS netgroups database (if Samba is compiled
          with netgroup support) and will expand to a list of all users in
          the netgroup group of that name.
          Note that searching though a groups database can take quite some
          time, and some clients may time out during the search.
          See the section NOTE ABOUT USERNAME/PASSWORD VALIDATION for more
          information on how this parameter determines access to the
          Default: username =  # The guest account if a guest service, else
          <empty string>.
          Example: username = fred, mary, jack, jane, @users, @pcgroup
      usershare allow guests (G)
          This parameter controls whether user defined shares are allowed to
          be accessed by non-authenticated users or not. It is the equivalent
          of allowing people who can create a share the option of setting
          guest ok = yes in a share definition. Due to its security sensitive
          nature, the default is set to off.
          Default: usershare allow guests = no
      usershare max shares (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of user defined shares that are
          allowed to be created by users belonging to the group owning the
          usershare directory. If set to zero (the default) user defined
          shares are ignored.
          Default: usershare max shares = 0
      usershare owner only (G)
          This parameter controls whether the pathname exported by a user
          defined shares must be owned by the user creating the user defined
          share or not. If set to True (the default) then smbd checks that
          the directory path being shared is owned by the user who owns the
          usershare file defining this share and refuses to create the share
          if not. If set to False then no such check is performed and any
          directory path may be exported regardless of who owns it.
          Default: usershare owner only = True
      usershare path (G)
          This parameter specifies the absolute path of the directory on the
          filesystem used to store the user defined share definition files.
          This directory must be owned by root, and have no access for other,
          and be writable only by the group owner. In addition the "sticky"
          bit must also be set, restricting rename and delete to owners of a
          file (in the same way the /tmp directory is usually configured).
          Members of the group owner of this directory are the users allowed
          to create usershares. If this parameter is undefined then no user
          defined shares are allowed.
          For example, a valid usershare directory might be
          /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares, set up as follows.

                   ls -ld /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares/
                   drwxrwx--T  2 root power_users 4096 2006-05-05 12:27 /usr/local/samba/lib/usershares/

          In this case, only members of the group "power_users" can create
          user defined shares.
          Default: usershare path = NULL
      usershare prefix allow list (G)
          This parameter specifies a list of absolute pathnames the root of
          which are allowed to be exported by user defined share definitions.
          If the pathname to be exported doesn't start with one of the
          strings in this list, the user defined share will not be allowed.
          This allows the Samba administrator to restrict the directories on
          the system that can be exported by user defined shares.
          If there is a "usershare prefix deny list" and also a "usershare
          prefix allow list" the deny list is processed first, followed by
          the allow list, thus leading to the most restrictive
          Default: usershare prefix allow list = NULL
          Example: usershare prefix allow list = /home /data /space
      usershare prefix deny list (G)
          This parameter specifies a list of absolute pathnames the root of
          which are NOT allowed to be exported by user defined share
          definitions. If the pathname exported starts with one of the
          strings in this list the user defined share will not be allowed.
          Any pathname not starting with one of these strings will be allowed
          to be exported as a usershare. This allows the Samba administrator
          to restrict the directories on the system that can be exported by
          user defined shares.
          If there is a "usershare prefix deny list" and also a "usershare
          prefix allow list" the deny list is processed first, followed by
          the allow list, thus leading to the most restrictive
          Default: usershare prefix deny list = NULL
          Example: usershare prefix deny list = /etc /dev /private
      usershare template share (G)
          User defined shares only have limited possible parameters such as
          path, guest ok, etc. This parameter allows usershares to "cloned"
          from an existing share. If "usershare template share" is set to the
          name of an existing share, then all usershares created have their
          defaults set from the parameters set on this share.
          The target share may be set to be invalid for real file sharing by
          setting the parameter "-valid = False" on the template share
          definition. This causes it not to be seen as a real exported share
          but to be able to be used as a template for usershares.
          Default: usershare template share = NULL
          Example: usershare template share = template_share
      use sendfile (S)
          If this parameter is yes, and the sendfile() system call is
          supported by the underlying operating system, then some SMB read
          calls (mainly ReadAndX and ReadRaw) will use the more efficient
          sendfile system call for files that are exclusively oplocked. This
          may make more efficient use of the system CPU's and cause Samba to
          be faster. Samba automatically turns this off for clients that use
          protocol levels lower than NT LM 0.12 and when it detects a client
          is Windows 9x (using sendfile from Linux will cause these clients
          to fail).
          Default: use sendfile = false
      use spnego (G)
          This deprecated variable controls controls whether samba will try
          to use Simple and Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478)
          with WindowsXP and Windows2000 clients to agree upon an
          authentication mechanism.
          Unless further issues are discovered with our SPNEGO
          implementation, there is no reason this should ever be disabled.
          Default: use spnego = yes
      utmp directory (G)
          This parameter is only available if Samba has been configured and
          compiled with the option --with-utmp. It specifies a directory
          pathname that is used to store the utmp or utmpx files (depending
          on the UNIX system) that record user connections to a Samba server.
          By default this is not set, meaning the system will use whatever
          utmp file the native system is set to use (usually /var/run/utmp on
          Default: utmp directory =  # Determined automatically
          Example: utmp directory = /var/run/utmp
      utmp (G)
          This boolean parameter is only available if Samba has been
          configured and compiled with the option --with-utmp. If set to yes
          then Samba will attempt to add utmp or utmpx records (depending on
          the UNIX system) whenever a connection is made to a Samba server.
          Sites may use this to record the user connecting to a Samba share.
          Due to the requirements of the utmp record, we are required to
          create a unique identifier for the incoming user. Enabling this
          option creates an n^2 algorithm to find this number. This may
          impede performance on large installations.
          Default: utmp = no
      valid users (S)
          This is a list of users that should be allowed to login to this
          service. Names starting with '@', '+' and '&' are interpreted using
          the same rules as described in the invalid users parameter.
          If this is empty (the default) then any user can login. If a
          username is in both this list and the invalid users list then
          access is denied for that user.
          The current servicename is substituted for %S. This is useful in
          the [homes] section.
          Default: valid users =  # No valid users list (anyone can login)
          Example: valid users = greg, @pcusers
      -valid (S)
          This parameter indicates whether a share is valid and thus can be
          used. When this parameter is set to false, the share will be in no
          way visible nor accessible.
          This option should not be used by regular users but might be of
          help to developers. Samba uses this option internally to mark
          shares as deleted.
          Default: -valid = yes
      veto files (S)
          This is a list of files and directories that are neither visible
          nor accessible. Each entry in the list must be separated by a '/',
          which allows spaces to be included in the entry. '*' and '?' can be
          used to specify multiple files or directories as in DOS wildcards.
          Each entry must be a unix path, not a DOS path and must not include
          the unix directory separator '/'.
          Note that the case sensitive option is applicable in vetoing files.
          One feature of the veto files parameter that it is important to be
          aware of is Samba's behaviour when trying to delete a directory. If
          a directory that is to be deleted contains nothing but veto files
          this deletion will fail unless you also set the delete veto files
          parameter to yes.
          Setting this parameter will affect the performance of Samba, as it
          will be forced to check all files and directories for a match as
          they are scanned.
          Examples of use include:
              ; Veto any files containing the word Security,
              ; any ending in .tmp, and any directory containing the
              ; word root.
              veto files = /*Security*/*.tmp/*root*/
              ; Veto the Apple specific files that a NetAtalk server
              ; creates.
              veto files = /.AppleDouble/.bin/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash Folder/
          Default: veto files = No files or directories are vetoed.
      veto oplock files (S)
          This parameter is only valid when the oplocks parameter is turned
          on for a share. It allows the Samba administrator to selectively
          turn off the granting of oplocks on selected files that match a
          wildcarded list, similar to the wildcarded list used in the veto
          files parameter.
          You might want to do this on files that you know will be heavily
          contended for by clients. A good example of this is in the NetBench
          SMB benchmark program, which causes heavy client contention for
          files ending in .SEM. To cause Samba not to grant oplocks on these
          files you would use the line (either in the [global] section or in
          the section for the particular NetBench share.
          An example of use is:
              veto oplock files = /.*SEM/
          Default: veto oplock files =  # No files are vetoed for oplock
      vfs object
          This parameter is a synonym for vfs objects.
      vfs objects (S)
          This parameter specifies the backend names which are used for Samba
          VFS I/O operations. By default, normal disk I/O operations are used
          but these can be overloaded with one or more VFS objects.
          Default: vfs objects =
          Example: vfs objects = extd_audit recycle
      volume (S)
          This allows you to override the volume label returned for a share.
          Useful for CDROMs with installation programs that insist on a
          particular volume label.
          Default: volume =  # the name of the share
      wide links (S)
          This parameter controls whether or not links in the UNIX file
          system may be followed by the server. Links that point to areas
          within the directory tree exported by the server are always
          allowed; this parameter controls access only to areas that are
          outside the directory tree being exported.
          Note: Turning this parameter on when UNIX extensions are enabled
          will allow UNIX clients to create symbolic links on the share that
          can point to files or directories outside restricted path exported
          by the share definition. This can cause access to areas outside of
          the share. Due to this problem, this parameter will be
          automatically disabled (with a message in the log file) if the unix
          extensions option is on.
          See the parameter allow insecure wide links if you wish to change
          this coupling between the two parameters.
          Default: wide links = no
      winbind cache time (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of seconds the winbindd(8)
          daemon will cache user and group information before querying a
          Windows NT server again.
          This does not apply to authentication requests, these are always
          evaluated in real time unless the winbind offline logon option has
          been enabled.
          Default: winbind cache time = 300
      winbind enum groups (G)
          On large installations using winbindd(8) it may be necessary to
          suppress the enumeration of groups through the setgrent(),
          getgrent() and endgrent() group of system calls. If the winbind
          enum groups parameter is no, calls to the getgrent() system call
          will not return any data.
              Turning off group enumeration may cause some programs to behave
          Default: winbind enum groups = no
      winbind enum users (G)
          On large installations using winbindd(8) it may be necessary to
          suppress the enumeration of users through the setpwent(),
          getpwent() and endpwent() group of system calls. If the winbind
          enum users parameter is no, calls to the getpwent system call will
          not return any data.
              Turning off user enumeration may cause some programs to behave
              oddly. For example, the finger program relies on having access
              to the full user list when searching for matching usernames.
          Default: winbind enum users = no
      winbind expand groups (G)
          This option controls the maximum depth that winbindd will traverse
          when flattening nested group memberships of Windows domain groups.
          This is different from the winbind nested groups option which
          implements the Windows NT4 model of local group nesting. The
          "winbind expand groups" parameter specifically applies to the
          membership of domain groups.
          Be aware that a high value for this parameter can result in system
          slowdown as the main parent winbindd daemon must perform the group
          unrolling and will be unable to answer incoming NSS or
          authentication requests during this time.
          Default: winbind expand groups = 1
      winbind max clients (G)
          This parameter specifies the maximum number of clients the
          winbindd(8) daemon can connect with.
          Default: winbind max clients = 200
      winbind max domain connections (G)
          This parameter specifies the maximum number of simultaneous
          connections that the winbindd(8) daemon should open to the domain
          controller of one domain. Setting this parameter to a value greater
          than 1 can improve scalability with many simultaneous winbind
          requests, some of which might be slow.
          Note that if winbind offline logon is set to Yes, then only one DC
          connection is allowed per domain, regardless of this setting.
          Default: winbind max domain connections = 1
          Example: winbind max domain connections = 10
      winbind nested groups (G)
          If set to yes, this parameter activates the support for nested
          groups. Nested groups are also called local groups or aliases. They
          work like their counterparts in Windows: Nested groups are defined
          locally on any machine (they are shared between DC's through their
          SAM) and can contain users and global groups from any trusted SAM.
          To be able to use nested groups, you need to run nss_winbind.
          Default: winbind nested groups = yes
      winbind normalize names (G)
          This parameter controls whether winbindd will replace whitespace in
          user and group names with an underscore (_) character. For example,
          whether the name "Space Kadet" should be replaced with the string
          "space_kadet". Frequently Unix shell scripts will have difficulty
          with usernames contains whitespace due to the default field
          separator in the shell. If your domain possesses names containing
          the underscore character, this option may cause problems unless the
          name aliasing feature is supported by your nss_info plugin.
          This feature also enables the name aliasing API which can be used
          to make domain user and group names to a non-qualified version.
          Please refer to the manpage for the configured idmap and nss_info
          plugin for the specifics on how to configure name aliasing for a
          specific configuration. Name aliasing takes precedence (and is
          mutually exclusive) over the whitespace replacement mechanism
          discussed previsouly.
          Default: winbind normalize names = no
          Example: winbind normalize names = yes
      winbind nss info (G)
          This parameter is designed to control how Winbind retrieves Name
          Service Information to construct a user's home directory and login
          shell. Currently the following settings are available:
          o   template - The default, using the parameters of template shell
              and template homedir)
          o   <sfu | rfc2307 > - When Samba is running in security = ads and
              your Active Directory Domain Controller does support the
              Microsoft "Services for Unix" (SFU) LDAP schema, winbind can
              retrieve the login shell and the home directory attributes
              directly from your Directory Server. Note that retrieving UID
              and GID from your ADS-Server requires to use idmap config
              DOMAIN:backend = ad as well.

      Default: winbind nss info = template
      Example: winbind nss info = sfu
      winbind offline logon (G)
          This parameter is designed to control whether Winbind should allow
          to login with the pam_winbind module using Cached Credentials. If
          enabled, winbindd will store user credentials from successful
          logins encrypted in a local cache.
          Default: winbind offline logon = false
          Example: winbind offline logon = true
      winbind reconnect delay (G)
          This parameter specifies the number of seconds the winbindd(8)
          daemon will wait between attempts to contact a Domain controller
          for a domain that is determined to be down or not contactable.
          Default: winbind reconnect delay = 30
      winbind refresh tickets (G)
          This parameter is designed to control whether Winbind should
          refresh Kerberos Tickets retrieved using the pam_winbind module.
          Default: winbind refresh tickets = false
          Example: winbind refresh tickets = true
      winbind rpc only (G)
          Setting this parameter to yes forces winbindd to use RPC instead of
          LDAP to retrieve information from Domain Controllers.
          Default: winbind rpc only = no
      winbind separator (G)
          This parameter allows an admin to define the character used when
          listing a username of the form of DOMAIN \user. This parameter is
          only applicable when using the and
          modules for UNIX services.
          Please note that setting this parameter to + causes problems with
          group membership at least on glibc systems, as the character + is
          used as a special character for NIS in /etc/group.
          Default: winbind separator = '\'
          Example: winbind separator = +
      winbind trusted domains only (G)
          This parameter is designed to allow Samba servers that are members
          of a Samba controlled domain to use UNIX accounts distributed via
          NIS, rsync, or LDAP as the uid's for winbindd users in the hosts
          primary domain. Therefore, the user DOMAIN\user1 would be mapped to
          the account user1 in /etc/passwd instead of allocating a new uid
          for him or her.
          This parameter is now deprecated in favor of the newer idmap_nss
          backend. Refer to the idmap_nss(8) man page for more information.
          Default: winbind trusted domains only = no
      winbind use default domain (G)
          This parameter specifies whether the winbindd(8) daemon should
          operate on users without domain component in their username. Users
          without a domain component are treated as is part of the winbindd
          server's own domain. While this does not benefit Windows users, it
          makes SSH, FTP and e-mail function in a way much closer to the way
          they would in a native unix system.
          This option should be avoided if possible. It can cause confusion
          about responsibilities for a user or group. In many situations it
          is not clear whether winbind or /etc/passwd should be seen as
          authoritative for a user, likewise for groups.
          Default: winbind use default domain = no
          Example: winbind use default domain = yes
      wins hook (G)
          When Samba is running as a WINS server this allows you to call an
          external program for all changes to the WINS database. The primary
          use for this option is to allow the dynamic update of external name
          resolution databases such as dynamic DNS.
          The wins hook parameter specifies the name of a script or
          executable that will be called as follows:
          wins_hook operation name nametype ttl IP_list
          o   The first argument is the operation and is one of "add",
              "delete", or "refresh". In most cases the operation can be
              ignored as the rest of the parameters provide sufficient
              information. Note that "refresh" may sometimes be called when
              the name has not previously been added, in that case it should
              be treated as an add.
          o   The second argument is the NetBIOS name. If the name is not a
              legal name then the wins hook is not called. Legal names
              contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores and periods.
          o   The third argument is the NetBIOS name type as a 2 digit
              hexadecimal number.
          o   The fourth argument is the TTL (time to live) for the name in
          o   The fifth and subsequent arguments are the IP addresses
              currently registered for that name. If this list is empty then
              the name should be deleted.
      An example script that calls the BIND dynamic DNS update program
      nsupdate is provided in the examples directory of the Samba source
      No default
      wins proxy (G)
          This is a boolean that controls if nmbd(8) will respond to
          broadcast name queries on behalf of other hosts. You may need to
          set this to yes for some older clients.
          Default: wins proxy = no
      wins server (G)
          This specifies the IP address (or DNS name: IP address for
          preference) of the WINS server that nmbd(8) should register with.
          If you have a WINS server on your network then you should set this
          to the WINS server's IP.
          You should point this at your WINS server if you have a
          multi-subnetted network.
          If you want to work in multiple namespaces, you can give every wins
          server a 'tag'. For each tag, only one (working) server will be
          queried for a name. The tag should be separated from the ip address
          by a colon.
              You need to set up Samba to point to a WINS server if you have
              multiple subnets and wish cross-subnet browsing to work
          See the chapter in the Samba3-HOWTO on Network Browsing.
          Default: wins server =
          Example: wins server = mary: fred:
          mary: # For this example when querying a certain name,
 will be asked first and if that doesn't respond
 If either of those doesn't know the name
 will be queried.
          Example: wins server =
      wins support (G)
          This boolean controls if the nmbd(8) process in Samba will act as a
          WINS server. You should not set this to yes unless you have a
          multi-subnetted network and you wish a particular nmbd to be your
          WINS server. Note that you should NEVER set this to yes on more
          than one machine in your network.
          Default: wins support = no
      workgroup (G)
          This controls what workgroup your server will appear to be in when
          queried by clients. Note that this parameter also controls the
          Domain name used with the security = domain setting.
          Default: workgroup = WORKGROUP
          Example: workgroup = MYGROUP
          This parameter is a synonym for writeable.
      writeable (S)
          Inverted synonym for read only.
          Default: writeable = no
      write cache size (S)
          If this integer parameter is set to non-zero value, Samba will
          create an in-memory cache for each oplocked file (it does not do
          this for non-oplocked files). All writes that the client does not
          request to be flushed directly to disk will be stored in this cache
          if possible. The cache is flushed onto disk when a write comes in
          whose offset would not fit into the cache or when the file is
          closed by the client. Reads for the file are also served from this
          cache if the data is stored within it.
          This cache allows Samba to batch client writes into a more
          efficient write size for RAID disks (i.e. writes may be tuned to be
          the RAID stripe size) and can improve performance on systems where
          the disk subsystem is a bottleneck but there is free memory for
          userspace programs.
          The integer parameter specifies the size of this cache (per
          oplocked file) in bytes.
          Default: write cache size = 0
          Example: write cache size = 262144 # for a 256k cache size per file
      write list (S)
          This is a list of users that are given read-write access to a
          service. If the connecting user is in this list then they will be
          given write access, no matter what the read only option is set to.
          The list can include group names using the @group syntax.
          Note that if a user is in both the read list and the write list
          then they will be given write access.
          By design, this parameter will not work with the security = share
          in Samba 3.0.
          Default: write list =
          Example: write list = admin, root, @staff
      write raw (G)
          This parameter controls whether or not the server will support raw
          write SMB's when transferring data from clients. You should never
          need to change this parameter.
          Default: write raw = yes
      wtmp directory (G)
          This parameter is only available if Samba has been configured and
          compiled with the option --with-utmp. It specifies a directory
          pathname that is used to store the wtmp or wtmpx files (depending
          on the UNIX system) that record user connections to a Samba server.
          The difference with the utmp directory is the fact that user info
          is kept after a user has logged out.
          By default this is not set, meaning the system will use whatever
          utmp file the native system is set to use (usually /var/run/wtmp on
          Default: wtmp directory =
          Example: wtmp directory = /var/log/wtmp

[править] WARNINGS

      Although the configuration file permits service names to contain
      spaces, your client software may not. Spaces will be ignored in
      comparisons anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem - but be aware of the
      On a similar note, many clients - especially DOS clients - limit
      service names to eight characters.  smbd(8) has no such limitation, but
      attempts to connect from such clients will fail if they truncate the
      service names. For this reason you should probably keep your service
      names down to eight characters in length.
      Use of the [homes] and [printers] special sections make life for an
      administrator easy, but the various combinations of default attributes
      can be tricky. Take extreme care when designing these sections. In
      particular, ensure that the permissions on spool directories are

[править] VERSION

      This man page is correct for version 3 of the Samba suite.

[править] SEE ALSO

samba(7), smbpasswd(8), swat(8), smbd(8), nmbd(8), smbclient(1), nmblookup(1), testparm(1), testprns(1).

[править] AUTHOR

      The original Samba software and related utilities were created by
      Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open
      Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed.
      The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer. The man page
      sources were converted to YODL format (another excellent piece of Open
      Source software, available at and
      updated for the Samba 2.0 release by Jeremy Allison. The conversion to
      DocBook for Samba 2.2 was done by Gerald Carter. The conversion to
      DocBook XML 4.2 for Samba 3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.

Samba 3.6 01/22/2012 SMB.CONF(5)